New Release - WFP 2.4.3 Автор темы: Kristyna Marrero
Natalie Польша Local time: 06:35 Член c 2002 английский => русский + ... Модератор данного форума ЛОКАЛИЗАТОР САЙТА Thank you, Kristyna! | Aug 6, 2011 |
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Heinrich Pesch Финляндия Local time: 07:35 Член c 2003 финский => немецкий + ...
Hope at least the jumpy behavior of the editor in table mode is fixed?
Sorry to say, editor is as itchy as ever. A good editor would behave like the one in SDLX (which is not perfect either).
[Bearbeitet am 2011-08-07 15:23 GMT] | | |
Epameinondas Soufleros Греция Local time: 07:35 Член c 2008 английский => греческий (новогреческий) + ... Is that an improvement? | Aug 7, 2011 |
Sorry to intervene, but out of curiosity I read the list of new features, improvements and bug fixes and you have listed the following as an improvement:
"Leverage now works for a segment which has a TM match".
What does this mean? How is this an improvement? Isn't this what a CAT tool is supposed to do in the first place? Wordfast had to reach version 2.4.3 to achieve this functionality?
[Edited at 2011-08-07 09:25 GMT] | |
Joost Elshoff (X) Local time: 06:35 испанский => голландский + ... 2.4.3 not available? | Aug 13, 2011 |
Apparently the downloads section of mentions a critical bug in the announced 2.4.3 release, so as far as I know, you can't download it at this moment. | | |
Epameinondas Soufleros Греция Local time: 07:35 Член c 2008 английский => греческий (новогреческий) + ... Has happened before | Aug 13, 2011 |
A "critical bug" has happened again, with an earlier release of Wordfast "Pro". I started the application fine, but could not get past the wizard for creating a new project. How great a bug was that!
[Edited at 2011-08-13 09:19 GMT] | | |
2.4.3 will be available August 15th | Aug 13, 2011 |
Yes, there was an issue regarding non ISO compliant locales. The new version will be available on Monday. I apologize for any inconvenience.
Thanks for your continued support.
Kristyna | | |
John Di Rico Франция Local time: 06:35 Член c 2006 французский => английский + ... Language code for Tetum | Aug 13, 2011 |
Speaking of languages codes, that would be great to add Tetum, the language spoken in Timor Leste. There are a lot of translators there and they don't know what language codes to use.
John Di Rico
Wordfast Trainer | |
Gabriel Lang Франция Local time: 06:35 английский => французский I agree entirely | Aug 30, 2011 |
You are right, SDLX editor has much more capabilities and does not behave "strangely" (losing focus, ...). The Automatch is great, Wordfast should be able to copy words like dates, numbers in their proper local format. That would be an improvement in long lists of values.
Heinrich Pesch wrote:
Hope at least the jumpy behavior of the editor in table mode is fixed?
Sorry to say, editor is as itchy as ever. A good editor would behave like the one in SDLX (which is not perfect either).
[Bearbeitet am 2011-08-07 15:23 GMT] | | |