Над чем работают переводчики

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Над каким переводческим проектом вы работаете прямо сейчас?
mina kuttner, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

March 30, 2020, I was working on a post-editing of a financial report. Besides editing the English translated text, I was asked also to correct the "corrupted Hebrew characters" - the source. I delivered the final product on the same day at 11:30 pm, but without correcting the "corrupted Hebrew characters." The reasons were as follows: According to the instructions, the corrupted “native characters” could be detected by “referring to the original file, “ which, according to the tips, should be either in the PDF or a file called “OCR, from which the Hebrew “characters” had been converted to the segments. Unfortunately, the files mentioned above were not sent to me. Since I didn’t have a source for comparison, I tried to change the Hebrew characters that seemed corrupted to me, but technically I couldn’t do it. These corruptions appeared in Hebrew sentences in which Latin characters or Arabic numbers were inserted. Even though the corrupted Hebrew sentences were not corrected, my English editing took into account the correct version of the Hebrew segments. I did such post-editing in the past for your company, particularly in 2017-18, and was asked not to correct the Hebrew text. It would have been much easier If I had been sent the original PDF together with the segments. Nowadays, most of the tasks that I am receiving for translation are in PDF format.


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