Член ProZ.com с Jun '02

Рабочие языковые пары:
английский => турецкий
турецкий => английский
немецкий => турецкий
арабский => турецкий
азербайджанский => турецкий

Kagan Ocak
Accredited & Certified Translator

Izmir, Izmir, Турция
Местное время: 10:13 +03 (GMT+3)

Родные языки: турецкий Native in турецкий
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13 positive reviews
What Kagan Ocak is working on
Apr 23, 2020 (posted via ProZ.com):  Just finished several Power of attorneys, articles of incorporation and corporate registration documents Turkish to English certified translation for a Turkish company to start a subsidiary in the overseas, 11.000 words. ...more »
Total word count: 0

Сообщение пользователя
When you want it done right
Тип членства Независимый письменный и/или устный переводчик, Identity Verified Личность удостоверена
Принадлежность к компании
Услуги Translation, Interpreting, Editing/proofreading, Website localization, Software localization, Voiceover (dubbing), Subtitling, MT post-editing, Transcription, Training, Desktop publishing, Project management, Vendor management, Sales, Operations management
Области специализации:
Бухгалтерский учетБизнес / Коммерция (в целом)
Дипломы, лицензии, сертификаты, резюмеКосметика, парфюмерия
ЭкономикаФинансы (в целом)
ИсторияМеждународные организации и сотрудничество
Юриспруденция: КонтрактыРелигия

английский => турецкий - Расценка: 0.20 - 0.30 USD за слово / 75 - 120 USD в час
турецкий => английский - Расценка: 0.20 - 0.30 USD за слово / 75 - 120 USD в час
немецкий => турецкий - Расценка: 0.20 - 0.30 USD за слово / 75 - 120 USD в час
арабский => турецкий - Расценка: 0.20 - 0.30 USD за слово / 75 - 120 USD в час
азербайджанский => турецкий - Расценка: 0.20 - 0.30 USD за слово / 75 - 120 USD в час

All accepted currencies Euro (eur), Pounds sterling (gbp), Turkish Lira (try), U. S. dollars (usd)
Активность в KudoZ (PRO) Очки PRO: 110, Ответов: 124, Вопросов: 32
Записи этого пользователя на Blue Board  0 отзывов
Payment methods accepted Банковский перевод, PayPal, Почтовый денежный перевод, WesternUnion, International Wire Transfer | Send a payment via ProZ*Pay
Портфолио Представленные образцы переводов: 2
Образование в области перевода Master's degree - University of Utah
Стаж Переводческий стаж, лет: 33. Дата регистрации на ProZ.com: Sep 2001. Член ProZ.com c Jun 2002.
ProZ.com Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Дипломы английский => турецкий (TR-Izmir 1st through 21st Notary Public Offices)
английский => турецкий (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints)
английский => турецкий (Diploma)
Членство в ассоциациях N/A
Программное обеспечение Adobe Acrobat, DejaVu, Frontpage, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Pagemaker, Powerpoint, ProZ.com Translation Center, Trados Studio

