Événement virtuel français Dec 4, 2013 Search registrants See also: Translation company directory | Freelance translator directoryResults (453) (Members shown first) |
Checked in | Maryse Picher Translator Clinical/Pharma Канада Native in английский , французский Freelancer | 34 years of experience |
| Checked in | Irina Lazarescu bridging people and ideas Румыния Native in румынский Freelancer | Romanian Ministry of Culture - Central Commission for Granting Translator Certificates, Romanian Ministry of Justice, OTHER-Romanian Ministry of Justice and Romanian Ministry of Culture, Certified Translator, EN 15038, Notary approved, 30 years of experience |
| Checked in | | VOLVO POWERTRAIN, Saint-Priest, FRANCE, MA-University Jean Moulin Lyon 3 (France), SFT, 14 years of experience |
| Checked in | | 17 years of experience |
| Checked in | | 30 years of experience |
| Checked in | Philippe Maillard Accuracy first Бразилия Native in французский (Variants: Standard-France, Belgian) , английский (Variant: UK) Freelancer | 36 years of experience |
| Checked in | Sandra Gianesini French mother tongue/20 years experience Италия Native in французский (Variants: Standard-France, Swiss) , итальянский (Variant: Standard-Italy) Freelancer | MA-Università degli studi di Roma Tre, 22 years of experience |
| Checked in | Paula Santiago Degree in Medical Translation Франция Native in французский (Variant: Standard-France) Freelancer | Université Lumière Lyon 2, Lyon, France, MA-Université Lumière Lyon II, SFT, 21 years of experience |
| Checked in | Sheila Wilson 20 years producing 100% natural English Испания Native in английский (Variant: British) Freelancer | Bio: British EFL trainer, translator and proofreader/copy-editor now living in Fuerteventura after spending 15 years in France |
| Checked in | | Associazione Italiana Traduttori e Interpreti, Agenzia formativa tuttoEUROPA, MA-Agenzia formativa tuttoEUROPA, Torino, Italy, 21 years of experience |
| Checked in | Sabine König Spezialistin für die Schweiz Native in французский (Variants: Standard-France, Swiss) Freelancer and outsourcer | Université de Strasbourg - Institut de Traducteurs, d’Interprètes et de Relations Internationales, MA-nstitut de Traducteurs, d'Interprètes et de Relations Internationales, Strasbourg, 30 years of experience |
| Checked in | ChrisGT Канада Native in французский (Variant: Canadian) Freelancer | American Translators Association, BA-École de Traduction de l'Université de Montréal, Montréal, Québec, Canada, ATA, 48 years of experience |
| Checked in | karine-trad writing skills Франция Native in французский (Variant: Standard-France) Freelancer | 20 years of experience |
| Checked in | Sonia Koprivica Finance,Legal,ESG Regulations&Compliance Испания Native in французский (Variant: Standard-France) Freelancer | ESC TOULOUSE, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 15 years of experience |
| Checked in | carmaj Reliable and motivated Франция Native in французский Freelancer | French "National Education", MA-Angers Catholic University, SFT, 41 years of experience |
| Checked in | Josip M. Korbar Specialist for technical translations Native in немецкий (Variant: Germany) Freelancer and outsourcer | Universität Hildesheim, Germany, Diplom, MA-Universität Hildesheim, ITI, ADÜ Nord, tekom, 30 years of experience |
| Checked in | Jan Duinstra Financial skill Франция Native in голландский Freelancer | OTHER, 23 years of experience |
| Checked in | Kévin Bacquet Votre allié qualité Франция Native in французский Freelancer | Université Lille III, MA-M2 Specialized Multilingual Translation and Project Management, 16 years of experience |
| Checked in | ISABELLE BELPOIS From technical to sustainable Франция Native in французский Freelancer | 20 years of experience |
| Checked in | Myriam Garçon Ribosomes are my inspiration Native in французский Freelancer | 25 years of experience |
| Checked in | Cristèle Gillet Over 20 years of accuracy Франция Native in французский (Variant: Swiss) Freelancer | MA, 31 years of experience |
| Checked in | | Roskilde University, Denmark, MA-Roskilde University, 36 years of experience |
| Checked in | | OTHER-Institut Supérieur d'Interprétariat et de Traduction Paris, 18 years of experience |
| | Isabelle DELEBARRE Known responsiveness & professionalism Испания Native in французский Freelancer | MA-University Lille III, 32 years of experience |
| | | ExpertRating Global Certifications, 39 years of experience |
| | Ysabel Native in французский Freelancer | Université Catholique de l'Ouest, Institut de Langues Vivantes, Université de Strasbourg - Institut de Traducteurs, d’Interprètes et de Relations Internationales |
| | Juan Salanova You can rely on my Spanish Испания Native in испанский (Variant: Standard-Spain) Freelancer | University of Zaragoza, Escuela Oficial de Idiomas, MA-University of Zaragoza, 24 years of experience |
