Translation Glossaries from the Web
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Англо-русский глоссарий по цифровым финансовым услугам
Оперативная группа МСЭ-Т по цифровым финансовым услугам |
Настоящий глоссарий представляет собой сборник терминов, которые обычно используются в области цифровых финансовых услуг, и пояснение значения этих терминов. Термины сгруппированы по категориям, а не приведены в соответствии с алфавитным порядком. Существуют семь основных категорий терминов.
This is an online English-Slovenian glossary of digital marketing and digital technology terms with useful explanations provided by field experts.
Glossaire des services financiers numériques
Ce rapport a été rédigé par Carol Benson et Nils Clotteau avec la contribution de Cecily Northup, Trevor Zimmer et Yuri Grin. Il a été révisé par le groupe de travail sur l’écosystème des services financiers numériques. |
Publié par l’Union postale universelle (UPU) Berne (Suisse) Ce glossaire est une compilation de termes couramment utilisés dans le domaine des services financiers numériques et donne une explication de la signification de ces termes. Les termes sont regroupés par catégorie, et non par ordre alphabétique. Il existe 7 catégories principales, comme... View more
Ara>English electronic glossary of e-business terminology. Scroll past the introduction to the actual glossary.
o dicionário da língua portuguesa na internet Mais de 818 mil verbetes, definições e locuções em permanente atualização. Um dicionário de crescimento infinito, sempre em interação com a língua portuguesa. O que é o Dicionário Aulete Digital -
Photographic Glossary (modern). The links below lead to the various sections of this very extensive photographic glossary. It cover the whole gamut of photography including digital and conventional as well as many types of special purpose photography. 1 408 entries.
Largest Online Accounting Dictionary
Copyright © 2014 VentureLine Website developed by Digital Solutions |
AGROVOC is the world’s most comprehensive multilingual agricultural vocabulary. Downloaded over a thousand times a year by dozens of countries it is in daily institutional use to index and search documents, web pages and digital objects.
Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika
Inštitut za slovenski jezik Frana Ramovša ZRC SAZU |
Spletna izdaja Ta izdaja je vsebinsko enaka prvotiskom iz 1970, 1975, 1979, 1985 in 1991, ponatisoma iz 1997 in 2008 ter digitalnima izdajama iz 1998 in 2000. Ljubljana 2000 Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti Znanstvenoraziskovalni center Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti Inštitut za slovenski jezik Frana Ramovša ZRC SAZU ... View more
Relativ ausführliche Beiträge in mehreren Sprachen, aber unterschiedlich lang. Keine Querverweise und nicht immer mit Übersetzung des Stichworts.
Glossario dell’informatica nelle norme italiane
CNIPA - Vera Augi, Caterina Bongiovanni e Nazzareno Carlucci |
Presentazione Il Centro Nazionale per l’Informatica nella Pubblica Amministrazione (CNIPA) ha tra i suoi compiti la consulenza per la valutazione dei progetti di legge in materia informatica, nonché la predisposizione delle componenti tecniche delle norme. La firma digitale, il protocollo informatico, l’accessibilità dei siti web, il sistema pub... View more
A Digital Imaging and Digital Photography Glossary because knowing what to call things and what the words mean is half the battle to achieving understanding.
Basic glossary of both photographic and technical terms associated with Digital Photography as described by Radio Shack.
Iluminación para la exhibición museológica
Revista Digital Nueva Museología |
Glosario útil de siglas y algunos términos de la iluminación
Glosario Gráfico
Imagen digital ( |
Este es un pequeño glosario de artes gráficas y materias relacionadas con ellas (óptica, periodismo, tipografía, etc…). Además de un listado alfabético y de un formulario de búsqueda, se incluye un directorio de empresas relacionadas con artes gráficas y un índice temático que permite consultar términos por grupos de interés (PDF, Óptica, Tipograf... View more
Glossar des Holocaust
Shoa / Run Digital |
Historisches Glossar mit den Themen Drittes Reich, Antisemitismus und Holocaust
The most comprehensive photographic glossary available on the Internet, with 1,486 definitions and over 101,743 words of text.
