Translation Glossaries from the Web
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This list covers the period since the collapse of the USSR. Where dates are given, this indicates a term or institution created and/or disbanded since August 1991. Where it says ‘of the MVD’ it means of the central All-Russian apparatus. It has been compiled from a wide range of open media sources, and cannot pretend to be either comprehensive or c... View more
Drugs street terms (drug slang)
Office of National Drug Control Policy |
The Street Terms database contains over 2,300 street terms that refer to specific drug types or drug activity. The database is used by police officers, parents, treatment providers and others who require a better understanding of drug culture.
Royal Canadian Mounted Police English-French Police Terminological Glossary
Royal Canadian Mounted Police |
Polex: a Terminological Knowledge Base Polex+®, a police lexicon officially known as the Royal Canadian Mounted Police English-French Police Terminological Glossary, is a terminology management tool. It respects the terminology principles outlined by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO 704). Terminology management is the pa... View more
Seems very useful, though use with care as there are some errors or over-simplifications.
Comprehensive list of terms used in law, courts and by the police.
Street Terms: Drugs and the Drug Trade
Office of National Drug Control Policy |
Street Terms: Drugs and the Drug Trade The Street Terms database contains over 2,300 street terms that refer to specific drug types or drug activity. The database is used by police officers, parents, treatment providers and others who require a better understanding of drug culture. You can also download a printable version of Street Terms (P... View more
page contains English descriptions of various terms taught in an intermediate class for radio dispatchers. Also has several links to other "911' (NOT 9/11!) terminology. Looks extensive.
Police titles DA-EN
Dansk Politi |