Master Dissertation: The profession of Translator Автор темы: Mary g
| Mary g английский => итальянский + ...
Hi everybody,
my name is Mariagrazia and I study Translation at Sapienza University of Rome.
Last year I spent a semester at Heidelberg University.
I am just writing my master’s dissertation on the profession of translator and I have to make a comparison between UK, Germany and Italy.
In order to do this, I would need to survey translators coming from this three countries, but it is very diffucult for me to find translators from UK or Germany, sinc... See more Hi everybody,
my name is Mariagrazia and I study Translation at Sapienza University of Rome.
Last year I spent a semester at Heidelberg University.
I am just writing my master’s dissertation on the profession of translator and I have to make a comparison between UK, Germany and Italy.
In order to do this, I would need to survey translators coming from this three countries, but it is very diffucult for me to find translators from UK or Germany, since I am in Italy right now.
Would you be so kind as to help me to fill the questionnaire in or to find other translators?
The questionnarie is anonymous and it will take just 10 minutes to fill it in.
I would be very grateful to you if you could help me.
Best regards,
Mariagrazia De Micco
Please answer the following questions about your studies and your job as translator. The questionnaire is anonymous.
Questions about education
1) Please describe your course of education. What kind of degree did you get? In which university did you study? Did you do a PhD or any other Post Degree courses?
2) Which languages did you study and which are your working languages? Which is your area of specialisation? (Literature, economy, medicine, law).
3) There are many different kinds of translations, some of which require technical knowledge of some specific fields such as economics, law, etc. Did your degree provide for supplementary subjects such as Economics or Law or did you study them on your own?
4) Did you live abroad during your studies? If so, where and how long did you live there? Did you participate in an exchange programme organized by the university or did you go by yourself? Was it obligatory for students to study abroad or did you do it voluntarily?
5) Did you do an internship? If so, where and how long did you do it? Were you paid for it? Did you find it by yourself?
Questions about profession
1) Are you a freelance translator, an in-house translator or do you work for a translation agency?
2) Please describe your activity as translator. How many hours do you work per day? How long does it take you to translate a text?
3) Is translation your main occupation?
4) How long did it take you to find a job as translator?
5) Are you a member of professional bodies or organisations? If so, which were the accession criteria you had to fulfil?
6) How long have you been working as translator?
7) What kind of language resources do you use? (Online dictionaries, Translation Memories, etc.)
General Questions
1) In your opinion, is this job adequately recognised in your country? Which are the main problems concerning this profession?
2) Do you think that this job is more recognized in other countries?
3) In your opinion, are translators accordingly paid?
4) Are you satisfied with your job?
5) What advice would you give someone like me who is trying to become a translator?
5) ▲ Collapse | | | Nicole Schnell США Local time: 23:54 английский => немецкий + ... Памяти Quick question | May 22, 2012 |
How can this survey be anonymous when everyone provides their answers in a forum that is visible all over the world with their names and profiles attached?
Secondly - it takes much longer than 10 minutes to answer your questions. The fascinating thing with translation and translators: We hardly ever fit into any forms. | | | Russell Jones Великобритания Local time: 07:54 итальянский => английский
Anyone wanting to answer anonymously can send their replies via Mariagrazia's profile, as I have just done.
It didn't take more than 10 minutes, though certainly some questions could be answered with an essay if you choose to do so.
If I can find the time, I try to be helpful to aspiring translators. It is only to be expected that some questions show a lack of awareness of the issues.
[Edited at 2012-05-22 18:56 GMT] | | | Nicole Schnell США Local time: 23:54 английский => немецкий + ... Памяти So do I, Russel. | May 22, 2012 |
Russell Jones wrote:
Anyone wanting to answer anonymously can send their replies via Mariagrazia's profile, as I have just done.
It didn't take more than 10 minutes, though certainly some questions could be answered with an essay if you choose to do so.
If I can find the time, I try to be helpful to aspiring translators. It is only to be expected that some questions show a lack of awareness of the issues.
[Edited at 2012-05-22 18:56 GMT]
Which is why I replied to this new topic. That answers can be sent via the profile is a great option! | |
Stefanie Sendelbach Германия Local time: 08:54 Член c 2003 английский => немецкий + ... I just replied | May 22, 2012 |
Hi Mary,
I just sent you a private message with my answers to your questions.
Good luck!
Stefanie | | | Use Google Docs | May 23, 2012 |
Hi Mary,
I suggest you use Google Docs for your survey: they have some really neat tools for electronic forms and, more importantly, you can make it anonymous. Then you can post the link here and ask people to fill it in for you.
Good luck!
[Edited at 2012-05-23 02:05 GMT] | | | neilmac Испания Local time: 08:54 испанский => английский + ... The invisible profession | May 23, 2012 |
Nicole Schnell wrote:
..The fascinating thing with translation and translators: We hardly ever fit into any forms.
So true. I long for the day when I can actually tick a box that says "Translator" instead of "Other"...
I also agree that the survey would get a better response here if it were anonymous. I'll send it via the asker's profile, although I don't know how helpful my own experience will be to anyone.
[Edited at 2012-05-23 06:18 GMT]
Done. I could have gone on for ages about some of the questions...
[Edited at 2012-05-23 06:44 GMT]
I took me about 20 minutes but it could be done in ten. It's best not to get me started sometimes )
[Edited at 2012-05-23 06:45 GMT] | | | To report site rules violations or get help, contact a site moderator: You can also contact site staff by submitting a support request » Master Dissertation: The profession of Translator TM-Town | Manage your TMs and Terms ... and boost your translation business
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