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ProZ.com Conference Buenos Aires 2006 - Registration is open -
Автор темы: Aurora Humarán (X)
Roomy Naqvy
Roomy Naqvy  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:37
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air routes Oct 26, 2005

I was looking at http://www.mapsofworld.com/world-airroutes-map.htm trying to think of ways of reaching Buenos Aires from New Delhi. I am half the world away!!! Any ideas about the following questions:

1. How far is Buenos Aires from Rio de Janeiro by flight? Any flights between Rio and Buenos Aires?

2. Name of airlines [major?] operating between Buenos Aires a
... See more
I was looking at http://www.mapsofworld.com/world-airroutes-map.htm trying to think of ways of reaching Buenos Aires from New Delhi. I am half the world away!!! Any ideas about the following questions:

1. How far is Buenos Aires from Rio de Janeiro by flight? Any flights between Rio and Buenos Aires?

2. Name of airlines [major?] operating between Buenos Aires and New York, time taken by the flight, [costs?]. There is a New York-New Delhi flight.


Aurora Humarán (X)
Aurora Humarán (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:07
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:-))))))))))))))))) Oct 26, 2005

Roomy Naqvy wrote:

1. How far is Buenos Aires from Rio de Janeiro by flight? Any flights between Rio and Buenos Aires?

Buenos Aires is approx. 3 hours from Rio and there are lots of flights bet' the two cities.

2. Name of airlines [major?] operating between Buenos Aires and New York, time taken by the flight, [costs?]. There is a New York-New Delhi flight.



JL will contact you. Apparently your best choice will be to come via Malpensa (Milano, Italy).


Local time: 10:07
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Lots of events taking place at that time Nov 19, 2005

A quick check through Expedia shows many hotels are already fully booked from Aug 20 to 31 2006.


José Luis Villanueva-Senchuk (X)
José Luis Villanueva-Senchuk (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:07
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Nancy et al. Nov 20, 2005

NancyLynn wrote:

A quick check through Expedia shows many hotels are already fully booked from Aug 20 to 31 2006.


Dear Nancy,

Thank you for your posting.

I would like to clarify some issues.

Europe/US/Canada vaction season goes from June to end of August. Since Buenos Aires is recovering from stagnation and has become a preferred vaction destination as well as an business trip (conference) destination, many hotels are semi-booked (see below) for said time of the yearbut not booked per se. Thus, reservations and care are needed when planning coming to BA. Nevertheless, there are enough beds to handle the three major congresses plus the ProZ.com Conference that are scheduled for August 2006.

A comment likes yours, in good faith, may scare unseasoned travellers. Please remember that some sites in the Web do not project live information. Hotels do give preference to congresses and send a "booked" signal to these sites. But, if you call locally or go the hotels directly, you will see there is +70% free occupancy rate at this time.

I do not think most of the participants that come from overseas will book two weeks before the event. They will do that with time, lots of time. I also think they will first look into the Conference's web site (currently under construction) and talk to the Conference's Travel Agency o send a request for help to the Secretary General. They will know what to do after visiting the page.

Trust me, if you told me you want 400 beds, right now, for August 2006, I will be able to accomodate all your request from 3*** to Luxury hotels with no effort

Have a great day!


José Luis Villanueva-Senchuk (X)
José Luis Villanueva-Senchuk (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:07
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Powwow for the ProZ.com Conference – Buenos Aires 2006 Nov 30, 2005


Conference's preliminary details are coming soon. In the mean time, the powwow has been launched:




Yolanda Broad
Yolanda Broad  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:07
Член ProZ.com c 2000
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How soon should I be trying to make reservations? Dec 3, 2005

This is going to be nip and tuck for Peter, (my husband), because his classes start on the 28th, but this conference is something we have been planning on for a long time, and wouldn't want to miss for world. How soon should we be working on making reservations?

José Luis Villanueva-Senchuk (X)
José Luis Villanueva-Senchuk (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:07
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Congratulations! Dec 3, 2005

Yolanda Broad wrote:

This is going to be nip and tuck for Peter, (my husband), because his classes start on the 28th, but this conference is something we have been planning on for a long time, and wouldn't want to miss for world. How soon should we be working on making reservations?

