The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

японский => английский Юриспруденция: Контракты Translation Glossary

японский term английский translation
....(の)範囲の対象外とする fall outside the scope of...
47連邦登記法第22項、第K項 FCC: 47CFR 2 (K) [not 22 (K)]
A社に何らかの紛議が発生 some form of dispute occurring
A社の請求書を受領した月の20日をもって締め切り will be closed on the 20th of the every month for the invoices received by A
Entered by: Yasutomo Kanazawa
この法律において「職業生活設計」とは career planning
うち取引に関わる消費税 Of which the consumer tax
かつかる (typo of かかる) such, said
印鑑屋 signature seal shop/store that sells signature seals
取引保証の否定 No Obligation to Consummate/Enter into the Proposed Transaction
受入利息 interest received
報奨 compensation; bonus; incentive, incentive award, etc.
売上連動報酬額 amount of sales related remuneration/pay/commission
売買取引基本契約書 basic sales agreement
売買代金 amount for the Product
定期建物賃貸借予約契約書 Fixed Term Building Lease Option Agreement
実態 (in this case) entity
対象事象の存する限り as long as the matters subject thereto (shall) exist
Entered by: Deborah Edwards
届出者 registrant
帰責理由があるときに限り only in the case that any liability is found attributable [to B]
乙の当座勘定照合票 Bank Statement
乙が甲に預託した売上金の毎月15日締切分より次月分を差し引く 次月分は15日締めで頂きます
交流職員 employee on an exchange program
店頭売買銘柄 over the counter stock, over the counter shares, unlsted stock
店舗側立会者 Lessor's witness
仮差押 attachment/provisional seizure
延在する extend
任意認知 voluntary acknowledgement
Entered by: cinefil
価物 consideration
保全差押 preservative attachment又はprotective seizure
必ず保護者の許可を得てください。 required to obtain (receive) permission....
ラーズビル Razu building
リンヒ素ケイ酸ガラス phosphoarsenosilicate glass
ピンハネ take a percentage/kickback
Entered by: cinefil
インターネット開示とみなし提供 Internet disclosure and deemed provision
Entered by: onwildside
ゲツタ能を有するケイ酸ガラス silicic acid glass with getter properties / having getter properties
債権者 a creditor
Entered by: Milind Joshi
再委託先 the reconsigned (party)
前提条件 advance provisions/preconditions
Entered by: David Patrick
〇磯〇一郎氏 代理人 Representative/Represented Party
現状回復費用 cost of restoring the room to its original condition
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