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Virtual conference for freelancers (2010)

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Drew MacFadyen
Drew MacFadyen  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:14
испанский => английский
+ ...
Welcome! Jul 14, 2010

All freelance language professionals are cordially invited to attend the 2010 ProZ.com virtual conference for freelance translators on September 30, 2010 (International Translation Day). Registration is now open, and attendance is free.

Click here to register for the freelancer conference now.

  • Watch live video webcasts
  • Participate in panel discussions... See more
  • All freelance language professionals are cordially invited to attend the 2010 ProZ.com virtual conference for freelance translators on September 30, 2010 (International Translation Day). Registration is now open, and attendance is free.

    Click here to register for the freelancer conference now.

  • Watch live video webcasts
  • Participate in panel discussions
  • Dedicated chat meet ups by native language
  • Celebrate International Translation Day (30 September 2010)
  • Chat live with peers, presenters & software vendors
  • Enter to win prizes
  • $eptember savings and discounts on software, training and more
  • Over 6,800 attendees last year (largest event in the history of the industry)
  • 100% free to attend
  • This event has been approved by the ATA for up to 10 continuing education credits
    For more information, please review the freelancer conference pages.

    I look forward to seeing you at the event!

    Best regards,


    [edited by Drew - updated info] ▲ Collapse

    Diego Achío
    Diego Achío  Identity Verified
    Local time: 21:14
    английский => испанский
    + ...
    About the date Jul 15, 2010

    It's my first time attending to this kind of event, so I apology if this is a stupid question.

    It's clear that's going to be on September 30th, 2010 but what about the time the conference begins?

    Thank you.

    Sabrina Leone
    Sabrina Leone  Identity Verified
    Член ProZ.com
    английский => итальянский
    + ...
    ... Jul 16, 2010

    I would like knowing the same thing.... the hour of the conference for freelancers.

    Thank you

    Sales Admin
    Sales Admin

    Local time: 21:14
    Start time for ProZ.com 2010 virtual conference series Jul 16, 2010

    Good day -

    Here are the start and end times for all three 2010 virtual conferences:

    Freelance translator event - September 30th 2010: 10:00 GMT - 22:00 GMT
    Translation agency event - October 13th 2010: 10:00 GMT - 20:00 GMT
    Global translation consumer event- November 10th 2010: 10:00 GMT - 20:00 GMT

    We look forward to seeing you at the conference!

    Leslie MacFadyen
    ProZ.com staff

    Walter Landesman
    Walter Landesman  Identity Verified
    Local time: 22:14
    английский => испанский
    + ...
    Start time for ProZ.com 2010 virtual conference series Jul 16, 2010

    Leslie MacFadye wrote:

    Here are the start and end times for all three 2010 virtual conferences:

    Freelance translator event - September 30th 2010: 10:00 GMT - 22:00 GMT

    We look forward to seeing you at the conference!

    Leslie MacFadyen
    ProZ.com staff

    Hi Leslie,

    Does this mean the Conference takes 12 hours? Is there any schedule yet? Are there any breaks?

    Sales Admin
    Sales Admin

    Local time: 21:14
    Start time for ProZ.com 2010 virtual conference series Jul 16, 2010

    Walter Landesman wrote:

    Hi Leslie,

    Does this mean the Conference takes 12 hours? Is there any schedule yet? Are there any breaks?

    Hi Walter -

    Great question! The conference will include sessions and panel discussions scheduled at specific times throughout the full 12 hour period with many items available on demand. The other aspects of the virtual environment: chat, networking, exhibit booths will be available all day.

    A schedule will be made available in the coming weeks so attendees will be able to plan their day accordingly.

    We look forward to seeing you at the event!

    Leslie MacFadyen
    ProZ.com staff

    Walter Landesman
    Walter Landesman  Identity Verified
    Local time: 22:14
    английский => испанский
    + ...
    OK Jul 16, 2010

    Thank you, Leslie.

    Sales Admin
    Sales Admin

    Local time: 21:14
    ProZ.com 2010 virtual conference series - call for panelists Jul 19, 2010

    ProZ.com is looking for representatives from the freelance translator community to participate in an exciting 2010 virtual conference panel titled “Rates in the translation industry”

    This panel will be moderated by Renato Beninatto and include representatives from the LSP/translation agency community along with an end client representative and Henry Dotterer, founder of ProZ.com.

    Volunteers must:
    * be ProZ.com members in good standing
    * make themselves a
    ... See more
    ProZ.com is looking for representatives from the freelance translator community to participate in an exciting 2010 virtual conference panel titled “Rates in the translation industry”

    This panel will be moderated by Renato Beninatto and include representatives from the LSP/translation agency community along with an end client representative and Henry Dotterer, founder of ProZ.com.