| | Valérie Galichon Accuracy, , flexibilty and Friendly! Германия Native in французский Freelancer | Asociación Argentina de Traductores e Intérpretes, 25 years of experience |
| | | Bio: Project Manager - Atelierul de traduceri, Romania
Former freelance translator |
| | | BA-Rennes University, 20 years of experience |
| | Farah Chengly Traductrice et correctrice ES/AR>FR Испания Native in французский , арабский Freelancer | MA-Instituto Universitario de Lenguas Modernas y Traductores. Facultad de Filología, Universidad Complutense de Madrid , ASETRAD, 13 years of experience |
| | | Université Lille 3, MA-Université Lille 3 (France), SFT, 24 years of experience |
| | Barbara Hubert 20 years in Arts/Culture,Medical,Tourism Германия Native in немецкий Freelancer | Oberschulamt Karlsruhe (staatl. Prüfung), German Courts, Bundesverband der Dolmetscher und Übersetzer, OTHER-staatl. gepr. Übersetzerin (Oberschulamt Karlsruhe), BDÜ, 27 years of experience |
| | Beatriz G. Technical translations Испания Native in испанский (Variant: Standard-Spain) Freelancer | Escuela Oficial de Idiomas, Escuela Oficial de Idiomas, GD-INTERNATIONAL HOUSE, 17 years of experience |
| | Cécile A.-C. Your true language partner США Native in португальский (Variant: Brazilian) , французский (Variant: Standard-France) Freelancer | Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, MA-Universidade Domitia - Perpignan - France, ATA, 26 years of experience |
| | Madeleine Rossi Medical Disaster risk NGO governance Швейцария Native in французский (Variants: Standard-France, Swiss) Freelancer | American Translators Association, 20 years of experience |
| | milena ferrante specialized in finance, music, marketing Native in итальянский Freelancer | Honours degree in Modern Languages, at Milan State, 25 years of experience |
| | Ninon Dion Trustworthy French Canadian Linguist Канада Native in французский (Variant: Canadian) Freelancer and outsourcer | Certificat en Traduction, UQTR, OTHER-Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, ATA, 14 years of experience |
| | Christelle67 (X) Sprachlösungen für den Erfolg Германия Native in немецкий , французский | staatlich geprüfte Übersetzerin (gut bestanden), AKAD University, 14 years of experience |
| | Antonella Fontana Quality - respect of agreed deadlines Native in итальянский Freelancer | MA-State University of Milan - Doctor in Political Sciences - with a specialization in "International Private Law" and a final essay discussed with the professor of "English and American Law", 29 years of experience |
| Checked in | Carola BAYLE Bilingual freelancer DEFR since 1990 Франция Native in немецкий , французский (Variants: Standard-France, Swiss) Freelancer | Bio: Freelance translator and interpretor DE<>FR and EN>Fr since 1990. Message: I have been using Trados and Multiterm since 1999 and I am always interested in the evolution and new features of SDL products. |
| Checked in | caleigh French translator Франция Native in французский (Variant: Standard-France) Freelancer | GD-Nice University France, 12 years of experience |
| Checked in | Zubi R No omitir, no añadir, no adulterar Испания Native in испанский , арабский (Variant: Moroccan) Freelancer | Universidad de Granada, BA-Traducción e Interpretación Francés |
| Checked in | Sylvie Camus-Gray English to French translator and proofer Native in французский Freelancer | New York University - School of Continuing and Professional Studies, GD-NYU, ATA, NYCT, 13 years of experience |
| Checked in | Khadhé High Quality Technical Translations Native in французский (Variants: Canadian, Standard-France) Freelancer | Society of Translators and Interpreters of British Columbia, CTTIC, STIBC, 28 years of experience |
| Checked in | Pascale Pluton client satisfaction before quick money Нидерланды Native in французский Freelancer | Netherlands Translators School of Maastricht, BA-Hogeschool Zuyd - Maastricht - NL, 26 years of experience |
| Checked in | Nora Cuter rápida y responsable Аргентина Native in испанский Freelancer | Alliance française (Paris), OTHER-Alliance Française (Paris, France), 35 years of experience |
| Checked in | ILARIA ICARDI Web and social media marketing expert Италия Native in итальянский Freelancer | Verbum - Scuola Superiore per mediatori Linguistici, MA-UNIVERSITA' DI TORINO, 13 years of experience |
| Checked in | KHALDUN ALQAYSI conference interpreter FRENAR Объединенные Арабские Эмираты Native in арабский (Variant: Jordanian) Freelancer | Certificate of Appreciation from Qordoba Translati, Jordan University of Science and Technology , BA-University of Jordan , ATA, 24 years of experience |
| Checked in | dodaudon Native in французский Freelancer | California Court Registered, US State Department |
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