"ProZreading" - super rates!

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Предложение - Job or project
От: Jen Rouse
Размещено:Aug 20, 2013
Описание:Dear linguists of ProZ!

Do you wonder if your ProZ profile is showing you in your best light? Perhaps English is not your first language? Clients not following up on your quotes? Or maybe your profile could just do with a bit of spit and polish? I can help.

My name's Jen, I'm a native British copywriter and editor with 10 years experience working with words, a Masters from Cambridge and a gimlet eye for the nitty gritty. I've been a ProZ member for 2 years now, and I've noticed that some translators with English-language profiles could benefit from a proofread by a native speaker. It's understandable, as many of you don't translate into English and are not native speakers, but still need to advertise your services in English. It's tempting to write your profile yourself, but a well-written, error-free profile makes you appear more professional and capable whatever your language pair, and could be the difference between landing that big job or watching it float by.

I'm offering special low rates for this "ProZreading" service, so if you think your business could benefit from the authority of a perfectly polished profile then please get in touch.

Thanks for reading!

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