The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

каталанский (каталонский) => английский Медицина (в целом) Translation Glossary

каталанский (каталонский) term английский translation
(F I P) front i perfil
Entered by: Maria Ledran
abonar to confirm
amb entitat no fixades non-fixed
analisi contradictoria second analysis / verification
BiIT or BilT Bilirrubin (total)
Entered by: liz askew
bnco Chronic obstructive bronchopneumonia
bufos heart murmurs
c. arb arbitrary concentration
Entered by: Silvia Brandon-Pérez
C.P. Postcode /Postal code
cal nova mostra a new sample or test is necessary
capula capsule
carp y metacarp carpal and metacarpal
cisternes basals iliures open basal cisterns
Entered by: Sheila Hardie
concgudes or conogudes conegudes
Curs Clínic: Imp. Completa Clinical course: complete printing
Entered by: Emiliano Pantoja
dèbit output | flow rate | discharge volume
desfeta dry eye (syndrome)
dit en resort Hammer toe/trigger toe
DTD Total daily dose
el pròxim parte the next medical certificate
Evoluciò i destinaciò Progress and outcome
extensió citològica cytologic smear
femta stools
Entered by: Andrés Martínez
Fundació Asistencial Mútua Mutual Assistance Foundation
Entered by: Ana Vozone
Hemograma revisat al MO Hemogram (complete blood count) examined by optical microscopy
ICASS Catalan Institute of Healthcare and Social Services
informe MDO Malalties de declaraciò obligatòria / report a/the notifiable disease
isquiosits hystiocytes
metge adjunt associate physician
MTS de decaració obligatoria Notifiable Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD)
natja buttock
No es palpen masses, si pol hepatic de aproximadament 1.5 cm. No tumours/lumps are found on palpation, but there is a hepatic polyp
patró clapejat speckled pattern
penes a penes = scarcely / barely
Pla Plasma
punta vàsteg femoral PTG End of the femoral stem / total knee prosthesis (TKP)
Reaccions recolzament support reactions
realçament (hepatic) enhancement
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