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Search results: (51 matches)
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Trados support Termbase for Studio 2009 project It works now C++ 2005 and C++2008 runtimes were updated.
Not sure what happened exactly but after all
the steps and only after I opened SDL MultiTerm in
its own window, I could then load the termba
Word_Wise Apr 28, 2011
Trados support Termbase for Studio 2009 project 3420 I use SP3 both Studio and MultiTerm with Windows
Word_Wise Apr 28, 2011
Trados support Termbase for Studio 2009 project In Studio Auto-suggest works now, it didn't work before
this. But the termbase could not be connected.
I checked on the error : 80040154 and followed the
steps in article 2749, to no avail.
Word_Wise Apr 28, 2011
Trados support Termbase for Studio 2009 project Errors With RepairSDLMultiterm ... I get the following:
Problem executing command:
C:Windowssystem32msiexec.exe /f
{8302F817-9F82-40F2-8149-8BB50B0250F7} /l
".MTCore_LOG.log" Problem
Word_Wise Apr 28, 2011
Trados support Termbase for Studio 2009 project Hello, I am working on a project and recently
I noticed that my termbase is not recognized. I
remove the termbase and reload it again in the
Project Settings - All Language Pairs and
Word_Wise Apr 28, 2011
Romanian Ca să vă mai descreţiţi frunţile Anunţuri :) VARZA ACRA DE VANZARE LA DOAMNA POPESCU IN FUND
EXPLODEAZA Esti analfabet? Scrie-ne azi si te
ajutam pe gratis. Service Auto. Ridicam si
Word_Wise Feb 16, 2011
Trados support Inserting footnote(s) in SDL Trados Studio 2009 footnotes I really meant footnotes. I need to insert
explanatory notes. And since CAT tool has the
ability to read footnotes in a source document and
able to provide for their translation, why wou
Word_Wise Jan 30, 2011
Trados support Inserting footnote(s) in SDL Trados Studio 2009 translator's notes Adding 'translator's notes' is a good and useful
practice in translation. There are items which
cannot be translated ad literam and often these
need some clarification which is often usefu
Word_Wise Jan 30, 2011
Trados support Inserting footnote(s) in SDL Trados Studio 2009 Is it possible to insert a footnote in the
translation/target in Studio 2009 Freelance? If
yes, could you please indicate how this can be
done. Thank you, Alla
Word_Wise Jan 29, 2011
Romanian Merita Facultatea de Limbi si Literaturi Straine? Fă ceea ce îţi place şi nu va trebui să munceşti nici o zi din viaţa ta. Facultatea - m-a ajutat pentru că anii din
facultate sunt o experienţă necesară în
dezvoltare... ( nu voi insista aici). Dar,
facultatea de litetere, terminată în 2002 nu m-a
Word_Wise Dec 3, 2010
Romanian Dicţionare/ glosare/ texte paralele pt. trad. de germană, DE-DE, DE-RO, RO-RO şi altele conexe Dragă listă Dar eu nu inteleg nimic. Imi pare rau dar, spre
rusinea mea, nu stiu germana.
Word_Wise Oct 5, 2010
Romanian Dictionar Juridic Roman -> Englez Dictionar juridic englez român Aş vrea să ştiu dacă cunoaşte cineva acest
dictionar: "Dictionar juridic roman-englez,
englez-roman" Onorina Grecu - şi dacă merită
cumpărat. Sau, dacă nu, atunci care m
Word_Wise Oct 3, 2010
Romanian Hal(al) de limba romana halal de limba engleza Sper ca nu sunt singura care am primit acest mesaj
prin TranslationDirectory "Dear Mss/Sir, I'm
writing to you this letter of intent, due to your
"AD "for a vacancy,I mean the"-
Word_Wise Sep 15, 2010
Trados support Adding terms to SDL MultiTerm questions, questions. Thank you, I understand all this. I just
find that the MultiTerm is very helpful when you
already have an extensive termbase. I did not use
MultiTerm at the beginning, due to lack of
Word_Wise Aug 15, 2010
Trados support Adding terms to SDL MultiTerm importing from TM to TB Hi, Another silly ? questions. Whether it's
my imagination or lack of experience, but, can
one update the SDL MultiTerm 2009 TB from a 2009
Studio TM? Thank you.
