Translation Glossaries from the Web
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Glossary of Indian music-related terms
Chandra & David's Tablasite |
Indian music terms
Politisches Wörterbuch
Parlament: Der Grosse Rat des Kantons Basel-Stadt (Schweiz) |
Nachfolgendes Glossar möchte all jene politischen Begriffe näher erklären, die einen Bezug zum Grossen Rat des Kantons Basel-Stadt haben.
Sehr nützlich, da speziell deutschschweizerische Ausdrücke erläutert werden.
Kamus Perbankan Syariah
Peri Umar Farouk |
Kamus istilah perbankan syariah ini berdasarkan daftar istilah perbankan syariah, yang bersumber pada: Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Pembukaan Kantor Bank Syariah, Bank Indonesia.
Glossary of Kant's Religious Terms
Stephen Palmquist |
This Glossary supplements the Glossary in KSP1:453-61 [Glossary of Kant's Technical Terms] providing brief definitions for selected technical terms that are specifically related to Kant's theology and philosophy of religion. (The only terms listed here that Kant himself does not use are 'Critical mysticism' and 'theocentric'.) Taken together, thes... View more
Glossary of Kant's Technical Terms
Stephen Palmquist |
The following Glossary lists Kant's most important technical terms, together with a simple definition of each. (The terms 'judicial', 'perspective' and 'standpoint' are the only ones Kant himself does not use as technical terms.) It was originally written as a study aide to help make the intricate web of Kant's terminology comprehensible to stude... View more
Japanese flash cards
education |