Dear Yolanda,

Your are the first "official" reservation Your badge will have a 001 on it

If you are looking into flights, please go ahead at do that at your earliest convenience.
I will write privately with some more information.

For the hotel, please give us around 10 days or so and we will send you some detailed information. We are about to close down a deal with a potential venue (nice hotel.)

Information on ProZ.com Conference site and on the Conference's own site will soon be available to all.


[Edited at 2005-12-03 21:03]

Aurora Humarán (X)
Aurora Humarán (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:07
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Автор темы
Plans Dec 6, 2005

Ave, ProZians!

Those of you who are planning to come to the BA Conference 2006 (even if you are not 100% sure at the moment) kindly send me an email to [email protected]

Hope many of you will be able to make it!


Aurora Humarán (X)
Aurora Humarán (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:07
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Wish list... Dec 13, 2005


Hello everybody!

I have a favor to ask...

Which subjects would you like to see reflected in the program for Proz.com Conference Buenos Aires 2006?

Do not reply here. I will appreciate your sending me an e-mail to:

[email protected]

Thank you!
... See more

Hello everybody!

I have a favor to ask...

Which subjects would you like to see reflected in the program for Proz.com Conference Buenos Aires 2006?

Do not reply here. I will appreciate your sending me an e-mail to:

[email protected]

Thank you!


ps: this is a first 'draft' and contact. You will be able to provide suggestions in the conference page here, at the site, very soon.

[Edited at 2005-12-16 18:20]

José Luis Villanueva-Senchuk (X)
José Luis Villanueva-Senchuk (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:07
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Special guest from Croatia Dec 17, 2005

Our colleague from Coratia, Ivan Lajnvas, will be here in Buenos Aires. He was the winner at the drawing. More info at http://www.proz.com/topic/40373 (http://www.proz.com/forum/23)


Aurora Humarán (X)
Aurora Humarán (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:07
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Inaugural Speaker - Dr. Pedro Luis Barcia Dec 25, 2005

Dr. Pedro Luis Barcia, President of the Academia Argentina de Letras (corresponding member of the Real Academia Española) will give the Inaugural Speech of ProZ.com Conference - Buenos Aires 2006.

Aurora Humarán (X)
Aurora Humarán (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:07
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ProZ.com Conference Buenos Aires 2006 - Fees and Registration Feb 8, 2006

Dear ProZmates,

Many of you have contacted me to register in the coming conference. Registration fee and more information will be soon available. For your info, the 19 proZians that appear as registered are either ProZ.com staff, speakers or members of the organizing committee.

You will be notified in this same thread once registration is open.

Thank you!

See more
Dear ProZmates,

Many of you have contacted me to register in the coming conference. Registration fee and more information will be soon available. For your info, the 19 proZians that appear as registered are either ProZ.com staff, speakers or members of the organizing committee.

You will be notified in this same thread once registration is open.

Thank you!



Aurora Humarán (X)
Aurora Humarán (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:07
английский => испанский
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On August 25, 2006 ... let's meet here! Mar 2, 2006



ProZ.com Conference Buenos Aires 2006

Aurora Humarán (X)
Aurora Humarán (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:07
английский => испанский
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Автор темы
May I have your attention please? Mar 2, 2006

We are about to open the registration for Proz.com Conference Buenos Aires 2006.


Aurora Humarán (X)
Aurora Humarán (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:07
английский => испанский
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Автор темы
Registration is open Mar 6, 2006

Those of you who plan to come to ProZ.com Conference Buenos Aires 2006 are kindly invited to register here:


If you have any questions, contact me here

[email protected]

See you in August!

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Those of you who plan to come to ProZ.com Conference Buenos Aires 2006 are kindly invited to register here:


If you have any questions, contact me here

[email protected]

See you in August!


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ProZ.com Conference Buenos Aires 2006 - Registration is open -

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