Powwow Report for Великобритания - Edinburgh (Mar 31 2023)

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Report from  Julian Wagstaff
Another excellent powwow, with a total of twenty people in attendance!

It is great to see Edinburgh raising the standard for Proz powwows in Scotland - thanks so much to everyone to came along and made it such a success, and to the Fox and Faun for making us all so welcome.

There were some great conversations with friends old and new, covering a huge range of subjects (including translation and intepreting ;-) ).

The "stragglers" got thrown out of the pub at about 1.20am. Hopefully everyone made it home safe!

Take care and see you at the summer barbecue!


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ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
Ramon Inglada
Ivana UK
Fiona Thomson
Thomas Roberts
Iryna Makedon
Yulia Lugaskova
Eleonore Wapler
Julian Wagstaff
Miranda Stewart
Gabriella Büki
Theresa Schmidt
James Plastow
Alexandra Gherghinis
Sam U Ho
Camilla Sensi
Theodora Vasiliou
Matthew James Appleby
Sofía Martínez Úbeda

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