URL персональной страницы http://www.supertercuman.com
Кодекс профессиональной деятельности Kagan Ocak поддерживает ProZ.com's Профессиональный кодекс.
Биографические данные
Linguistics & Translation Official sworn translator for Turkish/English since 1991. Operated a translation business in Izmir Turkey between 1992-1995 during which time translated thousands of pages in various subjects including medical, legal and business related materials. Also worked for the US based LDS translation department as a contracted translator between 1994-1998 and completed translation and language review of more than 25,000 pages of curriculum materials. I have been providing Turkish translation services to several US companies on contractual basis. Currently working as a consultant for an energy company and doing translations relevant to solar and wind energy plants, Hydroelectric Dam Construction, their feasibility reports and Environmental Impact Assessments from Turkish into English.
Ключевые слова yeminli tercüman, çevirmen, diploma tercümesi, transkript tercümesi, izmir tercüme, tercüme izmir, izmir çeviri, çeviri izmir, izmir yeminli tercüman, izmir noter tasdikli tercüme. See more.yeminli tercüman, çevirmen, diploma tercümesi, transkript tercümesi, izmir tercüme, tercüme izmir, izmir çeviri, çeviri izmir, izmir yeminli tercüman, izmir noter tasdikli tercüme, diploma tercümesi, transkript tercümesi, nüfus kayıt örneği tercümesi, pasaport tercümesi, muvafakatname tercümesi, boşanma kararı tercümesi, mahkeme kararı tercümesi, sağlık raporu tercümesi, ingilizce tercüme, ingilizce Çeviri, izmirde ingilizce, izmirde, ingilizce tercüme, Ingilizce Türkçe, ingilizce çeviri, ingilizce türkçe çeviri, türkçeden ingilizceye çeviri, ingilizceden türkçeye çeviri, Türkçe ingilizce tercüme, izmir tercüme, çeviri ingilizce tercüme, ingilizce tercüme izmir, yeminli ingilizce, ingilizce türkçe çeviri, türkçe ingilizce çeviri, Teknik ingilizce Tercüme, Tibbi ingilizce tercüme, Hukuki ingilizce tercüme, ticari ingilizce tercüme, acil ingilizce Tercüme, ingilizce web sitesi tercüme, ingilizce Edebi Tercüme, ingilizce, türkçe, english, turkish, tercüme, tercüman, çeviri, çevirmen, translation, translator, language, dil, lisan, online, Ingilizce, Ispanyolca, Almanca, Fransizca, Italyanca, Rusça, Arapça, Flemenkçe, Yunanca, Bulgarca, Romence, Ukraynaca, Çince, Japonca, Korece, yeminli tercüme hizmeti, tercüme, ingilizce, ingilizce tercüme, ingilizce çeviri, ingilizce tercüme bürosu, tercüme bürosu, Türkçe Ingilizce Cümle Çeviri, Ingilizce Türkçe Online Cümle Çeviri, Türkçe Ingilizce Tercüme, Türkçe ingilizce Çeviri, Ingilizce Türkçe Metin Çeviri, Ingilizce Çeviri ve Tercüme, çeviri, tercüme, türkçe çeviri, ingilizce türkçe çeviri, ingilizce sözlük, tercüman, tercümanlik, ingilizce türkçe çeviri, ingilizce tercüme, Tercüme Bürolari, Yeminli Tercüme Bürolari, izmir tercüme bürosu, izmir tercüme bürolari, izmir tercüme hizmeti, ingilizce tercüme, almanca tercüme, fransizca, rusça, arapça, tercüme, italyanca, ispanyolca, japonca, çince, Fast, reliable and affordable translations over 10 years. Business manager, technical, electrical, mechanical, patent, business, marketing, insurance, Framemaker, Coreldraw, MS-Office, Trados, SDLX metallurgy, electronics, machine engineering, automotive, plastics, textile machinery, contract automation, pipe, wire production, KFZ, Automobil, Computer, EDV, Software, Hardware, Elektronik, Elektrik, Machinen, Türkish, Türkisch, English, German, French, Englisch, Deutsch, Französisch, translator, Übersetzer, traducteur, interprète, interpreter, Dolmetscher, translation, translating, traduction, Übersetzungen, Übersetzen, interpretation, simultanée, interprétariat, interpreting, Dolmetschen, Simultandolmetschen, Simultandolmetscher, Konsekutivdolmetschen, Konsekutivdolmetscher, Konferenzdolmetschen, Konferenzdolmetscher, conference interpreter, simultaneous, consecutive, simultan, konsekutiv, architecture, construction, civil, structural, engineering, Architektur, Bauwesen, Hochbau, Tiefbau, building