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Search results: (180 matches)
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Money matters Sure, I'll take the test, just don't use the F-word I've had that too I've also been told by an agency that the rate
they pay depends on how good the translation test
result is. They might even DOUBLE the rate if I
was REALLY good! Wow... yes, it's double
Taija Hyvönen Jan 31, 2011
Translation Theory and Practice SlavFile newsletter: "You know you're a freelance translator when..." Aww, I recognize myself... These two particularly touched me:

" word can require hours of research, but
despite getting paid just a few cents for t
Taija Hyvönen Aug 5, 2010
Business issues Clients "proofreading" languages they don't know In some case it is the most reasonable solution [quote]Adam Łobatiuk wrote: In Polish we often
circumvent the problem of foreign company and
product names by adding an auxiliary noun to them,
e.g. the XYZ company, the ABC phone. The f
Taija Hyvönen Aug 4, 2010
Money matters How honest are people with their rates? I don't know, but... ... I have to share a moment of unexpected
frankness from a translation agency. I offered to
take the job for X euros and they told me no can
do, because X euros is what they are getting p
Taija Hyvönen Aug 4, 2010
Business issues Clients "proofreading" languages they don't know I have been running into this problem more and
more lately with clients who don't know a word of
Finnish. And all have been translationg agencies.
I thought they know there are different l
Taija Hyvönen Aug 3, 2010
Money matters Overnight job, but the agency says no... Agree with Sheila I wouldn't say it's rush just because the deadline
is less than 24 hours from when you get the job,
it's only rush if you have to drop what you are
doing and rush to do it and can't have c
Taija Hyvönen Jun 18, 2010
Business issues Test, Agreement, Training, then NO Job! You just have to figure it in Well, running any business includes a certain
amount of work, which doesn't directly bring you
income, but which you just have to figure in... if
I go shopping for something, I may take up
Taija Hyvönen Jun 10, 2010
Business issues Test, Agreement, Training, then NO Job! Sorry to hear you missed an interesting project Someone on this forum once said that agencies send
you EITHER tests to translate, forms to fill,
agreements to sign, more forms to fill online,
instructions to read and follow, OR jobs.
Taija Hyvönen Jun 10, 2010
Money matters What do you actually charge for? More on VAT I have to charge VAT if my client is either in
Finland or in the EU and doesn't have a VAT number
(a private person). Companies usually have VAT
numbers, I can't invoice them without one a
Taija Hyvönen Jun 9, 2010
Business issues Company remains unmoved on need for professional translators Yes [quote]Ellis Jongsma wrote: [quote]Laurent
KRAULAND wrote: [quote]Taija Salo wrote: And
when the outcome is what it its, who gets the
blame? Professional translators, of cour
Taija Hyvönen Jun 9, 2010
Business issues Company remains unmoved on need for professional translators And when the outcome is what it its, who gets the blame? Professional translators, of course. Yet again. Taija Hyvönen Jun 9, 2010
Business issues Proofreading a bad translation: should I let client know how bad the translation is? Nothing personal [quote]Sandrine Ananie wrote: I have tried to
give subtle hints to the PM, saying I had already
made quite a few changes. I certainly won't
criticize him/her openly, though.[/quote]
Taija Hyvönen Feb 18, 2010
Business issues Proofreading a bad translation: should I let client know how bad the translation is? Comment but don't get personal I do some proofreading and yes, even refuse
proofreading if translating again would be a
better idea. But I would never use words like
mess or crap. I will tell them it is noot of good<
Taija Hyvönen Feb 18, 2010
Business issues translator blacklists News to me that end clients can't work with freelancers... [quote]jyuan_us wrote: [quote]Taija Salo
wrote: Not my idea - a colleague just brought
us greetings from an international translation
conference, where European high-level official
Taija Hyvönen Nov 24, 2009
Business issues translator blacklists One more reason to work with freelancers directly instead of agencies Why not establish a business relationship with one
freelancer who you know from experience to be
qualified and stop being worried about how much
work the finished translation will need thi
Taija Hyvönen Nov 24, 2009
Money matters Required to send invoices on a specific date only Wow I want to be able to just cancel all the invoices
when I don't want to pay up! What a nice
practice. Agencies have their invoicing
practices and they sometimes come as an unpleasent
Taija Hyvönen Nov 24, 2009
Money matters PayPal Seller Protection Policy?! That is correct [quote]Katalin Horvath McClure wrote: What PP
