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Off topic: Left Handers in the Translation field
Автор темы: yolanda Speece
Danae Lucia Ferri
Danae Lucia Ferri  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:10
норвежский => греческий (новогреческий)
+ ...
Ambidextrous Jan 4, 2008

I write with my right hand (almost illegible though) but for almost everything else I use my left hand, except when using tools like scissors, screwdrivers, toothbrushes etc. In that case, I behave like a right-handed. Nevertheless, I am clearly "left-footed".

[Edited at 2008-01-04 12:19]

Francesca Pesce
Francesca Pesce  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:10
английский => итальянский
+ ...
Totally left-handed Jan 4, 2008

I eat and write with my left hand; I used to play tennis and the guitar with my left hand; in athletics I was typically left-footed. The mouse: absolutely on the left. When breastfeeding my son, I had to force myself to use both sides, but it took some time; in any case I cradled my son to sleep always on the same - left - side. I hold my hand-bag on my left shoulder and absolutely can't manage on the right. My son: right-handed (sigh).

Claire Cox
Claire Cox
Local time: 02:10
французский => английский
+ ...
Right-handed with the odd exception Jan 4, 2008

What an interesting question - you should definitely suggest it as a poll! I'm predominantly right-handed, but deal cards and hold the phone with my left hand! Both my father and my younger son are right-handed but can play most sports (golf, table tennis, tennis, etc.) with both left and right hands, though better with their right. Fascinating!

gdesai  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:40
немецкий => английский
Missed 13th August by 2 days! Jan 4, 2008

Born on 15th August, the only `precision' work I do with my right hand is to write. For everything else I use my left hand.
And yes, I seem to have a talent for language as well, I am fluent in three Indian languages besides German and English.
My son is a `pure' lefty!
નુતન વષૉિભનંદન (Nutan Varshabhinandan, Gujarati for Happy New Year)

Local time: 03:10
голландский => английский
Lefty Jan 4, 2008

I'm a lefty and fortunately, no one tried to force me to use my right hand.

Julia Esrom
Julia Esrom  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:10
немецкий => английский
+ ...
depends on the task, but always left-eyed Jan 4, 2008

A poll would be interesting, for sure. I'd also be interested whether any folks out there happen to be "left-eyed". I write with the right hand (with varying degrees of legibility) but find it easier to use my left hand for pouring tea/coffee and other things that require a steady hand. After much neck pain I also switched the mouse to the left with wonderful results. Taking pictures using a camera will only work with the left eye. Anybody out there who is also left-eyed? This link shows how t... See more
A poll would be interesting, for sure. I'd also be interested whether any folks out there happen to be "left-eyed". I write with the right hand (with varying degrees of legibility) but find it easier to use my left hand for pouring tea/coffee and other things that require a steady hand. After much neck pain I also switched the mouse to the left with wonderful results. Taking pictures using a camera will only work with the left eye. Anybody out there who is also left-eyed? This link shows how to find out:

Happy New Year to all!

Alexandra Duckitt
Alexandra Duckitt  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:10
Член ProZ.com c 2005
немецкий => английский
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Me too! Jan 4, 2008

I also eat right handed with a knife & fork, but left handed with a spoon & fork. As an adaptable lefty it can be useful that I keep my mouse on the right, as it means in some circumstances I can work on the pc and continue to write with my left hand!

On the other hand(!), my husband (a right-hander) is convinced that one day I will do myself a serious injury with a power tool or knife, because when I do things "it just doesn't look right"...

Claudia Krysztofiak
Claudia Krysztofiak  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:10
английский => немецкий
+ ...
Also left-handed Jan 4, 2008

I (hand-)write with my left hand.
At the computer I can use the mouse on either side. You have to be able to do this, if you work in IT support for some time.

I just learnt that this whole left and right-sided thing is not only about hands. It is also about which foot, eye and ear is dominant. For example, children with a left-dominant hand and a right-dominant eye (or vice-versa) often have difficulties in learning to write, since hand-eye coordination has to work its way ac
... See more
I (hand-)write with my left hand.
At the computer I can use the mouse on either side. You have to be able to do this, if you work in IT support for some time.

I just learnt that this whole left and right-sided thing is not only about hands. It is also about which foot, eye and ear is dominant. For example, children with a left-dominant hand and a right-dominant eye (or vice-versa) often have difficulties in learning to write, since hand-eye coordination has to work its way across both brain hemispheres.

It is a fascinating topic.

Daina Jauntirans
Daina Jauntirans  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:10
немецкий => английский
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Two lefty kids Jan 4, 2008

My husband and I are both right-handed, but we have two lefty kids.

PS Danae - my lefty child is right-footed - her gymnastics teacher tested them for fun.

[Edited at 2008-01-04 16:02]

JPW (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:10
испанский => английский
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why there are so few of us... Jan 4, 2008

I don't know what the actual ratio is, but I would hazard a guess at no more than 10 per cent of the population (any population...) being a left-hander. The true figure I suspect is closer to one per cent. Being one myself I know the joys and frustrations it can bring: I am very linguistic, of course, always have been; I think there might be something in this...the way the brain is 'wired' perhaps, that makes left-handers (or south paws) more adept at languages. I am also very musical, and music... See more
I don't know what the actual ratio is, but I would hazard a guess at no more than 10 per cent of the population (any population...) being a left-hander. The true figure I suspect is closer to one per cent. Being one myself I know the joys and frustrations it can bring: I am very linguistic, of course, always have been; I think there might be something in this...the way the brain is 'wired' perhaps, that makes left-handers (or south paws) more adept at languages. I am also very musical, and music is simply another language after all, but since I am left-handed, and instruments are more expensive to buy in left-hand form, the easiest thing to do with a classical guitar (for example) is change the bass and treble strings...and you're ready to strum away to your heart's content. Language-wise, by my mid-teens (alas, some time ago now) I was fluent in Latin, French, Spanish and fairly conversant in Gaelic too. If any other languages has come my way at that stage, I would have had 'em for breakfast too...

