Translation Glossaries from the Web
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DOCTORS' SLANG, MEDICAL SLANG AND MEDICAL ACRONYMS AND VETERINARY ACRONYMS & VET SLANG These have been mostly collected from the UK and USA, with a few non-English contributions (many thanks to all contributors from around the globe). Some of the acronyms are region-specific and have differing meanings in US and UK. It is noticeable that the US... View more
Le dictionnaire de NetPME, la référence de l’entrepreneur |
Pour vous aider à comprendre des termes parfois techniques, NetPME vous propose un dictionnaire de tous les termes utilisés sur NetPME ou dans le monde de l'entreprise. Il vous suffit de cliquer sur une lettre ou d'utiliser le moteur de recherche pour trouver la définition que vous recherchez. Le Dico de NetPME est un espace d’échanges et de co... View more
The Alternative Dictionaries
Hans-Christian Holm |
Slang, profanities, insults and vulgarisms from all the world. The Alternative Dictionaries are a collection of various forms of "bad language" from many languages. At the moment, there are 2743 entries in 162 dictionaries. This is a collaborative project with contributions from a lot of people.
Also, a 131-page book containing all d... View more
An open English Turkish idioms dictionary project with a preloaded English idioms index. Currently, there are more than 10,000 entries in the index database of which some 1,400 idioms, phrasal verbs and proverbs are already translated. The dictionary is open to moderated user contributions. The author plans to implement a remote dictionary lookup b... View more
The Glossary has been prepared by the International Center for Accounting Reform (ICAR) covering Accounting, Audit and financial terminology in use throughout most industries and economic sectors. To compile the Glossary, ICAR undertook a wide consultation exercise with interested parties and used terminology of its previous publications of its par... View more
The Alternative Persian Dictionary
The Alternative Persian Dictionary |
Persian slang and slurs as part of the Alternative Dictionaries Project.
This dictionary consists of contributions made by voluntary Internet users. The entries are not guaranteed to be accurate. No responsibility is taken for the content. Although the entries may describe terms that are racist, sexist, blasphemous or derogatory in other wa... View more
персидский (фарси)
персидский (фарси)
персидский (фарси)
персидский (фарси)
Deutsch-�sterreichisches W�rterbuch
Roland Russwurm |
German-Austrian dictionary, searchable, new contributions are welcome. Includes a discussion forum, information on the linguistic distribution of terms, and text examples illustrating various Austrian dialects.
Social Security Terminology (Termini previdenziali)
Italian National Institute of Social Security |
Very useful and specific to social security terminology, both Italian and British.
International Civil and Construction Engineering Dictionary
University of Applied Sciences in Deggendorf |
Still (June 2004) being built up - contributions invited.