Interpreters » японский => английский » Social Sciences » Медицина: Здравоохранение

The японский => английский translators listed below specialize in the field of Медицина: Здравоохранение. For more search fields, try an advanced search by clicking the link to the right.

84 results (paying members)

Freelance Interpreter native in

Specializes in

Naoko Sjoberg
Naoko Sjoberg
Native in японский Native in японский
Japanese, English, medical, pharmaceutical, AE, ICF, market research, cooking, education, pedagogy, ...
Native in японский Native in японский
Полиграфия и издательское дело, Математика и статистика, Патенты, Юриспруденция: Налоги и таможня, ...
Chiaki Pidruchney
Chiaki Pidruchney
Native in японский Native in японский
translation, interpretation, translator, interpretator, Japanese translator, Japanese interpreter, Japanese translation, Japanese to English translation, English to Japanese translation, proofreading for Japanese translations, ...
Michael O'Keeffe
Michael O'Keeffe
Native in английский (Variants: British, Irish) Native in английский
Japanese Patents, Pharmacuetical GMP, chemistry, Biochemistry, genetics, software, navigation, automotive, semiconductors, cosmetics, ...
Elena Edwards
Elena Edwards
Native in русский Native in русский, белорусский Native in белорусский
Finance, Banking, Accounts, Annual Reports, Insurance, Reinsurance, Oil & Gas, Medical, Clinical Trials, Homeopathy, ...
Native in японский Native in японский
Translator, Proofreader, Post-editor, Subtitler, Voice Talent Legal, Agreement, Contract, Memorandum, Correspondence, Lease, ...
Ikue Ohashi
Ikue Ohashi
Native in японский (Variant: Standard-Japan) Native in японский
Japanese, police, criminology, tourism, subtitle, dubbing, subtitling for d/Deaf and Hard of hearing, SDH, court, localisation, ...
Mika Shikase
Mika Shikase
Native in японский Native in японский
japanese, english, law, contract, business, finance, medical, pharmaceutical
Ailsa Wylie
Ailsa Wylie
Native in английский (Variants: US, Australian, Canadian, New Zealand, UK) Native in английский
japanese, tourism, culture, society, localization, editing, proofreading, native check, copywriting, copyediting, ...
Tiến Anh Lê
Tiến Anh Lê
Native in вьетнамский (Variant: Standard-Vietnam) Native in вьетнамский
Vietnamese, English, Japanese, French, localizer, patent, technical, freelancer, satisfaction, dtp, ...
Native in японский Native in японский
医学論文、英訳、航空機、燃料電池 翻訳、  medical translation, aviation related translation, tourism, science, 科学記事 翻訳、会議通訳、有害事象
Nobutaka Nakagawa (X)
Nobutaka Nakagawa (X)
Native in японский Native in японский
Japanese, English, translation, translator, interpretation, interpreter, localization, technology, contracts, localization, ...
Jack Mitchell
Jack Mitchell
Native in английский (Variants: UK, British, US) Native in английский
Japanese, English, Law, Real Estate, Translation, Pharmaceuticals, Medicine, Patent, Medical, Video Games, ...
Yoko Deshmukh
Yoko Deshmukh
Native in японский Native in японский
India, Japan, News, Information Technology, IT, BPO, Business Process Outsourcing, KPO, Knowledge Process Outsourcing, Souce Asia, ...
Eiji Yokoyama
Eiji Yokoyama
Native in японский Native in японский
Protocol, Investigator's brochre, IB, Informed consent form, ICF, Case report form, CRF, paper, AITI
Mari Sakamoto
Mari Sakamoto
Native in японский Native in японский
Japanese, Environment, Medical, Renewable Energy, Climate change, Hydrogen, Power Generation, ESG, ISO, JIS, ...
Native in английский (Variants: Singaporean, British, UK, US) , китайский (Variants: Mandarin, Traditional, Simplified, Cantonese, Taiwanese, Hokkien, Teochew) Native in китайский
contract, patent, localization, project management, technology, medical, legal, finance, multilingual, Japanese, ...
Ikuyo Murakami
Ikuyo Murakami
Native in японский Native in японский
English to Japanese interpreter, English to Japanese translator, IT, medical translator, medical interpreter, fashion, art, culture, training interpreter, seminar interpreter, ...
Masaki Matsunaga
Masaki Matsunaga
Native in японский (Variant: Standard-Japan) Native in японский
Патенты, Юриспруденция: патенты, товарные знаки, авторские права, Автоматика и робототехника, Компьютеры (в целом), ...
Tsemay Tse
Tsemay Tse
Native in китайский (Variants: Mandarin, Cantonese, Traditional) Native in китайский, английский (Variants: UK, Singaporean, US) Native in английский
localization, video game, board game, manga, comic, comics, Japanese, English, Chinese, Cantonese, ...

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Interpreters, like translators, enable communication across cultures by translating one language into another. These language specialists must thoroughly understand the subject matter of any texts they translate, as well as the cultures associated with the source and target language.

Interpreters differ from translators in that they work with spoken words, rather than written text. Interpreting may be done in parallel with the speaker (simultaneous interpreting) or after they have spoken a few sentences or words (consecutive interpreting). Simultaneous interpreting is most often used at international conferences or in courts. Consecutive interpreting is often used for interpersonal communication.