made clear is that you were the problem that
stopped them to apply the Seller Protection
Policy. That's all they made clear. But they
Taija Hyvönen Jul 31, 2009
Money matters PayPal Seller Protection Policy?! Update Good questions, Katalin. I can't say what the
situation is at the client's end, however, PP made
it clear I was the problem. I understood that
Moneybookers wasn't an option for US payme
Taija Hyvönen Jul 30, 2009
Money matters PayPal Seller Protection Policy?! Confirmation I'm fairly sure it's legitimate, I always log on
to my account through the PP main page if I get an
email notice and all transactions and
correspondence has been through the account, not
Taija Hyvönen Jul 28, 2009
Money matters PayPal Seller Protection Policy?! I have a business account and verified status I can't find anything on the transaction type, I
suppose it is commercial as it is business to
business... I have not been contacted by the
client, other than being informed the job was
Taija Hyvönen Jul 28, 2009
Money matters PayPal Seller Protection Policy?! This just happened. I received a small payment
from a US client for whom I have done work before
with no problems. PayPal made a "case" out of this
payment, and wanted to "investigate"
Taija Hyvönen Jul 28, 2009
Lighter side of trans/interp The best translation job ads The Finnish Ministry of Employment and the Economy
runs a very popular service listing vacancies, the
main source of job ads in Finland. They have an
ad for a... Hair extensionist/tr
Taija Hyvönen Jul 7, 2009
Translation Theory and Practice On the importance/requirement of being native speaker Oh yes, it does! [quote]Jocelyne S wrote: In sum, I don't think
that translating into a non-native language makes
much economic sense. [/quote] Here, in the
wilderness beyond French and English, it i
Taija Hyvönen Jul 6, 2009
Translation Theory and Practice When is a translation project ready to be delivered? I know exactly what you are talking about For me, a translation can never be perfect. No
matter how many times you go over it, there is
always something you can change. Unfortunately
the only remedy I have is the deadline bein
Taija Hyvönen Jul 6, 2009
Translation Theory and Practice On the importance/requirement of being native speaker Ah yes, these discussions again... I have actually proofread texts in Russian
translated by The Native and corrected (examples
are fictional): - obviously missing words -
entire missing sentences relevant to understanding
Taija Hyvönen Jul 6, 2009
Translation Theory and Practice English translation vs Rest of World This makes sense, but... ... only when it comes to certain kind of
books. Popular literature is problematic. A
typical example is Stephen King: truly terrible
translations exist. I have looked at translations
Taija Hyvönen Jul 6, 2009
Money matters Did I miss something? Most jobs in my pair aren't offering anything... [quote]Rod Walters wrote: When I look at the
jobs posted here in my pair, most of them are
offering less than half of what I charge.[/quote]
... translators quote what they want. I
Taija Hyvönen Jul 6, 2009
Money matters Did I miss something? Agree [quote]Kevin Lossner wrote: These outrage threads
about lousy rates miss the point. Abusively low
job rates are simply fun. [/quote] Why WHY
would take them seriously and get upset? It
Taija Hyvönen Jul 3, 2009
Money matters Did I miss something? Sticky I think there should be a sticky thread about low
rates on the top here, after all it is a popular
subject and there is no stopping these threads
from popping up like mushrooms. Although t
Taija Hyvönen Jul 3, 2009
Money matters Did I miss something? Because... [quote]madeleine van Zanten wrote: For
professional translators rates are essential, so I
don't see why let it go. [/quote] ... there are
already about a gazillion threads on exactly t
Taija Hyvönen Jul 3, 2009
Linguistics What are the easiest and the most difficult languages in the world? Difficulty depends on who you ask The more different from your native language it is
and the less you already know languages related to
it, the more difficult it is. Every language has
its difficult and easy sides and pret
Taija Hyvönen Jul 3, 2009
Money matters Do you think asking for your best possible rate is rude? Point of view Where's the difference? Agency is complaining
about translators' rates, because they can't
afford decent ones. Why did they take the job from
the client for a crappy fee? Translator
Taija Hyvönen Jul 3, 2009
Money matters Do you think asking for your best possible rate is rude? Quite right [quote]Charlie Bavington wrote: ... perhaps we
should all reply with our actual [b]best rate[/b]
in the true sense of the term. The best rate I
ever got was 25 eurocents per word (*s
Taija Hyvönen Jul 3, 2009
Business issues An agency willing to know my rates I make up rates as I go I do have a range, though. But I give a fixed word
rate when I get enough information of the project.
