The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

арабский => английский Религия Translation Glossary

арабский term английский translation
مقام كف Shrine of Al-Abbas' Left Palm
مقبلا على was about to get married
Entered by: Haytham Boles
مقتضى الولاية الشرعية pursuant to Shari'ah authority
مقتضى عقد الزواج The essence of marriage contract
من عصمتي by virtue of my matrimonial authority
منكوحات، موطوءات Wives (of consummated or non-consummated marriage)
Entered by: Ahmad Batiran
منهج التحقيق Investigative Approach
منافذ الاستماع listening capacities
Entered by: Mowafak Mohamed
مناهج الدعوة Islamic Preaching Methodologies
مناط التكليف the cornerstone of responsibility/accountability/liability
Entered by: Qatar
مناظير الاستدلال perspectives of inference
Entered by: Muhammad Said
منجمعاً عن الناس kept to himself
منزلة ومكانة سامية a superior and prestigious status
منطقة الفراغ الشرعي Dis­cretionary sphere of the law
مهندس استشاري حر Freelance Consultant Engineer
مهبط الوحي السماوي Seat of divine revelation
ما لا يتم الواجب الا به فهو واجب Should a duty not be fulfilled except by a matter, that matter becomes a duty
ما بال أقوام What is the matter with some people?
ما حدثتْ به نفسَها For thoughts that cross their minds
ما سُل سيف على قاعدة في الإسلام كما سُل على الإمامة No doctrine caused more bloodshed in the history of Islam than the imamate
ما شاء الله GOD Willing...As Allah Wishes
مالاً متقوّمًا valuable assets
مباحث themes
متعاقبة أو متصاحبة Successive or concomitant
مثواهم جهنم Hell will be their abode
مثقال ذهباً Mithqal of gold
مثله Similar to him/to it
Entered by: TargamaT team
مجتمع راسيا vertical Society
Entered by: Muhammad Said
محور السورة Topic/Theme
محاسن الاسلام The Merits of Islam
محرابه (His) Mihrab or niche
محشاً أحشك فيه to provide someone with a shelter / to hide someone
مخرج من الملة takes the person out of the fold of Islam
مدخل للتنصير والاستشراق Introduction to Christianization and Orientalism
مذهب الصحابــي Companion's Doctrine
مراكز متخصصة لتحفيظ القرآن الكريم Holy Quran Memorization Centers
مراقد mausoleums
مربدا للتمر a place for drying dates
مرتهن بعقيقته on lien for his birth sacrifice
مرجعية the Shia leadership body
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