Work flow during the summer vacation period.
Автор темы: Lagom
Lagom  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:34
шведский => английский
Aug 4, 2005

I would be interested to hear from Swe-Eng translators that have been active in the industry for some years whether they find that during the period from midsummer through to August (July in particular)that work is very slow and if they find that there are any months that are typically busier on an annual basis.

Would it be possible to hold a poll on this question within this forum?

Peter Linton (X)
Peter Linton (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:34
шведский => английский
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Hard to say Aug 5, 2005

Translators have a very worm's eye view of the business -- we only see what is in our immediate vicinity, not the whole picture. The work is also very unevenly spread. In my first year (after an MA at UCL in 2001) the first 11 months of the year were very slow. These days all months are on average much the same for me, including July. There is a theory that July should be better than average, because so many translators are on holiday. But then so are the customers. Speaking as a worm, all I can... See more
Translators have a very worm's eye view of the business -- we only see what is in our immediate vicinity, not the whole picture. The work is also very unevenly spread. In my first year (after an MA at UCL in 2001) the first 11 months of the year were very slow. These days all months are on average much the same for me, including July. There is a theory that July should be better than average, because so many translators are on holiday. But then so are the customers. Speaking as a worm, all I can say is that work arrives randomly - some days no work, some days too much.

The muted response to your question also demonstrates that what you are asking about is actually a rather sensitive, commercially confidential issue (like rates per word) that most translators don't want to disclose. I suspect a poll would elicit an equally muted response.

Lagom  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:34
шведский => английский
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I had not considered that some may see my question as a 'sensitive issue' Aug 5, 2005

Thanks for your input Peter, I had not considered that some may see my question as a 'sensitive issue'. As having only recently started work full time as a translator I am very curious to compare my own experiences with those that have been in the industry for some time to help me reach a better understanding of the market.

Incidentally we must have been studying in the Scandinavian Studies dept at UCL on different courses at the same time?!


Klas Törnquist
Klas Törnquist
Local time: 18:34
английский => шведский
+ ...
Semester + jul och nyår styr Aug 5, 2005

Benjamin Love wrote:

I would be interested to hear from Swe-Eng translators that have been active in the industry for some years whether they find that during the period from midsummer through to August (July in particular)that work is very slow and if they find that there are any months that are typically busier on an annual basis.

Jag jobbar med eng > sv + ty > sv så detta kanske inte stämmer riktigt för sv > eng.

Enligt min erfarenhet (10 år som frilansare och 19 år som in-house-översättare) så brukar det vara relativt lugnt de första två veckorna i januari. (Det brukar ta ett tag för svenska företag att komma igång efter julledigheten.) Sedan brukar det komma en rusch fr o m andra veckan i maj fram till strax före midsommar (allt ska vara klart före semestern!). Sedan brukar det vara stiltje fram till andra/tredje veckan i augusti. ("Startramp" efter semestern!) Nästa rusch brukar börja i slutet av november och vara till veckan före jul (allt ska vara klart före jul!).

Den gamla hederliga industrisemestern (stängt hels juli) tillämpas väl inte lika strikt som förr, men de flesta svenska företag har låg eller ingen aktivitet i juli.

Mina engelska och tyska kunder verkar inte stänga helt, och om de stänger så brukar det vara några veckor i augusti.

Mina 2 Euro (gärna per ord!)


Mats Wiman
Mats Wiman  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:34
Член c 2000
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Inte ett känsligt ämne Aug 6, 2005

Som Peter säger, all erfarenhet är personlig, beroende på språkpar, kundtyp (byrå vs slutkund), antal år i branschen etc..

Vår erfarenhet med deu>swe och eng>swe är att ju längre vi hållit på desto mer får vi att göra på sommaren (liksom resten av året).
Många nya kunder har kommit under just sommaren därför att deras 'ordinarie översättare' är på semester.
Januarihålet har dessutom mer och mer börjat försvinna.

Men som Peter sa....<
... See more
Som Peter säger, all erfarenhet är personlig, beroende på språkpar, kundtyp (byrå vs slutkund), antal år i branschen etc..

Vår erfarenhet med deu>swe och eng>swe är att ju längre vi hållit på desto mer får vi att göra på sommaren (liksom resten av året).
Många nya kunder har kommit under just sommaren därför att deras 'ordinarie översättare' är på semester.
Januarihålet har dessutom mer och mer börjat försvinna.

Men som Peter sa....

Mats J C Wiman
Übersetzer/Translator/Traducteur/Traductor > swe
( moderator, deu>swe, Swedish)
Träsk 201
SE-872 97 Skog
Tel:+46-612-54112 Fax:+46-612-54181 Mobile:+46-70-5769797
[email protected]
SKYPE: MatsWiman

Lena Samuelsson
Lena Samuelsson  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:34
немецкий => шведский
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I agree with Mats Aug 10, 2005

There has been a change on the market in the last two-three years, at least in Germany. January used to be a quiet month but there is no such tendence today and in the sommer months I swim in work, unfortunately, instead of swimming in the sea

[Edited at 2005-08-10 11:48]

Christine Andersen
Christine Andersen  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:34
Член c 2003
датский => английский
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It varies a lot... Aug 16, 2005

I started as an in-house translator in August 1998 (in Denmark, but we did a certain amount of Swedish)

The most experienced translator said on my first day it was a good time to start, as they were not ususally very busy in August. The rest of the month he kept muttering that we were most unusually busy for August, but it was good for business.

We were breathless from then until December, when clients apparently cleared their desks and wanted the last few extra jobs do
... See more
I started as an in-house translator in August 1998 (in Denmark, but we did a certain amount of Swedish)

The most experienced translator said on my first day it was a good time to start, as they were not ususally very busy in August. The rest of the month he kept muttering that we were most unusually busy for August, but it was good for business.

We were breathless from then until December, when clients apparently cleared their desks and wanted the last few extra jobs done over the Christmas break (what Christmas break? ) to be ready when they came back in January!

Same again the next couple of years, with the first half of the year quite busy too.

Then came THE 11th of September.... and the bubble burst. Everything went quiet, and several of us went freelance.

Since then August has tended to be a bit quiet, but it's good to have a break, throw out the rubbish and get some fresh air now and then. Most of the time I have more than enough to do - inlcuding a few regular Swedish clients.

That's the worm's eye view from my neck of the woods.

Lagom  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:34
шведский => английский
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Thanks! Aug 16, 2005

Thank you to all that have posted their views on this thread as I have found it very helpful and interesting reading!


шведский => английский
I agree completely with Klas! Aug 23, 2005

Benjamin Love wrote:

I would be interested to hear from Swe-Eng translators that have been active in the industry for some years whether they find that during the period from midsummer through to August (July in particular)that work is very slow and if they find that there are any months that are typically busier on an annual basis.

Would it be possible to hold a poll on this question within this forum?


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Work flow during the summer vacation period.

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