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Off topic: It´s a boy !!!
Автор темы: Aurora Humarán (X)
Els Hoefman
Els Hoefman  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:43
английский => голландский
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Congratulations! Sep 23, 2003

Congratulations, Henry!

A.Đapo  Identity Verified
Босния и Герцеговина
Local time: 07:43
Член ProZ.com c 2007
английский => сербскохорватский
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congratulations Sep 23, 2003

I just want to wish you all the best of health and happiness!

Csaba Ban
Csaba Ban  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:43
Член ProZ.com c 2002
английский => венгерский
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congratulations!!!!!!!! Sep 23, 2003

I wish you all the best - whatever you have achieved so far will seem modest in comparison to the opportunity of transferring that knowledge to this little fragile creature.

I wish you all the happiness...
Csaba, a happy and proud father of a 3 1/2 month old son

Carlos Moreno
Carlos Moreno  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:43
английский => испанский
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A child is a blessing! Sep 23, 2003

A child is a blessing for his/her family and everyone else around. I can tell, because I am the proud father of two beautiful girls, and also of a child to be born next month, I have so many times experienced the happiness and pride you feel when you see that little smile, when you hold those tiny hands, when they begin to discover the world around them!

May The Creator bless your child with health, intelligence and happiness, and may He also bless you and your wife with the tender
... See more
A child is a blessing for his/her family and everyone else around. I can tell, because I am the proud father of two beautiful girls, and also of a child to be born next month, I have so many times experienced the happiness and pride you feel when you see that little smile, when you hold those tiny hands, when they begin to discover the world around them!

May The Creator bless your child with health, intelligence and happiness, and may He also bless you and your wife with the tender loving care necessary to teach your son all the beautiful things this world is right now, and how much better it can become when we (you, him) roll up our sleeves and set out to make such a highly useful contribution for the benefit of everyone as this website is.

René VINCHON (X)  Identity Verified
немецкий => французский
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Congratulations! Sep 23, 2003

All the best for all of you, and enjoy!

En plus, qu'est-ce-qu'il est beau ce bébé!
(and what a beautiful baby!)

Eva Blanar
Eva Blanar  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:43
английский => венгерский
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Ko ni sugitaru takara nashi Sep 23, 2003

Oh, why didn't I open this topic earlier: now everything has been already said - I join with my congratulations to the proud parents and wish all the best to the happy family!

No treasure surpasses children!

invguy  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:43
английский => болгарский
Congrats, Henry!!! Keep up the good job :) Sep 23, 2003

BTW I was born on Sept. 14th, so I know what mid-September Virgos are like... prepare to have a very solid analyst and critic of everything you do or say in the future

My best wishes to all three of you!

P.S. Great photo, too! I bet the character of this young man is showing up already

Elinor Thomas
Elinor Thomas  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:43
английский => испанский
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¡Seguro que vino con un pan abajo del brazo! Oct 8, 2003

As we say here... (now Henry you will have to think what it means, like the night we spent in BA around the pizza table trying to figure out how you would translate some localisms!

Children are the most wonderful miracle, but also one of the biggest challenges in life.

May you and Rumi know how to travel through this path with wisdom, joy, and loooooooooots of patience!...
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As we say here... (now Henry you will have to think what it means, like the night we spent in BA around the pizza table trying to figure out how you would translate some localisms!

Children are the most wonderful miracle, but also one of the biggest challenges in life.

May you and Rumi know how to travel through this path with wisdom, joy, and loooooooooots of patience!



Borana Moisiu
Borana Moisiu
Local time: 07:43
английский => албанский
+ ...
Congratulations Henry and Rumi! Oct 8, 2003

Your little boy is way too cute. May he be happy all the days of his life.

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It´s a boy !!!

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