Рабочие языковые пары:
английский => русский
русский => английский
французский => русский

Liudmila Tarasova
Translation of the best quality

Georgetown, Ontario, Канада
Местное время: 11:26 EST (GMT-5)

Родные языки: русский 
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Тип членства Независимый письменный и/или устный переводчик, Identity Verified Пользователь, чья личность удостоверена
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Услуги Translation, Interpreting, Editing/proofreading, Software localization, Transcription, Training
Области специализации:
Сельское хозяйствоИскусства, ремесла, живопись
Финансы (в целом)Биология (биотехника, биохимия, микробиология)
Дипломы, лицензии, сертификаты, резюмеЮриспруденция: Контракты
Образование / ПедагогикаЯзыкознание
Медицина: ЗдравоохранениеЖурналистика

английский => русский - Расценка: 0.08 - 0.10 USD за слово / 40 - 60 USD в час
русский => английский - Расценка: 0.08 - 0.10 USD за слово / 40 - 60 USD в час
французский => русский - Расценка: 0.08 - 0.10 USD за слово / 40 - 60 USD в час
французский => английский - Расценка: 0.08 - 0.10 USD за слово / 40 - 60 USD в час

All accepted currencies U. S. dollars (usd)
Активность в KudoZ (PRO) Ответов: 2
Записи этого пользователя на Blue Board  0 отзывов
Payment methods accepted Карта Visa, Карта MasterCard, PayPal
Образование в области перевода Master's degree - St Petersburg State University
Стаж Переводческий стаж, лет: 28. Дата регистрации на ProZ.com: Jun 2015.
ProZ.com Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Дипломы английский => русский (Association of Translators and Interpreters of Ontario)
французский => английский (Saratov State University)
французский => русский (Saratov State University)
русский => английский (Association of Translators and Interpreters of Ontario)
Членство в ассоциациях ATIO, ATIO
Программное обеспечение Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, DejaVu, Idiom, J-CAT, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office Pro, Microsoft Word, SmartCat, Powerpoint, Smartling, Trados Studio
CV/Resume английский (DOCX)
Кодекс профессиональной деятельности Liudmila Tarasova поддерживает ProZ.com's Профессиональный кодекс (v1.1).
Биографические данные
Hello, dear friends.

Let me introduce myself.

I am a highly-experienced translator with over 20 years of being in that business. I graduated from St Petersburg State University and obtained a Master's Degree in Translation (English-Russian-French), Germanic Philology and TESL in 1998, but my first translations (in Psychology, Education and Teaching) were published by 'Piter' Publishing House (St Petersburg, Russia) even before my graduation, in 1996.

Since those times, I have been keeping developing my skills and widening my experience by taking part in different projects including various areas such as Biology (Microbiology as well), Engineering, Agriculture, Computers, Programming, Education, Art, Tourism, Medicine and some other spheres. Working as a translator/interpreter for a tourist agency, I am very professional at document and correspondence translation. Being a philologist, I translate fiction literature as well.

In addition, I work as a writer/reporter for a local Canadian magazine (Milton Villager), my articles are regularly published, and I am not only an excellent English grammar user but also familiar with local spoken language and slang.

Considering my native language, which is Russian, I was educated in the city of St Petersburg, which is the city of the Russian literary norm, so my Russian is of a very high standard.

I am a member of ATIO (Association of Translators and Interpreters of Ontario) as well as a member of the Russian Association of Translators.

I am ready and willing to start our cooperation and looking forward to participating in your projects.
Ключевые слова Russian, English, French, technology, engineering, medicine, art, literature, software, agriculture. See more.Russian, English, French, technology, engineering, medicine, art, literature, software, agriculture, science, biology, sites, tales, correspondence, contracts, documents. See less.

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Dec 26, 2020