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Recent Earthquake in Iran
Автор темы: Rahi Moosavi
Karin Adamczyk (X)
Karin Adamczyk (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:57
французский => английский
Montreal donations Dec 29, 2003

Balé Rahi, there are many Iranians in Montreal!

On the news last night, they mentioned that boxes for collecting cash donations will be set up in Iranian businesses in Montreal. This makes it very easy for anyone help.


Rahi Moosavi
Rahi Moosavi  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:57
Член ProZ.com c 2004
английский => персидский (фарси)
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Mamnoon Karin Dec 30, 2003

Karin Kheili Mamnoon barayeh tavajoh shoma


Karin Adamczyk wrote:

Balé Rahi, there are many Iranians in Montreal!

On the news last night, they mentioned that boxes for collecting cash donations will be set up in Iranian businesses in Montreal. This makes it very easy for anyone help.


английский => русский
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I was so shocked by this news Dec 30, 2003

especially that I was there just a few months ago.
The people of Bam are so friendly and at the same time so proud of their historical heritage.
I was walking in the streets of the ancient city and taking photos when I met a construcion worker engaged in the renovation of the ancient city, and he talked to me in English. Then we exchanged a few words in Persian, he asked about my digital camera, and I took a picture of him just to show him his face on the built-in LCD viewer, as he s
... See more
especially that I was there just a few months ago.
The people of Bam are so friendly and at the same time so proud of their historical heritage.
I was walking in the streets of the ancient city and taking photos when I met a construcion worker engaged in the renovation of the ancient city, and he talked to me in English. Then we exchanged a few words in Persian, he asked about my digital camera, and I took a picture of him just to show him his face on the built-in LCD viewer, as he said he had never seen such cameras before. Then we said Khoda Hafez to each other and went each one's own way. I kept that photo in my computer because I liked his happy-looking face. I did not remember his name, and I will never know what has happened to him.
The ancient Citadel of Bam was such a great place, it is hard to believe it's been completely destroyed. But I'm sure that sooner or later it will be restored. It has been there for over 2000 years and it cannot just go like this.
For those of you who has not had a chance to see the Citadel, here is a link to one of my photos - that's what it looked like in May 2003.

Henk Peelen
Henk Peelen  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:57
Член ProZ.com c 2003
немецкий => голландский
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Very sad Dec 30, 2003

It could anyone on earth remind of the fragility of life.
I hope God will dry the tears of all and make them smile with renewed strength.

[Edited at 2003-12-30 18:45]

Rahi Moosavi
Rahi Moosavi  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:57
Член ProZ.com c 2004
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Pictures of Bam, How it used to be.... Dec 31, 2003


laurawheeler  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:57
английский => французский
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A little bit of good news out of Iran ... Dec 31, 2003

Found this on Yahoo.fr today:

(For those of you who don't read French, it's the story of how rescue workers were able to find two children under the ruins of their home who were badly injured but still alive. It was their canary's song that led the rescue workers to the children.)

"Le chant de deux canaris a permis aux sauveteurs de secourir vivants deux enfants enfouis sous les décombres de leur maison détruite par le tremblement de terre de vendredi à Bam, dans le
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Found this on Yahoo.fr today:

(For those of you who don't read French, it's the story of how rescue workers were able to find two children under the ruins of their home who were badly injured but still alive. It was their canary's song that led the rescue workers to the children.)

"Le chant de deux canaris a permis aux sauveteurs de secourir vivants deux enfants enfouis sous les décombres de leur maison détruite par le tremblement de terre de vendredi à Bam, dans le sud-est de l'Iran.

"Les deux enfants étaient prisonniers sous les débris à proximité de la cage en morceaux de leurs oiseaux apprivoisés", a précisé mardi l'agence de presse iranienne Irna. "C'est en entendant le pépiement des canaris que les sauveteurs ont repéré l'endroit et déblayé les décombres pour secourir les deux enfants".

Ces derniers, grièvement blessés, sont actuellement soignés dans un hôpital.

Quant aux canaris, très prisés en Iran comme animaux de compagnie dans les maisons, ils ont été dégagés et remis en liberté."

Je vous souhaite tous une très bonne et heureuse année 2004!

[Edited at 2003-12-31 16:39]

laurawheeler  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:57
английский => французский
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Wow. Great pictures. What a loss. Dec 31, 2003

Bill Greendyk
Bill Greendyk  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:57
Член ProZ.com c 2002
испанский => английский
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The poem says it all. Dec 31, 2003

Rahi Moosavi wrote:

This beautiful poem is by a Persian Poet called Sa'adi written seven centuries ago. It is inscripted on the United Nations Building in New York.

The children of Adam are limbs of each other

Having been created of one essence.

When the calamity of time afflicts one limb

The other limbs cannot remain at rest.

If thou has no sympathy for troubles of others

Thou art unworthy to be called by the name of a man

What a profound poem! Indeed, at a time like this, who can not but cry inwardly and say a prayer for those affected? My sympathies go out to all those affected by this enormous tragedy.

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Recent Earthquake in Iran

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