The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

шведский => английский Психология Translation Glossary

шведский term английский translation
allierad allied with, related to
AMV Arbetsmarknadsverket (AMV) (Employment Service)
anhörigstöd family caregiver support
Överanvändande exaggerated usage of
begåvningsmått measurement of cognitive ability/intelligence
beskuren spridning range restriction
brusa upp lose one\'s temper
drivkraft motivation, \"have motivation\", driving force
Entered by: liz askew
inlärningsteoretisk didactical
innerst inne innermost self/deep inside
känslotankar emotional thoughts
klavertramp faux pas, mistake, blunder
kurator counsellor
mentala energiströmmen flow of mental energy, mental energy flow
mycket mindre kredit much lowered credit limit
närstående close family and friends
Omvärldsspana environmental scanning
Organisationsteoretisk organizational theory
Entered by: Deane Goltermann
Präglingsperioden Critical period, imprinting period, crucial period
prestationspsykologi performance psychology
ptp-psyk Intern position for psychologists at the Landstinget in Sweden
Entered by: Paul Lambert
Rå på master
samtalsmetodik interview methods/interview techniques
självförverkligande self-fulfilment, self-realization ; self-actualizaon
självhävdande self-assertive, assertive
tankeanalys thorough consideration
Entered by: Charles Ek
tankefälla Thought trap
tankemässiga begränsningar conceptual boundaries
turtagning turn-taking
underdrag sub characteristic
uppfinningsrikedom inventiveness / ingenuity
utredning evaluation
vanetänkande habitual thinking (alt: thinking inside the box)
vetenskaplig sunt scientifically sound
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