Hi Kalila,
On three occasions I answered a question on KudoZ and this message was shown by the system: "Your IP is similar to the Asker's. Moderator will be informed".
This is a standard systems reaction which, in itself, does not trigger any reaction.
I emailed the moderator to bring his attention to this and because I am NOT the Asker, I am the Answerer. I do not know who the asker is but I know this can happen if he/she is in the same country and subscribing to the same Internet Service Provider. My local IP gives subscribers one public IP route or number. I am not much aware of technical things. Just wanted to confirm that I am who I am! This leaves a bad impression!
Not at all.
There have been cases where askers answered their own questions - the IP is but one of the parameters moderators and site staff look at, never the exclusive indicator.
Any way, I just found that the moderator had already deleted the questions!
Not quite. I had a quick look at your profile: the two most recently squashed questions were not squashed by a moderator, but by another member, because they were repetitions - nothing whatsoever to do with yourself.
I happened to be in the same place at the same time.. same country (maybe), same website (proz), same time (around 12:20 GMT). whatelse or howelse can I prove that?!
There's no need to do anything. If a moderator perceives a problem, he or she will contact you - but that doesn't appear to be the case here.
Hope that clarifies it.
Best regards, Ralf