Translation Glossaries from the Web
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Glossary of Forestry and Wildlife
Southern Alberta Digital Library (Canada) |
An English-Spanish glossary of terminology used in forestry, range, wildlife, fishery, soils, and botany
Glosario en Ingles-Espanol de terminologia usada en forestales, pastizales, fauna silvestre, pesqueria, suelos, y botanica
Glossary of floral terms
Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center |
Midwestern Wetland Flora Field Office Guide to Plant Species Illustrated glossary of floral terms
For Entomologists who work on Coleoptera / Beetles, and others who are interested in Insects, Beetle collecting, Wildlife and Nature... For Researchers and Museum Workers, Ecologists, Environmentalists
Glossary of landscape and nature terms |
Glossary of landscape and nature terms used in Spanish and other Peninsula languages and dialects in Spain. All Spanish birds and mammals are included in Castilian-English and Latin.
comprehensive english/German glossary of environmental planning terms