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XML/XLIFF in Wordfast Pro
Автор темы: Britt Laux
Britt Laux
Britt Laux  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:32
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Mar 2, 2011

I have a job offering where I'm supposed to work with XLIFF-files (.xlf). As I had problems doing this in Wordfast Classic, I have now downloaded Wordfast Pro (demo mode). I have tried to rename the files as .xml and open them in Wordfast Pro, but it is not possible. Isn't Wordfast Pro supposed to support xml? Is there anyting I could do to work wiht these files?

Thanks for any help,


Epameinondas Soufleros
Epameinondas Soufleros  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:32
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I don't think so Mar 2, 2011

I think it's not possible to process this file through the (seriously obsolete and not actively developed) Wordfast Pro. You can download memoQ4Free and work with the XLIFF file easily: http://kilgray.com/files/releases/memoQSetup.4.5.67.exe.

[Edited at 2011-03-03 10:27 GMT]

Yasmin Moslem
Yasmin Moslem  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:32
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*.properties file Mar 2, 2011

Britt D. Laux wrote:

Isn't Wordfast Pro supposed to support xml? Is there anyting I could do to work wiht these files?

Dear Britt,

Yes, it is but it requires a conversion rules *.properties file. To open an XML file in Wordfast Pro, you need first to have/create a rules (*.properties) file. Then, go to Edit menu > Preferences > Formats > New > Text-based Filter. Then, use the [...] button to browser for the "Conversion rules" (*.properties) file. Make sure the "Extension" textbox shows *.xml and save the settings (OK). You can change the filter name later. Now, you should be able to open the XML file in WFP (File menu > Open file).

This tutorial illustrates how to prepare a "conversion rules" (*.properties) file to translate XML files in Wordfast Pro:

If you need further help you on that, please feel free to send me the file.

Best regards,
Yasmin Moslem

Wordfast Support Team
www.wordfast.com | www.wordfast.net

[Edited at 2011-03-02 19:02 GMT]

Rodolfo Raya
Rodolfo Raya  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:32
английский => испанский
XLIFF is not just simple XML Mar 3, 2011


XLIFF is a bilingual format, not just plain monolingual XML. You have source text and target text in the same file.

Also, the XLIFF file may contain the TM matches that you need to perform the translation. Unless you use an XLIFF enabled tool, you will not be able to use the matches.


Britt Laux
Britt Laux  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:32
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Автор темы
properties file Mar 3, 2011

Thank you, Yasmin. So the properties file must contain the opening and closing tags that are used in the documents I want to work with? It seems that in my case there are only "source" and "target".

Britt Laux
Britt Laux  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:32
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Автор темы
*.properties is not recognized Mar 3, 2011

Now it seems like Wordfast Pro does not recognize my *.properties file although I renamed it...

Epameinondas Soufleros
Epameinondas Soufleros  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:32
Член ProZ.com c 2008
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It isn't your job to mess with .properties Mar 3, 2011

That's the job of the CAT tool. Wordfast PRO is clearly not up to the task. Honestly, I can't see why they keep offering this application. It's seriously behind the times.

XLIFF is supported by every other CAT tool in the market, so why insist on the arcane process required by Wordfast? You don't want to end up with a file that can't be delivered to the client, do you?

Yasmin Moslem
Yasmin Moslem  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:32
английский => арабский
Target Only Mar 3, 2011

Britt D. Laux wrote:

Thank you, Yasmin. So the properties file must contain the opening and closing tags that are used in the documents I want to work with? It seems that in my case there are only "source" and "target".

Dear Britt,

You will need to translate the "target" tags only, which should be copy-sourced.

1- Does the target include the same text as the source?
2- How is the target opening tag look like exactly?

Many thanks in advance!

You can send me the file to be translated to have a look and advice you if you like.