Word_Wise Aug 15, 2010
Romanian Recomandări emisiuni TV , dicţionare, articole pentru traducători o dilema din Observatorul Cultural bine cand totul se
termina cu
Word_Wise Aug 12, 2010
Trados support Adding terms to SDL MultiTerm Thank you Yes, I see now, it's nice 'n easy. Thank you
Word_Wise Aug 1, 2010
Trados support Adding terms to SDL MultiTerm Hi, I there any easy way to add terms to a
local termbase while working in SDL Trados Studio
2009? I used WordFast before and there I was able
to select the source term, add (with a c
Word_Wise Aug 1, 2010
Romanian Limba română în străinătate facem tot posibilul Nu prea stiu unde este comunitatea aici... ?!
pentru că noi suntem la distanţă de Londra unde
se întampla lucruri. Fetita mea de 4 ani
vorbeşte româna cu mine, şi engleza la
Word_Wise May 17, 2010
Romanian Pierderea autorizaţiei MJ la schimbarea domiciliului în străinătate? De ce sa pierzi autorizatia? Raspunsul meu este NU! Nu cunosc foarte bine
legile si de ce obligatia de a te inregistra la
tribunale... Inainte să plec din România, am
fost inregistrata doar la Camera Notarilor
Word_Wise Apr 23, 2010
Romanian Conferinţa DGI "Interpreting Today" (18-19 martie) - webcast Thanks for keeping us informed, Cristina! Word_Wise Mar 18, 2010
Romanian Ca să vă mai descreţiţi frunţile 100 Most Often Mispronounced Words and Phrases in English No: aks | Yes: ask - Am auzit 'aks' de
nenumarate ori. Prima data chiar am reacţionat si
am cerut clarificari. This mispronunciation
has been around for so long (over 1,000 years)
Word_Wise Mar 15, 2010
Romanian Cum se poate traduce atât de aberant din engleză? mda... ramân în urmă cu "neologismele". [quote]Delia Georgescu
ml "Aşa aş putea să încep un dialog cu una
dintre fe
Word_Wise Mar 10, 2010
Romanian Ca să vă mai descreţiţi frunţile de unde se trag interviurile Word_Wise Feb 18, 2010
Romanian Cum se poate traduce atât de aberant din engleză? o nouă variantă de culoare:): clar Sticla de 0.5 litri APCO Poate fi executata la
comanda si pe alte nuante de culoare, in prezent
comercializam acest produs de sticla, în varianta
clar, albastru sau verde.
Word_Wise Feb 3, 2010
Romanian Cum se poate traduce atât de aberant din engleză? compania CPS Clifford Allison, in varsta de 56 de ani, angajat
al companiei Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), unde
castiga 80.000 de lite sterline pe an,
Word_Wise Jan 15, 2010
Romanian Cum se poate traduce atât de aberant din engleză? Răspuns pentru Bogdan Atingeţi nişte subiecte mult prea persoanle, nu
intenţionez să-mi dezvălui toată istoria aici
şi acum. Am să menţionez doar că, la origine,
da, sunt şi eu din Rep. Moldova, mi-a
Word_Wise Jan 12, 2010
Romanian Cum se poate traduce atât de aberant din engleză? nemaipomenit [quote]Bogdan Burghelea wrote: Sînt gata să
pariez că traducerea a fost făcută de un
vorbitor de "limbă" moldovenească. ..... Nu
că n-am avea şi noi faliţii noştri
Word_Wise Jan 12, 2010
Romanian Ca să vă mai descreţiţi frunţile Mai că... ... aş fi spus să găsesc o poză cât se poate
de... şi să o trimit persoanei în cauză,
dar... hm Ciudat, dar peste tot există probleme
cu spam-urile, inclusiv la niveluri mai în
Word_Wise Jan 4, 2010
Teaching and Learning Languages Best options to learn French to advance level Regina Coeli Thank you Jacqbroek for your reply. I am
impressed, the Institute, the options and the
organisation are really impressing and
professionally very appealing. I am going to
include thi
Word_Wise Jan 1, 2010
Romanian Ca să vă mai descreţiţi frunţile Pentru fanii Woody Allen şi nu doar... “To love is to suffer. To avoid suffering, one
must not love. But then, one suffers from not
loving. Therefore, to love is to suffer; not to
love is to suffer; to suffer is to suffer.
Word_Wise Dec 30, 2009
Romanian Ca să vă mai descreţiţi frunţile Se pare ca toata Europa antica e gazduita de Romania...
