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ProZ.com Conference Buenos Aires 2006 - Registration is open -
Автор темы: Aurora Humarán (X)
Aurora Humarán (X)
Aurora Humarán (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:07
английский => испанский
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Sep 26, 2005

Dear all,

I am very glad to announce that the city of Buenos Aires will host ProZ.com Conference – Buenos Aires 2006.

The Conference will be held on August 25, 26 and 27, 2006.

More information will be soon available at www.baprozconference.com

... See more
Dear all,

I am very glad to announce that the city of Buenos Aires will host ProZ.com Conference – Buenos Aires 2006.

The Conference will be held on August 25, 26 and 27, 2006.

More information will be soon available at www.baprozconference.com


[email protected]


Buenos Aires is eager to welcome all of you!

Agnieszka Hayward (X)
Agnieszka Hayward (X)
Local time: 15:07
немецкий => польский
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Buenos Aires Aug 2006 Sep 26, 2005

sounds too lovely to resist!

[Edited at 2005-09-26 22:58]

Magda Dziadosz
Magda Dziadosz  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:07
Член ProZ.com c 2004
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Looks like... Sep 27, 2005

...you will have a veeery busy year, Aurora!

Good luck!!


Monika Coulson
Monika Coulson  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:07
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This is a dream come true, Au Sep 27, 2005

Dear Aurora,
I am so glad it will be in Buenos Aires next year. This is a dream come true. Count on me and Matt, we will both be there. I am marking the calendar now.


[Edited at 2005-09-27 18:05]

Aurora Humarán (X)
Aurora Humarán (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:07
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Автор темы
=))))) Sep 27, 2005

Monika Coulson wrote:

Dear Aurora,
I am so glad it will be in Buenos Aires next year. This is a dream come true. Count on me and Matt, we will both be there. I am marking the calendar now.


Thank you, Monika. Just remember that you can take the week after the Conference to do some touring (let us not forget that you can extend to September 4th, Labor Day, a holiday in the US).

We will provide some tour information in the page.

I am so excited!


Elena Sgarbo (X)
Elena Sgarbo (X)  Identity Verified
итальянский => английский
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Is the date locked? Sep 28, 2005

Hi Aurora,

This is a great initiative. I'd love to attend -only my kids here will be in full "school mode". For the 2006-07 school year, classes start August 1st

Any chance of moving the BA conference date more towards Summer break (N hemisphere) / Winter break (S hemisphere?). (For us here in the US, even the week of Thanksgiving -in late November- that has been chosen for the Krakow conference is more f
... See more
Hi Aurora,

This is a great initiative. I'd love to attend -only my kids here will be in full "school mode". For the 2006-07 school year, classes start August 1st

Any chance of moving the BA conference date more towards Summer break (N hemisphere) / Winter break (S hemisphere?). (For us here in the US, even the week of Thanksgiving -in late November- that has been chosen for the Krakow conference is more feasible than late August).

This way, perhaps more parents of school-age kids may be able to attend


[Edited at 2005-09-28 13:13]

Ines Garcia Botana
Ines Garcia Botana  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:07
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Good point, Ele! Sep 28, 2005

Elena Sgarbossa wrote:

Any chance of moving the BA conference date more towards Summer break (N hemisphere) / Winter break (S hemisphere?). (For us here in the US, even the week of Thanksgiving -in late November- that has been chosen for the Krakow conference is more feasible than late August).

This way, perhaps more parents of school-age kids may be able to attend

[Edited at 2005-09-28 13:13]

Very good point, Elenita! It would be great to see you again! You will be honoring us all with your presence here for the Conference!

Hope to see you then!


Aurora Humarán (X)
Aurora Humarán (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:07
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Автор темы
Hello Sep 28, 2005

Yes, Elena, the date is locked. Buenos Aires is full of activities in the dates you mention and we would be overlapping with other major congresses/seminars.


protolmach  Identity Verified
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Thanks for taking the initiative!!! Oct 1, 2005

I have been planning this trip for a long time, and always something got in the middle of my plans. This time I am going to make it. Thank you!


Alicia Casal
Alicia Casal  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:07
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Lodging in Buenos Aires- 2006 Conference Oct 3, 2005

In view of the upcoming Conference in Buenos Aires, I d like to offer lodging for one person ( private bedroom+private bathroom).

I live in Belgrano, "La Imprenta", have a dog and I somoke (maybe I quit..)


Russell Jones
Russell Jones  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:07
итальянский => английский
I'm gutted Oct 9, 2005

A visit to Buenos Aires is on my short list of things to do before I die!
But my daughter is getting married on the August 26th.
Please move it to November like the 2004 and 2005 conferences.

Walter Landesman
Walter Landesman  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:07
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Fantástico!! Oct 9, 2005

Hi Aurora,
I`m delighted. I will be there for sure. Besides, if I can be of any help from here, just across the river (in Montevideo), I`ll be glad to do it.

Looking forward to BA-2006.

Walter Landesman

Aurora Humarán (X)
Aurora Humarán (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:07
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Автор темы
Dated is already locked Oct 10, 2005

Russell Jones wrote:

A visit to Buenos Aires is on my short list of things to do before I die!
But my daughter is getting married on the August 26th.
Please move it to November like the 2004 and 2005 conferences.

Dear Russell,

I hear you...

Before making the final decision as to the date I had to analyze all major translation events taking place in Buenos Aires as there are lots of them (Colegio de Traductores Latin American Congress which is held every three years, Fundación Litterae's Jornadas, Universidad de Belgrano's Jornadas, various seminars by the Asociación Argentina de Traductores e Intérpretes, among others).

These days Buenos Aires is an important congress/conference destination and some of the venues are already taken for the whole year. We are looking at 150-plus local participants and this date seemed to be the most adequate one. November would have been a bad choice.

Unfortunately when one is organizing such a big event one cannot please everybody.

You have my word that the day you decide to come to Argentina this Prozian will be your city guide and I will organize a great Russell's Powwow you will never forget.

Kind regards,


Aurora Humarán (X)
Aurora Humarán (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:07
английский => испанский
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Автор темы
Thank you! Oct 10, 2005

Walter Landesman wrote:

Hi Aurora,
I`m delighted. I will be there for sure. Besides, if I can be of any help from here, just across the river (in Montevideo), I`ll be glad to do it.

Looking forward to BA-2006.

Walter Landesman

Thank you SO much, Walter! I will contact you this week as I will certainly need your help!


[Edited at 2005-10-10 00:21]

Roomy Naqvy
Roomy Naqvy  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:37
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Names of airlines Oct 26, 2005

This might be very interesting and I might be a very possible participant. Could I please get names of various airlines flying into Buenos Aires from various parts of the World [US/Europe] so that I could think about travel plans?

Roomy Naqvy--from New Delhi, India

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ProZ.com Conference Buenos Aires 2006 - Registration is open -

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