The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

японский => английский Психология Translation Glossary

японский term английский translation
$BM=8e$N0-$5(B a poor prognosis for the future
健常域 normal range
Entered by: David Patrick
大きい概念としてとられる understand xxx as large [big]
下界 this world
社会的存在たる他者 social others
社会的相互行為 social interactive behavior
甘える snuggle up (to~)
発達障害学 study on/course of developmental disorders
随伴状況 accompanying behaviour
非合理的勢力 irrational persuasion
非強制的勢力 non-coercive force
被拒絶感情 feeling of being rejected/perceived rejection/perceived refusal
Entered by: cinefil
規範逸脱的 deviant
言語社会心理学的アプローチ sociopsycholinguistic approach
質問の工夫 creativity (or ingenuity) in the way one asks a question
胸キュン(むねきゅん) heart-tugging (emotion)
逓減法則 law of diminishing returns
検索容易性 ease of retrieval, ease of search
標準的な頭部伝達関数をホワイトノイズに適用し Applying the generic HRTF to a white noise,
機制 mechanism
決定の依存 dependence on others for making decisions
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