241 registrants

Conférence Virtuelle Française ProZ.com

Jul 19, 2012

Virtual conference speakers

Alessia Vonau — Business coach
Alessia Vonau is a sales accelerator who shares her talent with solo entrepreneurs and small business owners who wish to develop their business. After obtaining a PhD in cognitive psychology in 1997, she demonstrated her value as a trainer, sales representative and sales director in a training compa... read more »
Anne-Charlotte Perrigaud holds a Master of Arts in French and English Translation (ULIP, University of London). She is a freelance translator specialising in IT security and legal issues in the IT field. She started her freelance business in France in 2003, and in 2012 she began training translators... read more »
This speaker is also a ProZ.com professional trainer. See the training courses they offer »
Amanda Grey — The Word Perfectionist!
25 ans d'expérience en traduction technique du français vers l'anglais, gérante d'une petite entreprise de 3 salariés proposant des formations en anglais et en TAO. Utilisatrice de TO3000 depuis 2006.
Gareth Wilson — Traducteur indépendant et formateur

Gareth Wilson est traducteur indépendant à temps plein depuis plus de 16 ans. Il est basé en France. Il est également intervent extérieur, depuis 7 ans, à l'Université de Lille 3 où il forme les étudiants en 2ème année du Master en Traduction spécialisée multilingue à ... read more »

John Di Rico — Traducteur financier et formateur Wordfast
John Di Rico began translating in 2005 and specializes in financial translation and marketing from French to English. He currently works for Wordfast as the Sales and Training Manager and does translation through is company ApexTra. He is a ... read more »
This speaker is also a ProZ.com professional trainer. See the training courses they offer »