On the down side, I remember throwing countless tins of asparagus (those rectangular ones) at the wall when I lived in Basqueland, because I cannot use a simple tin-opener...at the risk of sounding very un-PC, quite simply I felt like a spastic whenever people observed me trying to open a tin, use a bottle opener, etc. Yet the same people would express total amazement at me playing a guitar 'upside down' or rolling a cigarettte 'back to front' as they saw it.

And if someone asks you, what is it like to be a kloot, or a ciotach, as they say in this part of the world, the answer is...I don't know, it is very difficult to describe. Being ambidextrous is not quite the same thing I don't think, because you can use whichever hand is easier or more natural to use. You get the best of both worlds I suppose, whereas a true left-hander usually gets the worst of everything.

I did read once that left-handers suffer greater stress and thus live shorter lives than the rest, due to the disadvantage of living in a right-handed world. But I would strongly dispute this by saying that lefties show greater ingenuity in overcoming their problems simply because they have no choice...I know it worked for me: if you throw a tin of asparagus at the wall enough times, it will eventually open...but I am pleased to report that in Euskadi (and the rest of Spain I suppose) they now have asparagus with rings on the tins so you don't need a tin opener any more. Now the problem for me is I am back living in Ireland where you DO still need a tin opener...

And the reason why there are so few of us? Well, that's easy: we are geniuses. Truly one in a million, that's us. You can't expect the other 90 or 99 per cent of the population to be unbridled creative geniuses, can you? No!!! Then by logic, reasoning, a process of elimination and a WEE bit of bias on my part, it must be the other 1(0) per cent: the left-handers. Quod erat demonstrandum.

I rest my case (but on the left side).

Riccardo Schiaffino
Riccardo Schiaffino  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:10
Член ProZ.com c 2003
английский => итальянский
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right handed, but... Jan 4, 2008

I've always been right handed, and if I have to write with my left I do it very slowly and badly.

However, I can draw very well with my left hand - though the drawings I do with my left hand are noticeably different from those I do with the right.

Anabel Canon
Anabel Canon
Local time: 03:10
английский => испанский
+ ...
Me too! Jan 4, 2008

How wonderful to discover so many lefties!!! Neither my children, nor my parents/sister are left-handed, so I've always felt kind of lonely... Long live to us!

yolanda Speece
yolanda Speece  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:10
английский => испанский
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Автор темы
This is wonderful Jan 4, 2008

Please. if you know someone else in another language, other than English please let them in on this. It would be good to find out how many of us are left-handed among all of the translators on just this website alone in comparison to the right handers in this field.

I would be interested in discovering what the ratio is just on this website alone. I think there are more left-handers than we know of.

I just got through reading a book on the subject and the book
... See more
Please. if you know someone else in another language, other than English please let them in on this. It would be good to find out how many of us are left-handed among all of the translators on just this website alone in comparison to the right handers in this field.

I would be interested in discovering what the ratio is just on this website alone. I think there are more left-handers than we know of.

I just got through reading a book on the subject and the book stated that what happens is that it has to do with testosterone levels during pregnancy which might explain why there are more male left handers than there are female.

This is a side note but for the ladies: Have you ever been accused of doing things or thinking the way a man would? I have which after reading that section explains an awful lot.

Thanks to everyone for participating!

Please keep the commentary rolling!

[Edited at 2008-01-04 20:36]

Local time: 02:10
Me too Jan 5, 2008

I am left-handed as well, but I use the mouse with my right hand (I think I just got used to it when I started using computers). I also play cello the "normal" way, I never felt necessary to play it the other way round.

Textklick  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:10
немецкий => английский
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Information processing and multi-tasking Jan 5, 2008

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Left-handed "Left-handed persons are thought to process information using a "visual simultaneous" method in which several threads can be processed simultaneously. Another way to view this is such: Suppose there were one thousand pieces of popcorn and one of them was colored pink. The right-handed person — using the linear sequential processing style — would look a... See more
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Left-handed "Left-handed persons are thought to process information using a "visual simultaneous" method in which several threads can be processed simultaneously. Another way to view this is such: Suppose there were one thousand pieces of popcorn and one of them was colored pink. The right-handed person — using the linear sequential processing style — would look at the popcorn one at a time until they encountered the pink one. The left-handed person would spread out the pieces of popcorn and visually look at all of them to find the one that was pink. A side effect of these differing styles of processing is that right handed persons need to complete one task before they can start the next. Left-handed people, by contrast, are capable and comfortable switching between tasks. This seems to suggest that left-handed people have an excellent ability to multi-task, and anecdotal evidence suggests that there are more creative stems due to this ability to multi-task."

I used to run a translation department of some 19-odd people, of which around 70% were left-handed writers (like myself). However, in my case I handle power tools, knives, glasses of beer, mice etc. with my right hand (and, like Claudia K, I play guitar the 'right way round' [albeit certainly not as well] ).

As several suggest, I think it would indeed be an interesting poll.


[Edited at 2008-01-05 14:32]

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