a small body of shrill eunuchs un pequeño grupo que chilla como eunuco

Language pair:английский => испанский
Discipline:Государство / Политика
Definition / notes:As translated and/or discussed in my doctoral thesis in the field of Translation Studies: \"Metaphor and Agency in the English-Spanish Translation of Texts in the Social Sciences \" (Melbourne, Monash University 2015: 76-78); “A 1903 New York Times editorial said that the canal was ‘stolen property’ and that the administration’s partners in Panama were a ‘group of canal promoters and speculators and lobbyists who came into their money through the rebellion we encouraged, made safe, and effectuated.’ Roosevelt characteristically dismissed his detractors as ‘a small body of shrill eunuchs’” (Theordore Roosevelt qtd. in Crandall 2006: 178) “En un editorial del New York Times del año 1903 se decía que el canal era ‘propiedad robada’ y que los socios en Panamá del gobierno estadounidense era ‘un grupo de promotores, especuladores y cabilderos que habían adquirido su dinero mediante la rebelión que nosotros fomentamos, aseguramos y efectuamos’. Conservando su forma característica de expresarse, Roosevelt calificaba a sus detractores como ‘un pequeño grupo que chilla como eunuco’” (Theordore Roosevelt qtd. [in translation] in Crandall 2012: 229-30 [Trad. González]).
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