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Искусства, ремесла, живопись, Архитектура, Математика и статистика, Языкознание, ...
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Penelope CerveloNative in испанский (Variants: Venezuelan, Standard-Spain, Canarian)
english, spanish, medicine, medicina, español, inglés, neuroscience, neurociencia, health sciences, ciencias de la salud, ...
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children's books, conference interpreter, immigration translator, airport interpreter, domestic violence, tourism, localization, fast service
4 |
Идиомы / Изречения / Поговорки, Собственные имена и названия, Жаргон, Музыка, ...
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Математика и статистика, Кухня / Кулинария, Полиграфия и издательское дело, Интернет, электронная коммерция, ...
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Fab WorksNative in португальский (Variant: Brazilian)
Many languages, one person. Fast and Professional translation & copyright services.
portuguese, english, italian, spanish, french, poliglot
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Transcriptions, subtitling, booth, proofreading, legal, official documents, NRPSI, Institute of Linguists, National Register, Diploma in Translation, ...
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linguistics, semiology, literature, interpreter, conference interpreter, localization, Spanish, English, Portuguese, Modern Greek, ...
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law, telecommunications, patents, finance, annual reports, express service, engineering