The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

испанский => английский Юриспруденция (в целом) Translation Glossary

испанский term английский translation
ACCION DECLARATIVA DE DOMINIO Declaratory action of ownership
Entered by: Edward Tully
A CUENTA Y ORDEN DE on your behalf and following your instructions
a la vista la siguiente documentación que nos identifica that he (she) had before him (her) the following personal identity/identification documents of ours
a su cargo due therefrom / due from him/it
a un U$S 2,9707 son u$s USD at FX = AR$ 2.9707?
acordé con ellos que se procediera de inmediato we agreed that the marriage should immediately be performed
acredita attests (to)
actuario/visitador (Mexico) court clerk/inspector, auditor, overseer, examiner
asunción interna del contenido valorativo internalization of the values (or) value system (embodied in the law)
Autorización para trámites Authorization for arrangements
calificación qualification
califiquen por escrito specify the offenses in writing
cargo electivo elective post
Central C.O.T.A. C.O.T.A. > Central Operativa de Tráfico Agrupación
Entered by: EirTranslations
complementación amended report
con expresión de los pronunciamientos que impugna with details of the objections to the decision
Entered by: EirTranslations
Consejo de la Judicatura de Transición (CJT) Transitional Judiciary Council
considerandos del interlocutorio dictado legal bases for the interlocutory order issued on...
contar con sustento presupuestario must have been included in the budget
cortes de plazo (technical and legal) cutoff date/deadline responses
dar Fe Ministerial to provide Prosecutor's attestation, attestation by the Prosecution
de explorado derecho well established in law
de los soportes o medios de comunicación social cuya titularidad ostenten any public communication formats or media that they own
debidamente diligenciada duly processed
declaración voluntaria de información voluntary disclosure
delito contra la fe pública, falsificación de documentos crime (offense) against public trust, falsification of documents (forgery)
Delito tributario Tax crime
DEOX > Diligenciamiento Electrónico de Oficios a Organismos Externos Electronic Filing of Letters to External Agencies (DEOX)
derecho a acrecer right to accrue
dictado en expediente entered in the case file
documentos de giros money order (draft) notes (instruments)
efectos acreditativos oportunos we enclose herein for supporting purposes
Entered by: EirTranslations
el ciudadano X procedió a sacar por primera su licencia de conducir Mr/Mrs X first obtained driving licence
el juzgado de Primera Instancia E Instrucción n° DOS de los de Teruel court of first instance and preliminary investigations
Entered by: Loreta Saddi
el tribunal podrá dictar sentencia de archivo the case can be closed
en el dof el día del pago in the official gazette/journal of the federation on the date of payment
Entered by: EirTranslations
escritura pública de protocolización del pacto social y de las reformas public deed officially recording the Articles of (AmE) Incorporation/Partnership and alterations
estudio juridico law office
fehaciencia validity
Fiscal especializado de proteccion del Ninio, adolescente y la Familia Special Prosecutor for the Protection of Children, Adolescents and Family
Entered by: patinba
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