Browse links of Косметика, парфюмерия glossaries
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Glossary for the Modern Soap Maker
U.S. FDA/CFSAN Library of Chemistry Information |
A Complete List of Soapmaking Terms.
Cosmetic ingredients labeling
日本化粧品工業連合会 (JCIA) |
成分コード 522119 ■ 種別許可成分名称 パラオキシ安息香酸エステル ■ 表示名称 イソブチルパラベン ■ INCIコード ISOBUTYLPARABEN ■ 配合目的 防腐剤
he perfume industry has adopted a language of its own. And when you’re buying fragrances, you need to understand what the salesperson is saying when the perfume’s being described to you. So we’ve taken some of the more commonly-used words and put them into this glossary of perfume terms and definitions, to help you make a wise and informed choice. ... View more
Vocabulario de belleza y peluquería
Aleida Morel Dominicanidades |
Vocabulario de belleza y peluquería español-inglés
Glossario Tricologico
Centro Dermes S.r.l. |
Glossario Tricologico
Informazioni tecnico-scientifiche sui componenti della linea cosmetica
Glossario del saponaio moderno
Patrizia Garzena e Marina Tadiello |
Glossario del saponaio moderno
Piccolo dizionario delle materie prime cosmetiche |
Piccolo dizionario delle materie prime cosmetiche
Glossary of hair care ingredients
Michael Trobee |
Over 125 ingredients of hair care products and 33 herbal ingredients are listed in this glossary. The descriptions are clear and provide the unvarnished facts. Michael Trobee, who created the glossary, spent 8 years working for Nexxus as a regional manager and taught classes in hair chemistry, retailing, motivation, and product use.
A glossary of terms concerning body modification practices, i.e tattooing, body piercing, body art etc. Compiled by the moderators of forums and enriched with graphics and a couple of sound files.
Dermo-cosmetic glossary
Pierre Fabre Dermo-Cosm�tique |
EN-EN Glossary of Prefixes, Roots, Suffixes and definitions related to dermatology and cosmetics.
Soapmaking Dictionary / Glosario para el Fabricante Moderno de Jabón
Coconut Coast Natural Products Handmade Soap Co., USA |
A collection of terms, definitions and acronyms related to the art of soap making. Also available in English, French and Italian.
Informazioni relative alle caratteristiche e alle modalità di azione di molti principi attivi contenuti nei prodotti cosmetici.
Glossario / dizionario italiano-inglese dei termini di linguaggio settoriale commerciale-finanziario e della Cooperazione allo Sviluppo
Ufficio della Cooperazione dell'Ambasciata d'Italia al Cairo |
Financial and Commercial terminology
lexique dermo-cosmétologique (definitions)
Terms in the field of cosmetics, cosmetology
Glossary-of-terms Collection of Glossaries
Garth Marples, Matt Jacks & Lori Wilkerson |
A collection of glossaries compiled about a range of topics, from body piercing to the new technologies and insurance.