Best regards,
Yasmin Moslem

Wordfast Support Team
www.wordfast.com | www.wordfast.net

Selcuk Akyuz
Selcuk Akyuz  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:32
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I remember a message Mar 3, 2011


TXML will probably be replaced with XLIFF

Kristyna Marrero
Kristyna Marrero  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:32
Wordfast Pro and XLIFF Mar 3, 2011

Hi Selcuk, Rudolfo and Britt,

Yes, our development team is currently working on the next generation of Wordfast Pro, scheduled to be released in the upcoming months. This version will be XLIFF-based as mentioned in the post Selcuk referenced. Other major features include a redesigned WYSIWYG editor, multilingual project management, advanced concordance searching, full glossary management, and much more.

If anyone is interested in becoming part of our beta testing pro
... See more
Hi Selcuk, Rudolfo and Britt,

Yes, our development team is currently working on the next generation of Wordfast Pro, scheduled to be released in the upcoming months. This version will be XLIFF-based as mentioned in the post Selcuk referenced. Other major features include a redesigned WYSIWYG editor, multilingual project management, advanced concordance searching, full glossary management, and much more.

If anyone is interested in becoming part of our beta testing program, please don't hesitate to contact me directly.



Britt Laux
Britt Laux  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:32
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Автор темы
No I don't want to end up with a file I can't deliver, Mar 4, 2011

that's why I wanted to try this before I start. I'll give it another try when I have time, now I actually have to do some translating.

Thanks to everyone for the answers!


Yasmin Moslem
Yasmin Moslem  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:32
английский => арабский
File, please! Mar 4, 2011

Britt D. Laux wrote:

that's why I wanted to try this before I start. I'll give it another try when I have time, now I actually have to do some translating.

Dear Britt,

If you show me the file, I can tell you if it can be translated by Wordfast Pro or not. If so, I will send you the *.properties file that you can use.

Please fee free to send me the file to be translated.

Best regards,
Yasmin Moslem

Wordfast Support Team
www.wordfast.com | www.wordfast.net

[Edited at 2011-03-04 18:33 GMT]

Britt Laux
Britt Laux  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:32
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Автор темы
Thank you for your help with my xlf file, Yasmin! Mar 14, 2011

With your *.properties file I was able to translate the file directly with Wordfast Pro!

Best regards,

Local time: 01:32
английский => французский
xml in WordFast Pro Jun 21, 2011

Yasmin Moslem wrote:

Britt D. Laux wrote:

Isn't Wordfast Pro supposed to support xml? Is there anyting I could do to work wiht these files?

Dear Britt,

Yes, it is but it requires a conversion rules *.properties file. To open an XML file in Wordfast Pro, you need first to have/create a rules (*.properties) file. Then, go to Edit menu > Preferences > Formats > New > Text-based Filter. Then, use the
tton to browser for the "Conversion rules" (*.properties) file. Make sure the "Extension" textbox shows *.xml and save the settings (OK). You can change the filter name later. Now, you should be able to open the XML file in WFP (File menu > Open file).

This tutorial illustrates how to prepare a "conversion rules" (*.properties) file to translate XML files in Wordfast Pro:

If you need further help you on that, please feel free to send me the file.

Best regards,
Yasmin Moslem

Wordfast Support Team
www.wordfast.com | www.wordfast.net

[Edited at 2011-03-02 19:02 GMT] [/quote]

I am a fairly new user of WordFast Pro and I work for a large company dealing with xml files. I have tried saving the xml file in a .txt format following the steps outlined in the turorial and failed miserably. I am not sure if I am missing a step, but once the file is saved as .txt, I do not see the tags I am supposed to use for the properties file, nor do I understand how I am supposed to save the .txt as a .properties.

Any help would be appreciated.

Also, I was wondering if anyone has any experience in using a program like "Oxygen" to lock in the tags prior to opening the document in WordFast Pro, as opposed to using the conversion rule file.

Thank you!

Yasmin Moslem
Yasmin Moslem  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:32
английский => арабский
Not, the XML Jun 21, 2011

Dear Sophie,

The instructions do not mention converting the XML into a TXT at all! Keep the XML file as is. What you need is to create a (new) *.properties file to load as a filter, you see.

Please try that from this prospective, and if you need help, you can send me an XML example file and I will create the *.properties file for you as an example.

Kind regards,

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XML/XLIFF in Wordfast Pro

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