Word_Wise Dec 1, 2009
Romanian Recomandări emisiuni TV , dicţionare, articole pentru traducători Romania literara online [quote]Maria Diaconu wrote: România literară,
nr. 38, apărută azi: [/quote] Versiunea
online e la Nr. 35 ... :(, da' bine ca este si
asa!!! bineinteles cu "Continuarea artic
Word_Wise Sep 27, 2009
Romanian Dorul sentiment sau cuvant? [quote]Bogdan Burghelea wrote: Poate doar
"sentimentul românesc al fiinţei"
[/quote] Oameni buni, nu inteleg "sentimentul
romanesc al fiintei", dar, inteleg "sentimente
Word_Wise Sep 25, 2009
Romanian Dorul in engleza "long for" long for someone or something to
desire or pine for someone or something. She is
longing for her old friends. Walter longed for his
hometown in the mountains.
Word_Wise Sep 19, 2009
Interpreting Challenges related to the job of interpreter hearing and understanding [quote]Henry Hinds wrote: Not three, just one.
Hearing. My hearing has always been somewhat
deficient. In most normal situations I am OK, but
when interpreting, I must be able to hear s
Word_Wise Aug 18, 2009
Teaching and Learning Languages Best options to learn French to advance level Thank you! Thank you Nordiste, this is really helpfull ! Word_Wise Jul 2, 2009
Teaching and Learning Languages Best options to learn French to advance level Dear All, First of all, thank you for taking
time to read this! I am Romanian with English
and Russian as my second languages. At
present, I am looking to improve my French to a
Word_Wise Jul 2, 2009
Linguistics What are the easiest and the most difficult languages in the world? .. Russian is another difficult language. And I find
that after not speaking Russian for about 6 years,
I understand, but I find it difficult to speak in
Russian. As far as I know, Hungar
Word_Wise Jun 22, 2009
Business issues Client ratings of translation agencies Why not? Why not on PROZ? Word_Wise Jun 19, 2009
Romanian [Autorizaţie MJ] Cum pot sa iau autorizatie de traducator MJ din experienta mea Autorizatiile se elibereaza mai multe/toate pe
care le au/ o data, cam de 3-4 ori pe an. Eu fie
ca mi-am depus actele in martie, fie ca le-am
depus in ianuarie (pentru schimbarea numelui),
Word_Wise Jun 16, 2009
Romanian Ca să vă mai descreţiţi frunţile Chin up Lucian! La Multi Ani cu sanatate!!! ca-i mai buna decat
toate. Cat despre clienti... vin si pleaca.
Poate se si intoarce, cine stie ?! Carpe
Word_Wise Jun 1, 2009
Romanian Ca să vă mai descreţiţi frunţile O noua Elaine Paige :) Inca o surpriza de la Britains Got Talent
Y&NR=1 O saptamana buna!
Word_Wise Jun 1, 2009
General technical issues Playing DVDs on computer with Windows Vista Maybe the problem is in the Player you are using ?? On my vista I play dvd's with VLC media player.
never had a problem.

[Edited at
2009-05-13 14:53 GMT]
Word_Wise May 13, 2009
Off topic How to treat your local supermarket Excellent picture I did not know whether to laugh or cry :-x Word_Wise May 7, 2009
Linguistics Linguistic Curiosities plural for "blood" Romanian - no plural form for "blood"
?!?!?! Does it have a plural form in your
Word_Wise May 7, 2009
Linguistics Linguistic Curiosities Welcome, but... [quote]José Henrique Lamensdorf wrote: One
less item on my "to do" list for tomorrow.
[/quote] I did not know it was the task you set
for yourself for tomorrow José. Sorry. I will
Word_Wise May 5, 2009
Linguistics Linguistic Curiosities answer :) Inkstand. KST in the middle, IN (is) the
beginning. AND (is) at the end.
Word_Wise May 5, 2009
Off topic Train travel in the UK trains I could't guarantee my experience would be the
rule... but I found that the prices on the web,
e.g. South West Trains
Word_Wise Apr 30, 2009
Off topic Your birthday in history Mine is Today 17th April: 2009: New topic "Your birthday in
history" posted!!! Bay of Pigs 17th April (
1961 ): A group of 1,500 Cuban exiles supported by
the US government invaded the Bay of Pig
Word_Wise Apr 17, 2009

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