    Volunteers must:
    * be ProZ.com members in good standing
    * make themselves available for several training/testing sessions prior to the 2010 virtual conferences
    * own and have full ability to use a webcam and a USB headset/microphone
    * have access to stable Internet access
    * possess a positive attitude and ability to enter into a productive discussion on the topic of rates in the translation industry
    * be available for the dates of this year’s ProZ.com virtual conferences

    To volunteer as a potential panelist, please submit a support request at: http://www.proz.com/support

    Drew MacFadyen
    Drew MacFadyen  Identity Verified
    Local time: 21:14
    испанский => английский
    + ...
    ProZ.com's 2010 freelance virtual conference approved for 10 continuing education points by the ATA Jul 29, 2010

    We have made arrangements for attendees at the September 30th, 2010 virtual conference to be eligible for up to 10 continuing education points from the American Translators Association (ATA). Attendees will need to submit a form to the ATA in order to receive their CE points, with points determined by attendance duration and attendance at sessions throughout the virtual conference. ATA CE overvi... See more
    We have made arrangements for attendees at the September 30th, 2010 virtual conference to be eligible for up to 10 continuing education points from the American Translators Association (ATA). Attendees will need to submit a form to the ATA in order to receive their CE points, with points determined by attendance duration and attendance at sessions throughout the virtual conference. ATA CE overview and forms can be found at http://www.atanet.org/certification/aboutcont_overview.php



    Local time: 03:14
    :) Jul 30, 2010

    what an awesome project!
    i hope I'll find my opportunity to be a subtitler 'cause I'm about to fed up...

    PULAKKAD WARRIER  Identity Verified
    Local time: 06:44
    английский => малаялам
    + ...
    Hi Aug 2, 2010

    Thanks for this great opportunity. I am sure it will be a wonderful and informative day. But being Sept. 30th, the World Translators' Day, can we expect for the maximum response and participation? Last year we were busy on organizing and conducting a powwow on that day.

    Sales Admin
    Sales Admin

    Local time: 21:14
    Extended opportunity to interact with Virtual conference content Aug 2, 2010

    Thanks for your comment. Last year we had over 6,900 attendees enter the environment at some point during the day.

    While it is great that you are organizing and conducting a pow-wow. The virtual conference allows translation professionals to gather and celebrate their profession online no matter where they are around the globe.

    The conference will be live from 10:00 GMT - 22:00 GMT giving even those who have plans plenty of time to pop in for a little while. I
    ... See more
    Thanks for your comment. Last year we had over 6,900 attendees enter the environment at some point during the day.

    While it is great that you are organizing and conducting a pow-wow. The virtual conference allows translation professionals to gather and celebrate their profession online no matter where they are around the globe.

    The conference will be live from 10:00 GMT - 22:00 GMT giving even those who have plans plenty of time to pop in for a little while. In addition, those that attend the conference on Sept 30th will have access to session content for 90 days.

    I hope you will have a few minutes on the Sept 30th to stop by and see the conference in action.


    Leslie MacFadyen
    ProZ.com staff

    Murad AWAD
    Murad AWAD  Identity Verified
    Local time: 02:14
    английский => арабский
    + ...

    2010 virtual conference for freelancers Aug 2, 2010

    I believe that the idea of this conference is a great idea and it is going to be a great event.
    Thanks for organizing this very conference.

    Local time: 09:14
    среднеанглийский (ок.1100-1500 гг.) => тагалог
    + ...
    Time & Program Aug 2, 2010

    This is an awesome project! Looking forward to this.

    What is the time conversion in the Philippines?
    Will you provide us a detailed program and guidelines?
    Will we receive an email reminder of the virtual conference?
    If we miss out on specific sessions, will we be able to access the recorded sessions? Thanks!

    Sales Admin
    Sales Admin

    Local time: 21:14
    Program details coming soon Aug 3, 2010

    Ben14 -

    Thanks for your interest in the virtual conference!

    Below are answers to your questions:
    What is the time conversion in the Philippines?
    The time conversion for Manila will be: Thu Sep 30th 18:00 through Fri Oct 1st 06:00

    Will you provide us a detailed program and guidelines?
    ProZ.com is in the process of finalizing the program and schedule for the event. The detailed information will be made available soo
    ... See more
    Ben14 -

    Thanks for your interest in the virtual conference!

    Below are answers to your questions:
    What is the time conversion in the Philippines?
    The time conversion for Manila will be: Thu Sep 30th 18:00 through Fri Oct 1st 06:00

    Will you provide us a detailed program and guidelines?
    ProZ.com is in the process of finalizing the program and schedule for the event. The detailed information will be made available soon.

    Will we receive an email reminder of the virtual conference?
    Registered attendees will receive several email reminders including an attendee guide that will explain all about the virtual conference environment.

    If we miss out on specific sessions, will we be able to access the recorded sessions?
    All sessions will be available via recording for free to everyone who logs-in to the conference at some point on Sept 30th. This content will be available for 3 months in the virtual conference environment.

    See you on Sept 30th.


    Leslie MacFadyen
    ProZ.com staff

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    Virtual conference for freelancers (2010)

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