Sometimes the work ends up being more
time-consuming than I thought and I actually
Taija Hyvönen Jul 3, 2009
CAT Tools Technical Help 1st Translation software: which one would you choose? Recommending the only ones I know... I use OmegaT, which is 0 € investment and easy
to use. I just picked up another open-source
software, Anaphraseus. OmegaT makes TMs that
can be used in Trados by the agency. With
Taija Hyvönen Jul 2, 2009
Getting established How to do Voluntary translations ? Advice and links welcome If you use open-source software... ... you can voluntarily localize it into your
Taija Hyvönen Jul 2, 2009
Money matters Sweatshop rates I have developing-country discounts Well, actually they apply mainly to Eastern
Europe. I can take a few cents off my standard
rate, if I need work and see no chance of the
agency paying my normal rate. Offers from China
Taija Hyvönen Jul 2, 2009 bugs Why can't I upload a CV anymore?? (Staff: fixed) Solved Thank you for a prompt answer. The tick box
concerning visibility in search engines was
missing earlier, now it's there and I got CVs
Taija Hyvönen May 19, 2009 bugs Why can't I upload a CV anymore?? (Staff: fixed) I removed my CV to upload an updated one. I browse
to the file, open it, it shows up, I click submit,
the page goes to the top and there is no CV, just
the frame encouraging me to upload o
Taija Hyvönen May 19, 2009
Money matters Rates - is the bottom rising? Am I reading this right? I am not entirely sure of the supply chain, but I
would sure like to see the end product

[Edited at 2009-05-05 11:54 GMT]
Taija Hyvönen May 5, 2009
Money matters Is it justified to charge clients according to their geographic locations? Clients and clients... [quote]Eleftherios Kritikakis wrote: We, in the
"first world" exploit the naive third world
workers by paying them 1 cent per word, and then
we make a donation through various internation
Taija Hyvönen Apr 20, 2009
Money matters Is it justified to charge clients according to their geographic locations? Agree [quote]Ray_S wrote: Like many one-person
translation business operators, the fact that I am
dealing with a client from a less economically
affluent geographic location doesn't mean my c
Taija Hyvönen Apr 19, 2009
Money matters Is it justified to charge clients according to their geographic locations? Well... ... if it's a Chinese agency ordering a
translation into Finnish from a Finnish translator
living in Finland, for a client based in Finland,
I see no reason for a third-world discount
Taija Hyvönen Apr 18, 2009
Translation Theory and Practice Do you translate solely into your native language? Yes [quote]Christine Andersen wrote: Well, to answer
your question, I don't know about accepting a
translation where "all the prepositions are not
correct". That could be confusing and you mi
Taija Hyvönen Apr 18, 2009
Translation Theory and Practice Do you translate solely into your native language? What she actually said... [quote]Lawyer-Linguist wrote: ... generalising is
exactly what Liz didn't do -- she made it quite
clear she was talking about herself and herself
only. Read her further postings too.
Taija Hyvönen Apr 17, 2009
Translation Theory and Practice Do you translate solely into your native language? One more time... [quote]PRen wrote: ...and if there are enough
native-language translators in that combination,
why would you risk your reputation?
[/quote] And when there aren't? So if you
Taija Hyvönen Apr 17, 2009
Translation Theory and Practice Do you translate solely into your native language? Of course you are and I agree that is how it should be in an ideal world! [quote]liz askew wrote: p.s. this is what I
actually said: "I still believe one should
translate into one's native language only". I
think I am entitled to hold this belief.
Taija Hyvönen Apr 16, 2009
Translation Theory and Practice Do you translate solely into your native language? A fair question [quote]liz askew wrote: It is not for me to say
to you what is the most have to
decide that for yourself. I just know where I
stand that is all. As for what other trans
Taija Hyvönen Apr 16, 2009
Translation Theory and Practice Do you translate solely into your native language? Yes, it's easy to say for those who are native in English, French, German... [quote]tinageta wrote: In theory I totally
agree that one should only translate into a native
language (or equivalent). In practice, I would
really appreciate if any of the people takin
Taija Hyvönen Apr 16, 2009
Translation Theory and Practice Are the concepts behind 'Plain English' accepted in your source language? Orwellian rules Those are a bit steep, I think. But it would make
our life easier if the writers of source texts
followed those! We wouldn't be figuring out just
exactly what the writer has had in mind. I
Taija Hyvönen Apr 4, 2009

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Translation Office 3000

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