Interpreters » немецкий => итальянский » Bus/Financial » Юриспруденция: Контракты

The немецкий => итальянский translators listed below specialize in the field of Юриспруденция: Контракты. For more search fields, try an advanced search by clicking the link to the right.

88 results (paying members)

Freelance Interpreter native in

Specializes in

Native in итальянский Native in итальянский
German, English, Spanish to Italian - Localizer, SAP, technical translator, law, proofreading, MTPE
Barbara Zwirn
Barbara Zwirn
Native in итальянский Native in итальянский
Abricht-Dickenmaschinen, Abricht-Hobelmaschinen, Automotive, Befestigungssysteme für Rohre, Breitbandschleifmaschinen, Business contracts, Certificates, Diplomas, Licences, CVs, ...
Marcella Marino
Marcella Marino
Native in итальянский (Variant: Standard-Italy) Native in итальянский
Italian, German, English, French, Portuguese, Swedish, Translation, Translator, Interpreter, Interpreting, ...
samantha roncalli
samantha roncalli
Native in итальянский Native in итальянский
german, dutch, tourism, marketing, renewable energy, engineering
Francesca Magri
Francesca Magri
Native in итальянский Native in итальянский
patents, patent, brevetti, tedesco, contratti, Verträge, contract, legale, comunicati stampa, press release, ...
Simone Catania
Simone Catania
Native in итальянский (Variant: Standard-Italy) 
translation, traduzione, Übersetzung, English, inglese, Englisch, Deutsch, German, tedesco, italiano, ...
Costanza D'Odorico
Costanza D'Odorico
Native in итальянский Native in итальянский
italian, localization, proof-reading, cable systems, power grid systems, technical translation, search engine optimization, SEO, CAT tool, SEMrush, ...
Native in японский Native in японский, немецкий Native in немецкий
Сельское хозяйство, Искусства, ремесла, живопись, Автомобили / Автомеханика, Компьютеры: Программное обеспечение, ...
Myriam Macrì
Myriam Macrì
Native in итальянский 
english, german, spanish, interpreting, translation, localization, editing, proofreading, subtitling, translation, ...
Fabiana Villotti
Fabiana Villotti
Native in итальянский 
english, german, italian, Interpreter, translator, art, Finance, law, turism, human resources, ...
Elena Bellucci
Elena Bellucci
Native in итальянский (Variants: Tuscan / Toscano, Standard-Italy) Native in итальянский
patents, technical translation, turbines, interpreting, conference interpreting, website translation, tourism, military, automotive, manuals, ...
Marco Salsi
Marco Salsi
Native in итальянский 
German, English, Spanish, French, Italian
Sricha Gupta
Sricha Gupta
Native in английский (Variants: Australian, French, Wales / Welsh, Singaporean, Canadian, New Zealand, Scottish, South African, US South, British, UK, Irish, Indian, Jamaican, US) Native in английский, хинди (Variants: Shuddha, Khariboli, Indian) Native in хинди
Subtitling, Open and Close Captioning, Time Coding, Transcription, Voiceover, Interpretation, Translation, DTP etc.
Paola Tomassini
Paola Tomassini
Native in итальянский (Variants: Tuscan / Toscano, Emiliano-Romagnolo) 
translator, post-editing, MTPE, english translator, german translator, italian translator, mechanics, engineering, food processing, certificates, ...
Native in итальянский 
Компьютеры (в целом), Транспорт / Транспортные средства / Грузоперевозки, Интернет, электронная коммерция, Текстильная промышленность / Одежда / Мода, ...
Francesca Ciet
Francesca Ciet
Native in итальянский (Variant: Standard-Italy) 
English to Italian translator, German to Italian proofreader, Traduttore inglese-italiano, Traduttore tedesco-italiano, English, German, Italian, Translation, Proofreading, Post-editing, ...
Alice Gianni
Alice Gianni
Native in итальянский 
Информационные технологии, Интернет, электронная коммерция
Virginia Conti (X)
Virginia Conti (X)
Native in итальянский 
german, italiam, legal, patents, certificates, diplomas, documents
Silvia Pellacani
Silvia Pellacani
Native in итальянский (Variants: Emiliano-Romagnolo, Standard-Italy, Swiss ) 
Italiano, Deutsch, English, Español, inclusive language, HTML, SEO, social media, ebook, SDL Trados, ...
Mateo Franco
Mateo Franco
Native in турецкий (Variants: Izmir, Standard-İstanbul ) Native in турецкий, английский (Variant: US) Native in английский, французский (Variants: Standard-France, Canadian) Native in французский
Искусства, ремесла, живопись, Полиграфия и издательское дело, Интернет, электронная коммерция, Медицина: Кардиология, ...

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немецкий => итальянский interpreters specializing in:

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Interpreters, like translators, enable communication across cultures by translating one language into another. These language specialists must thoroughly understand the subject matter of any texts they translate, as well as the cultures associated with the source and target language.

Interpreters differ from translators in that they work with spoken words, rather than written text. Interpreting may be done in parallel with the speaker (simultaneous interpreting) or after they have spoken a few sentences or words (consecutive interpreting). Simultaneous interpreting is most often used at international conferences or in courts. Consecutive interpreting is often used for interpersonal communication.