materials, Baustoffe, quarrying, aggregates, Zuschlagstoffe, industrial minerals, Industriemineralien, mineral extraction, Mineralgewinnung, cardiology, cardiac, heart surgery, Kardiologie, Herzchirurgie, medical, Medizin, pharma, legal, Recht, contracts, Verträge, business, Wirtschaft, finance, Finanzen, annual reports, Geschäftsberichte, financial statements, reporting, Jahresabschluss, Jahresabschlüsse, accounting, balance sheet, bilan, Bilanzierung, Bilanzen, Rechnungslegung, Rechnungswesen, Buchhaltung, Finanzberichterstattung, marketing, market research, Marktforschung, IT, information, documentation, Dokumentation, library, Bibliotheken, librarianship, Bibliothekswesen, politics, Politik, current affairs, EU, EEC, EC, Europe, European, Union, Community, natural sciences, automobile, computer, software, telecommunications, çevirmen, sözlü, fuar, konferans, teknik, çeviri, Almanya, uygun fiyata, teknik, bilimsel, conference interpreter, fast service, hızlı hizmet, conveying, contracts, certificates, , Fördertechnik, Maschinenbau, Elektrotechnik/Elektronik, Verträge, Patente, Urkundenübersetzung, türkisch, türkisch übersetzung, englisch-türkisch, türkisch-englisch, Turkish translator, voiceover, sdlx, catalyst, alchemy, trados, wordfast, localization, Turkey, Izmir, translator, freelancer, yerelleştirme, makine mühendisi, localization engineer, voiceover artist, tour guide, ingilizce, çevirmen, tercüman, yeminli tercüman, lokalizasyon, yerelleştirme, localizer, localized, turkish localization, turkish translation, traduzioni turco, locstudio, türkische übersetzungen, izmir, Property Resouce Bundle Editor, Lingobit Localizer, LocStudio, TextPad, SC Unipad, interpreter, turkish interpreting, turkish interpretation, turkish translation, translate to turkish, translate into turkish, translate from turkish, german-turkish, english-turkish, turkish-english, italiano-turco, turco-italiano, deutsch-türkisch, türkisch-deutsch, türkische übersetzer, übersetzungen, diploma, ehliyet, almanca, deutsch, sözleşme, iktisat, işletme, teknik, transport, spor, sigorta, tekstil, boşanma, karar, yerelleştirme, hızlı hizmet, ekonomik hizmet, proof reading, freelancer, freelance, freelance translator, translation, interpreting, voiceovers, tuition, teaching, training, proofreading, editing, transcription, telemarketing, research, german language services, your professional partner for german language services, arts, humanities, business, commercial, correspondence, management, marketing, personnel, human resources, HR, staatlich geprüfte, freiberuflicher übersetzer, freiberufliche übersetzerin, übersetzen, dolmetschen, korrekturlesen, editieren, redigieren, lektorat, sekretariatsdienste, sprachunterricht, transkriptionen, unternehmensführung, humanressourcen, human resources, personal, personalwesen, wirtschaft, handelskorrespondenz, skype, business, financial, economic, annual report, ipo, banking, insurance, legal, trados, brochure, certified, circular, prospectus, investment, accounting, financial statements, Geschäftsbericht, Bankwesen, Versicherung, Recht, Beglaubigung, Rechnungslegung, Rechnungswesen, Jahresabschlüsse, Dolmetscher, Übersetzer, Übersetzung, Deutsch, Türkisch, Büro, Simultan, Simültane, Almanca, tercüman, cevirmen, Çevirmen, Çeviri, Teknik, Hukuk, Recht, Istanbul, Konferenz, Management, Literatur, Gericht, Film, Katalog, Holzbearbeitungsmaschine, Metalbearbeitungsmaschine, Reperaturleitfaden, Selbststudienprogramm, Instandhaltung, Textill, Automobilindustrie, German, Deutsch, Türkisch, Englisch, English, Übersetzung, Translation, Çeviri, Tercüme, Verträge, Marketing, Geschäft, Handel, Investition, Sicherheit, Handelsmarken, Copyrights, Electrical Engineer, Elektroingenieur PLC, SPS Speicherprogrammierbare Steuerungen Electrical Safety, Elektrische Sicherheit International Approvals, Internationale Zulassungen, Material Safety Data Sheets, Sicherheitsdatenblätter, Electrical Power Supply, Elektrische Stromversorgung, Railway installations, Eisenbahnanlagen, CE Conformity Declaration, CE, Konformitäts-Erklärung, Railways - Eisenbahn Construction, Anlagenbau, Switchgears - Schaltanlagen Dentistry, Zahnheilkunde, manuals, catalogues, bulletins, heat, devices, pumps, energy, gasses, mechanical devices, standards, Euro norm, education, science, maths, science, physics, agriculture, environment, economy, computers, industrial and mechanical engineering, civil engineering, casting, presurrized vessels, commercial letters, customs, transportation and internationl trade, legal documents, medical documents, notary public documents, attorneys, health, medical instruments, law, manufacturing, electronic, construction, nuclear eng, mining, minerals, contracts, marketing, management, patents, trade marks, court decisions, botany, environment, balance sheets, geography, transport, advertising, taxation, geography, petroleum eng, retail, metallurgy, power generation, certificates, diplomas, licenses, cvs, matals, plastic, ceramics, business, commerce, conversation, greetings, letters, ships, Rehber, Reiseleiter, graduate, dental technology, zahnmedizin, dental teknoloji, dental, medicine, medizin, , reklam, werbung, telecommunication, telekommunikation, telekomüniskasyon, trados, fachübersetzungen, fachübersetzerin, proofreading, korrektorat, lektorat, translation, tercüme, adaptionen, business, localization, lokalisierung, lokalizasyon, assembly instructions, brochures, catalogs, estimate, contracts, documentation, package inserts, presentations, sales materials, tender documents, studies, web sites, websites, website, ausschreibungen, anzeigen, packungsbeilagen, präsentationen, dokumentationen, packungsbeilagen, Kino, Film, Fernsehen, Theater, Roman, Buch technical, electrical, mechanical, patent, business, marketing, insurance, Framemaker, Coreldraw, MS-Office, Trados, SDLX metallurgy, electronics, machine engineering, automotive, plastics, textile machinery, contract automation, pipe, wire production, KFZ, Automobil, Computer, EDV, Software, Hardware, Elektronik, Elektrik, Machinen, Türkish, Türkisch, English, German, French, Englisch, Deutsch, Französisch, translator, Übersetzer, traducteur, interprète, interpreter, Dolmetscher, translation, translating, traduction, Übersetzungen, Übersetzen, interpretation, simultanée, interprétariat, interpreting, Dolmetschen, Simultandolmetschen, Simultandolmetscher, Konsekutivdolmetschen, Konsekutivdolmetscher, Konferenzdolmetschen, Konferenzdolmetscher, conference interpreter, simultaneous, consecutive, simultan, konsekutiv, architecture, construction, civil, structural, engineering, Architektur, Bauwesen, Hochbau, Tiefbau, building materials, Baustoffe, quarrying, aggregates, Zuschlagstoffe, industrial minerals, Industriemineralien, mineral extraction, Mineralgewinnung, cardiology, cardiac, heart surgery, Kardiologie, Herzchirurgie, medical, Medizin, pharma, legal, Recht, contracts, Verträge, business, Wirtschaft, finance, Finanzen, annual reports, Geschäftsberichte, financial statements, reporting, Jahresabschluss, Jahresabschlüsse, accounting, balance sheet, bilan, Bilanzierung, Bilanzen, Rechnungslegung, Rechnungswesen, Buchhaltung, Finanzberichterstattung, marketing, market research, Marktforschung, IT, information, documentation, Dokumentation, library, Bibliotheken, librarianship, Bibliothekswesen, politics, Politik, current affairs, EU, EEC, EC, Europe, European, Union, Community, natural sciences, automobile, computer, software, telecommunications, çevirmen, sözlü, fuar, konferans, teknik, çeviri, Almanya, uygun fiyata, teknik, bilimsel, conference interpreter, fast service, hızlı hizmet, conveying, contracts, certificates, , Fördertechnik, Maschinenbau, Elektrotechnik/Elektronik, Verträge, Patente, Urkundenübersetzung, türkisch, türkisch übersetzung, englisch-türkisch, türkisch-englisch, Turkish translator, voiceover, sdlx, catalyst, alchemy, trados, wordfast, localization, Turkey, Izmir, translator, freelancer, yerelleştirme, makine mühendisi, localization engineer, voiceover artist, tour guide, ingilizce, çevirmen, tercüman, yeminli tercüman, lokalizasyon, yerelleştirme, localizer, localized, turkish