The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

шведский => английский Административное управление, менеджмент Translation Glossary

шведский term английский translation
förstemän foreman
affärsområdeschef Business Area Manager
Avlösning crew rotation
Entered by: Sam Habach
Avräkningar och avstämningar Settlement and reconciliation
avvikelse deviation, incident
Önskeläge ideal situation
beställarutbildning procurement training course
bruksförmånsbil Take-home vehicle
delverksamhet divisions, offices, branches
Det här är något som andra jobbat ihop This is something that other people put together
Entered by: Neil Crockford
drift och verksamhet business operations
driftbolag operating company
Entered by: Anders Dalström
familjeanda family spirit
flödesorganisation flow-oriented organisation
formatfel, formatkontroller format error (fault)
gnetande - in a positive sense nitpicking (looking for trouble to sort out)
Entered by: Christine Andersen
han fördelar arbetet på golvet he distributes the work (tasks) on the shop floor
ibruktagandeledare / inkopplingsledare commissioning manager / start-up manager
icke värvning non-solicitation; non-acceptance
Innehållscoachning content coaching
Intags chef supply officer
kalorifällorna hidden calories
körschema flowchart
komma att ingå will be included
Kommunikationsgruppmöten Communication-group meetings
kompetensutveckling skills enhancement and/or upgrading qualifications
Entered by: Christine Andersen
lagertrender inventory trends
Ledarskap vs. chefskap Leadership vs. Management
ledarstil leadership style
ledaruppdrag executive assignment / position
målbild Strategic objective
OS Olympic Games
passerkort keycard
pejlar probes/polls
personal-politik Human Resources policy & practice
räknat inom normal kontorstid counted during normal office hours only
referenskunden reference customer
Reklamation Claims (Dept. processing, etc)
Ryska rådsrepuklikens presidium The Presidium of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic
Säkra Secure
Entered by: Deane Goltermann
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