Definiciones de términos relacionados con la fotografía digital.
... der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
Uydu Terimleri
Dijital Uydu |
Sık kullanılan uydu terimlerinin bir seçkisi
PhotoGuide Japan
Philbert Ono |
List of photography-related words in English and Japanese
Na Kadirvelu Pillai Tamil Moli Akarathi
Digital Dictionaries of South Asia |
Some e.g. 150 entries obtained with பெண் in the entry word 91 entries with மொழி
Kompendier i Skåne |
Various IT, computer hardware and software terms, as well as fringe subjects like digital photography and video.
NVA - Nederlandse vereniging van assurantieadviseurs en financiële dienstverleners |
Van AANBIEDEN tot ZWEETSCHADE Oorspronkelijke bron: Assurantietermen & Wetsartikelen, 18e druk, Media Business Press.
Glossar - Fototechnik
Foto Digital Service |
Einsprachiges Glossar über Fototechnik
Lexikon der Tiere
Das Tierlexikon |
Das Tierlexikon bietet wissenschaftliche Informationen zu verschiedenen Tieren und Tierarten.
Das digitale Fotoarchiv des Tierlexikons zeigt eine große Auswahl von eindrucksvollen Bildern aus der Welt der Tiere.
Das Tierlexikon ist eine Seite für alle Tierliebhaber. Wir untermalen einmalige Aufnahmen von wilden Tieren mit informat... View more
Lexique franco-anglais de la photo
Vincent di Sanzo |
Lexique franco-anglais de la photo et de l'imagérie numérique
Das Glossar der EU-Fachbegriffe
europa einfach e.V. |
Begriffe rund um das Thema EU
Photography and Digital Imaging Glossary
The Digital Film Photographer Research Center |
Contains some images to better explain certain terms.
Glossary of Digital Photography Terms
Short Courses Publishing Company |
Digital Photography Glossary
Digital Photography Review |
Detailed glossary of common analog and digital photography terms. Enriched with tables and drawings, as well as reviews on various sections. Divided into 4 sub-sections:
-Camera system
-Digital imaging
Nomenclatura zoológica de las Américas
Grupo Ciencias de la Vida |
Glosario de nombres científicos (en latín) de diversos animales y sus equivalentes en el habla popular de diversos países hispanohablantes.
Glosario de Música Electrónica
Himnario Digital |
Glossary of electronic music
nuclear glossary
Scientific Digital Visions, Inc. |
terms covering nuclear chemistry, nuclear physic, nuclear engineering, and radiation biochemistry. The nuclear terminology is now supplemented with military terminology, environmental terminology, and federal regulations terminology. Specialized suites of terms were then added and include U.S. nuclear weapons tests, effects of nuclear weapons, nuc... View more
Tamil and English Dictionary
Digital Dictionaries of South Asia |
General Tamil > English dictionary in Roman script
Glosario vídeo digital ES>ES |
Definiciones de términos de vídeo digital.
Extensive glossary of SSL (secure sockets layer) encryption and security terms.
Glossary of Forestry and Wildlife
Southern Alberta Digital Library (Canada) |
An English-Spanish glossary of terminology used in forestry, range, wildlife, fishery, soils, and botany
Glosario en Ingles-Espanol de terminologia usada en forestales, pastizales, fauna silvestre, pesqueria, suelos, y botanica
DPI's glossary of terms for the digital graphics industry
Specialty Graphic Imaging Association |
glossary of terms for the digital graphics industry
Regulatory Fish Encyclopedia (RFE)
US Food and Drug Administration |
The Regulatory Fish Encyclopedia (RFE) is a compilation of data in several formats that assists with the accurate identification of fish species. The RFE includes for each of a number of commercially relevant fish species for sale in the U.S. market high-resolution photographs as their scanned digital images (jpeg format) of whole fish and their ma... View more