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Il diritto societario inglese: elementi teorici e spunti pratici

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Sonia Alioto
Sonia Alioto
Local time: 13:55
итальянский => английский
+ ...
Interesting and useful but some concerns Oct 30, 2013

Our USA office addresses issues related to Italian administrative and legal procedures and submission of various filings in Italy. I am very interested in the subject and would like to join the session on Nov 21 but have some reservations.

I note that the trainer, at least in the background text presented above, makes no reference to having a degree in jurisprudence neither in Italy or in common law countries. Perhaps she has taken courses in comparative law. Please advise.

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Our USA office addresses issues related to Italian administrative and legal procedures and submission of various filings in Italy. I am very interested in the subject and would like to join the session on Nov 21 but have some reservations.

I note that the trainer, at least in the background text presented above, makes no reference to having a degree in jurisprudence neither in Italy or in common law countries. Perhaps she has taken courses in comparative law. Please advise.

Anthony Alioto
San Francisco, Calfifornia

Emilia De Paola
Emilia De Paola
Local time: 22:55
Член c 2007
английский => итальянский
+ ...
The purpose of the webinar is to know the *basic concepts* related to companies Nov 3, 2013

Happy to get in touch with you, Mr. Alioto,
as you can read in the course description (which I now translate into English to be sure there are no misunderstandings) the purpose of the webinar is to know the *basic concepts* related to companies.
In my particular case having a degree in foreign languages and literature and being an official translator of AITI (Italian Association of Translators and Interpreters) I have no title in the field of law or medicine. Translators however can sp
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Happy to get in touch with you, Mr. Alioto,
as you can read in the course description (which I now translate into English to be sure there are no misunderstandings) the purpose of the webinar is to know the *basic concepts* related to companies.
In my particular case having a degree in foreign languages and literature and being an official translator of AITI (Italian Association of Translators and Interpreters) I have no title in the field of law or medicine. Translators however can specialize in specific fields such as medicine or law or literature without necessarily being medical doctors or lawyers or poets and writers (you can check on this network!) and thanks to Proz or similar sites they can share the knowledge they have acquired through *experience*.
At the beginning of my career as a translator I would have liked to have *a framework of reference* that could allow me to translate contracts quickly and easily (and instead I had to study and devour Internet pages every time I looked up for a term). This is what I offer now with this low cost course.
However I also wrote in the description of the course that it helps *to become* experts in the field. You *are* already an expert and, honestly, I don’t think the course is for you.


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Il diritto societario inglese: elementi teorici e spunti pratici

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