Interpreters » датский => английский » Tech/Engineering » Дипломы, лицензии, сертификаты, резюме

The датский => английский translators listed below specialize in the field of Дипломы, лицензии, сертификаты, резюме. For more search fields, try an advanced search by clicking the link to the right.

19 results (paying members)

Freelance Interpreter native in

Specializes in

Lars Foldager
Lars Foldager
Native in датский (Variant: Standard (rigsdansk)) Native in датский
danish, english, norwegian, german, swedish, creative writer, poetry, health, it, legal, ...
Native in исландский Native in исландский, английский Native in английский
DUX, Translations, North, dux, vikings, Translator, Translation, Korean, Chinese, Japanese, ...
Jan Andre de la Porte
Jan Andre de la Porte
Native in датский Native in датский, английский Native in английский
conference interpreter, interpreter, translator, gastronomy, medical, business, automotive, insurance, IT, Danish, ...
Stephen Mason
Stephen Mason
Native in английский Native in английский
Механика / Инженерная механика, Искусства, ремесла, живопись, Медицина: Кардиология, Электроника / Электротехника, ...
Peter Nygaard
Peter Nygaard
Native in датский (Variant: Standard (rigsdansk)) Native in датский, английский (Variant: US) Native in английский
Danish, computers and software, localization, science, politics, literature, marketing
Alexandra Valbjørn
Alexandra Valbjørn
Native in датский (Variants: Jutlandic, Standard (rigsdansk)) Native in датский, английский (Variants: British, US, UK) Native in английский
English, Danish, French, Icelandic, video games, localization, software, marketing, retail, webshop, ...
Native in датский Native in датский, английский Native in английский
quality, danish, swedish, norwegian, english, software, localization, lifestyle, computers, marketing, ...
Dan khatri
Dan khatri
Native in английский (Variants: Canadian, British, US, UK) Native in английский
English, Russian, Tajik, Uzbek, Danish. Trados 2011, Tradso 2022, Translation, Subtitling, Transcription
Soren Petersen
Soren Petersen
Native in датский Native in датский, английский Native in английский
Danish, Denmark, Ireland, Swedish, Norwegian, Professional, Games, IT, Tourism, Mobile Games, ...
Marie Andersson (Allen)
Marie Andersson (Allen)
Native in шведский Native in шведский
medicine, finance, EU, EWC, literature, IT, law, marketing, sales, social, ...
Yetta Jensen Bogarde
Yetta Jensen Bogarde
Native in датский Native in датский
Danish, English, business, legal, contracts, philosophy, spirituality, religion, engelsk oversættelse, literature, ...
Helle Kaiser-Nielsen
Helle Kaiser-Nielsen
Native in датский Native in датский
legal, contracts, telecoms, IT, finance, prospekt, prospectus, juridisk, law, danish, ...
Dana Sackett Lössl
Dana Sackett Lössl
Native in английский (Variants: UK, US) Native in английский
technical writing, children's books, Danish-English translation, Danish-English translator, editing, proofreading, proofreader, IT, software, localization, ...
Native in хинди Native in хинди, английский Native in английский
Техника (в целом), Компьютеры (в целом)
Zofia Wyszynski
Zofia Wyszynski
Native in английский Native in английский, норвежский (Variant: Bokmål) Native in норвежский
English, French, Norwegian, Danish, Swedish, Scandinavian, German, Dutch, Polish, SDL Trados, ...
Jorunn Magnusdottir
Jorunn Magnusdottir
Native in исландский Native in исландский, английский Native in английский
Icelandic, Danish, English, education, university, students, tourism, travel, USA, Denmark, ...
Hannele Purontakanen
Hannele Purontakanen
Native in датский Native in датский, английский Native in английский
Danish, Swedish, English, Science, Medical, Computer, Localization, Website, Subtitle
Nikolaj Widenmann
Nikolaj Widenmann
Native in датский Native in датский, английский Native in английский
legal translation, contract translation, translation of birth certificate, translation of driver's license, translation of marriage certificate, legal translator, medical translator, medical translation, translation of financial statements, accounting translator, ...
Thomas Krogh
Thomas Krogh
Native in датский 
danish, translator, denmark, DA, dansk, oversætter, EN-DA, DA-EN, nordic, danmark, ...

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Interpreters, like translators, enable communication across cultures by translating one language into another. These language specialists must thoroughly understand the subject matter of any texts they translate, as well as the cultures associated with the source and target language.

Interpreters differ from translators in that they work with spoken words, rather than written text. Interpreting may be done in parallel with the speaker (simultaneous interpreting) or after they have spoken a few sentences or words (consecutive interpreting). Simultaneous interpreting is most often used at international conferences or in courts. Consecutive interpreting is often used for interpersonal communication.