localization, turkish translation, traduzioni turco, locstudio, türkische übersetzungen, izmir, Property Resouce Bundle Editor, Lingobit Localizer, LocStudio, TextPad, SC Unipad, interpreter, turkish interpreting, turkish interpretation, turkish translation, translate to turkish, translate into turkish, translate from turkish, german-turkish, english-turkish, turkish-english, italiano-turco, turco-italiano, deutsch-türkisch, türkisch-deutsch, türkische übersetzer, übersetzungen, diploma, ehliyet, almanca, deutsch, sözleşme, iktisat, işletme, teknik, transport, spor, sigorta, tekstil, boşanma, karar, yerelleştirme, hızlı hizmet, ekonomik hizmet, proof reading, freelancer, freelance, freelance translator, translation, interpreting, voiceovers, tuition, teaching, training, proofreading, editing, transcription, telemarketing, research, german language services, your professional partner for german language services, arts, humanities, business, commercial, correspondence, management, marketing, personnel, human resources, HR, staatlich geprüfte, freiberuflicher übersetzer, freiberufliche übersetzerin, übersetzen, dolmetschen, korrekturlesen, editieren, redigieren, lektorat, sekretariatsdienste, sprachunterricht, transkriptionen, unternehmensführung, humanressourcen, human resources, personal, personalwesen, wirtschaft, handelskorrespondenz, skype, business, financial, economic, annual report, ipo, banking, insurance, legal, trados, brochure, certified, circular, prospectus, investment, accounting, financial statements, Geschäftsbericht, Bankwesen, Versicherung, Recht, Beglaubigung, Rechnungslegung, Rechnungswesen, Jahresabschlüsse, Dolmetscher, Übersetzer, Übersetzung, Deutsch, Türkisch, Büro, Simultan, Simültane, Almanca, tercüman, cevirmen, Çevirmen, Çeviri, Teknik, Hukuk, Recht, Istanbul, Konferenz, Management, Literatur, Gericht, Film, Katalog, Holzbearbeitungsmaschine, Metalbearbeitungsmaschine, Reperaturleitfaden, Selbststudienprogramm, Instandhaltung, Textill, Automobilindustrie, German, Deutsch, Türkisch, Englisch, English, Übersetzung, Translation, Çeviri, Tercüme, Verträge, Marketing, Geschäft, Handel, Investition, Sicherheit, Handelsmarken, Copyrights, Electrical Engineer, Elektroingenieur PLC, SPS Speicherprogrammierbare Steuerungen Electrical Safety, Elektrische Sicherheit International Approvals, Internationale Zulassungen, Material Safety Data Sheets, Sicherheitsdatenblätter, Electrical Power Supply, Elektrische Stromversorgung, Railway installations, Eisenbahnanlagen, CE Conformity Declaration, CE, Konformitäts-Erklärung, Railways - Eisenbahn Construction, Anlagenbau, Switchgears - Schaltanlagen Dentistry, Zahnheilkunde, manuals, catalogues, bulletins, heat, devices, pumps, energy, gasses, mechanical devices, standards, Euro norm, education, science, maths, science, physics, agriculture, environment, economy, computers, industrial and mechanical engineering, civil engineering, casting, presurrized vessels, commercial letters, customs, transportation and internationl trade, legal documents, medical documents, notary public documents, attorneys, health, medical instruments, law, manufacturing, electronic, construction, nuclear eng, mining, minerals, contracts, marketing, management, patents, trade marks, court decisions, botany, environment, balance sheets, geography, transport, advertising, taxation, geography, petroleum eng, retail, metallurgy, power generation, certificates, diplomas, licenses, cvs, matals, plastic, ceramics, business, commerce, conversation, greetings, letters, ships, Rehber, Reiseleiter, graduate, dental technology, zahnmedizin, dental teknoloji, dental, medicine, medizin, , reklam, werbung, telecommunication, telekommunikation, telekomüniskasyon, trados, fachübersetzungen, fachübersetzerin, proofreading, korrektorat, lektorat, translation, tercüme, adaptionen, business, localization, lokalisierung, lokalizasyon, assembly instructions, brochures, catalogs, estimate, contracts, documentation, . See less.

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