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[View Powwow Report] powwow: Christmas pow-wow in Bristol

December 19, 2009, 1:00 pm
ВеликобританияBristolIn personанглийский
I booked Carluccio's for 8 people at 1 pm on December 19th. Come and celebrate holidays with like-minded language professionals!

Here is the address:

Carluccio's at Cabot Circus
Unit QFSU09
11 Quakers Friars
Cabot Circus

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (21) / Confirmed: 11 / Tentative: 1
Name NoteWill Attend
Sabina Metcalf  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" ...  y
Victoria Porter-Burns   Would love to come over and see you guys again but I have my 'works' Christmas party on 19th so we'll be heading down to the hotel about 2-3ish! I'll look out for the next one. Enjoy!  n
Trinidad Clares Flores   Will definitely be there. Looking forward to it already!  y
Nicola BOTTRELL HAYWARD   Sorry - I'm off visiting the relatives. Have fun!  n
Valeria Aliperta  \"Photographer\" 100% there! Can't wait... love Carluccio's!  y
Ellie Rowe-Parratt   So gutted!! Have to go and work my PT job cos someone else is ill!  n
Daniela Gieseler-Higgs   Sorry - I'm going to Germany for Christmas on the 17th. Have a really great time!  n
Vitaly Kisin   Almost sure I can make it. Love Italian food  n
Sandra Mouton   I'm in. Looking forward to meeting you all!  y
Jorge Alçada   Great idea! Looking forward to it!  y
Ata Arif   Ata Arif, I shall attend. I have just thought about it few days ago.  y
Malgorzata Piotrowska   Thank you very much for inviting me, Sabina! It will be my first powwow and I am looking forward to it. :)  
Alexandra Reuer   I'd love to come, will clear my diary! Looking forward to seeing you there.   y
Ilaria A. Feltre   ...  y
Lisa Davey   I'll be arriving by First Great Western Sleigh. Ho Ho. Looking forward to it.  y
Blanca García-Puente   Hi everybody. I´m considering it as already attending the ITI WRG the week before...!!!  m
Agata Hills   Thanks for the invite. I'd like to come if poss. Is it still ok - you already have quite a few people coming.   
Michael Harris   I am in Caldicot at this time, will try to attend after having participated on the Vienna Powwow / Seminars  n
Sylvie Swindells   Hi everyone I would like to join the powwow another time!  n
Hilary Bruce   Hi everyone. I will be coming too. I hope no one minds, but I'm bringing my 2 daughters with me as we fly in to Bristol that morning.  y
Karine Leroux   Hi all, I'm new to, so this will be a great way to start. I really look forward to it!  y

Postings about this event

Powwow: Bristol - United Kingdom
Sylvie Swindells
Sylvie Swindells  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:12
французский => английский
+ ...
pre-xmas powwow lunch 19/12 Dec 11, 2009

Hi everyone,

I am afraid I could not make it and I wish to meet you all soon.


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