Автор темы: Lesley Clarke
Lesley Clarke
Lesley Clarke  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:23
испанский => английский
May 8, 2004

I'm having trouble with the glossaries, although I have ticked all the boxes, it won't give me the kudoz answers, only answers from the glossaries.
Is this a change in design, or a bug? I find it very frustrating.

Antonella Andreella (X)
Antonella Andreella (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:23
немецкий => итальянский
+ ...
Same here Lesley May 11, 2004

Since 3 weeks at least!
The funny thing is that if I search for a given term in Google I find a hit for glossary but if I search for that same term in glossary no hits at all. This already happened at least three times for three different words already.
And if I click on 'Search for KudoZ containing your term' I've never got a single hit!!!
I usually search for a term without specifying source and target language to get the highest number of hits and check or
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Since 3 weeks at least!
The funny thing is that if I search for a given term in Google I find a hit for glossary but if I search for that same term in glossary no hits at all. This already happened at least three times for three different words already.
And if I click on 'Search for KudoZ containing your term' I've never got a single hit!!!
I usually search for a term without specifying source and target language to get the highest number of hits and check or verify for translation and/or explanations in other languages too, and I always include members' glossaries.
But now I hardly have 2/3 hits after having searched for a term, even when I do remember that a KudoZ question for that term was already asked.

Can you please look into this, dear staff?

Thanks a lot

gianfranco  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:23
Член c 2001
английский => итальянский
+ ...
Look at this similar thread in another forum May 11, 2004

Antonella Andreella wrote:

I usually search for a term without specifying source and target language to get the highest number of hits and check or verify for translation and/or explanations in other languages too, and I always include members\' glossaries.
Can you please look into this, dear staff?

Perhaps the problem has been already solved, please look in

Gianfranco Team

Lesley Clarke
Lesley Clarke  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:23
испанский => английский
Автор темы
Sorry about the duplication May 11, 2004

Actually I sent this topic in on Friday and as there had still been no sign of it in the forums on Saturday afternoon, I assumed that it had disappeared into cyberspace.

Thanks Gianfranco for pointing out the link to the other topic.

Antonella Andreella (X)
Antonella Andreella (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:23
немецкий => итальянский
+ ...
Thanks Gianfranco May 11, 2004

I've read the other thread and agree with Andrea's conclusions.
However I'll try to specify at least the source language and press the search button, not Enter.
But as to 'Search for KudoZ containing your term' I really never got any hits pressing that option.
As a matter of fact the search results are much poorer now.


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