Translation Glossaries from the Web
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Французско-русские тематические глоссарии
Участники лингвистической стажировки по французскому языку |
Данные глоссарии являются результатом работы участников лингвистической стажировки по французскому языку в г. Амбиалет (Франция) 2-16 мая 2013 г. Включает такие тематики как photographie (фотография), architecture (архитектура), sports (спорт), études (исследования), musée (музей), philosophie (философия), automobile (автомобиль), musique (музыка)... View more
English-Spanish glossary of art with definitions.
Ceci est la troisième version complète du "Dictionnaire des Sciences Animales" mise sur Internet. Elle comporte 31945 articles sur des mots et expressions concernant les animaux, ou en rapport avec les animaux tels leurs écosystèmes (particulièrement la flore méditerranéenne) et leur élevage, et 13618 photos ou dessins.
Photographic Glossary (modern). The links below lead to the various sections of this very extensive photographic glossary. It cover the whole gamut of photography including digital and conventional as well as many types of special purpose photography. 1 408 entries.
Illustrated Volcano Glossary
Dr. Tom Pfeiffer |
Also available in French and German but no cross references
Dictionnaire des sciences animales
Cirad - Recherche agronomique pour le développement | http://dico-sciences-animales.cirad...
Présentation du dictionnaire des sciences animales Ceci est la troisième version complète du "Dictionnaire des Sciences Animales" mise sur Internet. Elle comporte 30182 articles sur des mots et expressions concernant les animaux, ou en rapport avec les animaux tels leurs écosystèmes (particulièrement la flore méditerranéenne) et leur élevage, et... View more
Lexique de la mode |
lexique en français avec descriptions des noms des types de vêtements + photos
A Glossary of Photovoltaic terms
Glossary of Photonics Terms
Dr. Rüdiger Paschotta |
Definitions of photonics terms
Dizionario tecnico di termini fotografici
The Oilfield Glossary
Shlumberger company |
Definitions for major oilfield activities reviewed by technical experts with high-quality, full-color photographs and illustrations clarifying many definitions
Wild & Speciality Mushroom Types
The Nibble Magazine |
Monolingual glossary giving detailed descriptions of different mushroom varieties with photograph (to aid identification).
Photography definitions by a professional photographer.
Short glossary of photographic terms associated with underwater photography.
A Digital Imaging and Digital Photography Glossary because knowing what to call things and what the words mean is half the battle to achieving understanding.
Basic glossary of both photographic and technical terms associated with Digital Photography as described by Radio Shack.
Nikonians Photography Glossary
Nikonian Doug Dever |
Photography glossary as defined by enthusiasts of Nikon cameras.
Photography Glossary with hundreds of photography related words and definitions.
A Glossary of Photographic Terms
MIR Web Development Team. |
Extensive glossary of general consumer photographic terms.
Masters Glossary of Photography
Masters of Photography members |
Short glossary of common photography terms.
Aerial Photography is a multi-discipline profession that requires knowledge of not only Photography but also Aircraft, Flying, Navigation, and so on. This glossary is presented to give the viewer a greater understanding of some of the terms used in the seemingly simple activity of snapping a great photo whilst hanging out of an aeroplane or heli... View more
Bilingual glossary (English-German) on solar power and related technologies (thermal & photovoltaics)
Provides comprehensive definitions for the terminology commonly used to describe earthquakes. Clicking on the links within the dictionary takes you to a page with more detailed information about each term as well as photo galleries and a listing of relevant external links.
This dictionary is an online art education resource for artists, art teachers, and art students. One of its aims is to encourage art education in Australia. Where it is possible, the information relates to Australia, by making reference to Australian Artists and Australian Art History. The creator of this dictionary aims to grow this resource with... View more
Birds of Peru (Lima)
Juan Pedro Paz-Soldán - |
Spanish, English, scientific names and photos of birds found in the Lima province of Peru. ¨ tiene fotos de más de 140 especies de aves del departamento de Lima para los que se inician en la observación de aves (birdwatching o birding). El website es visitado anualmente por más de 100,000 personas y está rankeado entre los 20 pr... View more
Photography glossary
Diver magazine archives |
photography glossary
Proyecto de fin de carrera. Mémoire de maîtrise.
A la découverte des plantes
Plantes Sauvages |
Un site très complet sur les plantes qui outre le recensement des plantes propose un vocabulaire de botanique, un forum, des dossiers.
Des fiches complètes sur de nombreux oiseaux d'Europe et du monde, agrémentées de très belles photographies. Tous les noms d'oiseaux ne sont pas traduits.
The most comprehensive photographic glossary available on the Internet, with 1,486 definitions and over 101,743 words of text.
Definiciones de términos relacionados con la fotografía digital.
Lexique |
Voici quelques définitions de termes techniques, essentiellement architecturaux, que nous rencontrons dans nos promenades "vers le passé", et qui nous amène à trouver les linteaux. (Une photo est parfois plus "parlante" qu'un texte. Là où le texte est souligné, la photo est jointe).
PhotoGuide Japan
Philbert Ono |
List of photography-related words in English and Japanese
Kompendier i Skåne |
Various IT, computer hardware and software terms, as well as fringe subjects like digital photography and video.
A list of photographic terms with detailed information and descriptions, as well as graphic material.
Lexique franco-anglais de la photo
Vincent di Sanzo |
Lexique franco-anglais de la photo et de l'imagérie numérique
Photography Glossary |
Photography Glossary
Dictionnaire des arts médiatiques
Groupe de recherche en arts médiatiques - Université du Québec à Montréal |
Ce dictionnaire électronique des arts médiatiques comporte plus de 2 000 entrées et 500 illustrations graphiques couvrant six domaines : copigraphie, holographie, infographie, multimédia (art cinétique, hypermédias, installations interactives, installations multimédias, performances, réalité virtuelle, robosculpture et télématisme), musique électro... View more
Aerial Photography Glossary |
Aerial Photography is a multi-discipline profession that requires knowledge of not only Photography but also Aircraft, Flying, Navigation, and so on.
This glossary is presented to give the viewer a greater understanding of some of the terms used in the seemingly simple activity of snapping a great photo whilst hanging out of an aeroplane... View more
Photography and Digital Imaging Glossary
The Digital Film Photographer Research Center |
Contains some images to better explain certain terms.