The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

японский => английский Недвижимость Translation Glossary

японский term английский translation
原野 waste land
Entered by: cinefil
Entered by: seika
外賃 outside leasing (agent)
一棟の建物の表示 description of the building
Entered by: casey
建物竣工図壁心計算 Calculation using wall centre lines in as-built drawings
Entered by: seika
保存 Archived
土地・建物固定資産評価証明書 certificate of valuation of fixed assets (land and buildings)
Entered by: cinefil
地積測量図 (land) survey map (land information and measurement map)
区分地上権 sectional superficies/sectional superface right
Entered by: cinefil
圓光院殿瑞雲文英尼大師 Enkouinden Zuiun Bun'eini Daishi
包括承継 comprehensive succession
ゴルフ場と地域との融合性は低い The integration of the golf course into the local community is low
シート防水:葺 Sheet waterproofing: roofing
Entered by: seika
再使用証明 Ready for Reuse certificate (RfR certificate)
内装との不釣合い clashes with the decor
内装、内装業者 interior finishings, interior construction companies
免責的に引き受ける undertake something without any further liability
Entered by: casey
個人名義に変更 Change the lessee name to the individual
確認済証 notice of verification of building construction
Entered by: cinefil
積算価値 total property value
Entered by: JapanLegal
空調時間 operation hours of air conditioners
Entered by: seika
築年数の経過した物件 old(er) property
簡易裁判所に即決和解の申立てをし To file a summary settlement petition ...
登記原因証明情報 evidence for cause of registration
Entered by: cinefil
遡及対応 retrospective adjustment (to deal with retroactive liability)
面大地の業者仕入価格 wholesale price of large lots for the realtors
Entered by: casey
質建設定契約 an agreement for establishment the right of pledge
都計内(60・200) city/urban/municipal area/zone ( with 60 % building coverage and 200 % floor-area ratio)
開発法 development approach
重要事項説明書 Important Matters
自宅借上クロス入居 tenants/residents of rented Cross bld
スケルトン住宅 skeleton-infill housing
shisan keisei asset build-up
根抵当権 fixed collateral
明渡合意書 Agreement to Vacate
Entered by: casey
明渡料 compensation for early termination
Entered by: casey
新規立替請求書 Invoice for New Advance
敷地権の割合 ownership ratio
Entered by: casey
所地地地 Location, land lot, land use, and land area
Entered by: Ivan Rorick
普通建物所有の目的をもって for the purpose of standard building ownership
Entered by: David Patrick
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