10,051 registrants

Freelance Translator Virtual Conference

Sep 30, 2010

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Registrant demographics


Registrant interests

  • Ongoing education: 57.9%
  • Meeting new clients: 40.5%
  • Socializing: 38.6%
  • Having fun / celebrating ITD: 37.1%
  • Meeting new collaborators: 32.2%
  • Getting discounted software: 22.1%
  • Finding translators: 772

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See also: Translation company directory | Freelance translator directory

Results (2,570) (Members shown first)
Checked in
Saleh Ayyub Contact directly
قاضي صلح و مترجم ومستشار - صالح أيوب
Новая Зеландия
Native in арабский Native in арабский, английский Native in английский
Interested in: socializing, fun
Iraq, New Zealand Society of Translators and Interpreters, OTHER-MBA, Pre-MBA - Business language, New Zealand Society of Translators and Interpreters (NZSTI), Translation Standards Institute (TSI), NZSTI, 17 years of experience
Checked in
Lenah Susianty Contact directly
my passion is high quality translation
Native in индонезийский Native in индонезийский
Interested in: socializing, fun
Christian University of Indonesia, GD-Faculty of Letter University of Indonesia, HPI, 25 years of experience
Checked in
Boniface Kyalo Contact directly
Translation & Localization - Swahili
Native in английский (Variants: UK, US) Native in английский, суахили (Variants: Tanzanian, Kenyan) Native in суахили
Interested in: everything
BA-University of Nairobi, ATA, 23 years of experience
Checked in
Bayasalmaa Galtsog Contact directly
Качественные и точные переводы
Native in монгольский Native in монгольский, русский Native in русский
Interested in: meeting collaborators, discounted software, ongoing education
Medical University of Plovdiv, MA-University, Association of Mongolian Certified Translators, 19 years of experience
Checked in
Ana Maria Bustos K. Contact directly
Excellent customer service, reliable
Native in испанский Native in испанский
Interested in: meeting clients, discounted software, ongoing education
Message: Hello! ¡Hola!
Checked in
Silvia Brandon-Pérez Contact directly
Precise and on time; lawyer/writer.
Native in английский Native in английский, испанский Native in испанский
Interested in: everything
Bio: Former attorney, published writer, born in Cuba, educated in Cuba, Puerto Rico and the US; former university professor of Spanish.
Message: Hola
Checked in
Lucija Raković Contact directly
Premium-quality human translator into HR
Native in хорватский Native in хорватский
Interested in: meeting clients, meeting collaborators, socializing
Interested in participating in: Trends in the translation market in Germany
Bio: German/Italian to Croatian (sworn) translator
Message: Congratulations to all colleagues translators for the Translator's Day!
Checked in
Sergey Skvortsov Contact directly
Technology & management, belles-lettres
Native in русский (Variant: Standard-Russia) Native in русский
Interested in: ongoing education, socializing, fun
Tula Polytecnic University, OTHER-Post-doctorate course in the Institute of Economy of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 38 years of experience
Checked in
darkokoporcic Contact directly
The Translation Engineer
Native in словенский Native in словенский
Interested in: meeting clients, meeting collaborators, socializing
EU - EPSO Qualification as an in-house translator , BA-University of Ljubljana, 35 years of experience
Checked in
Ingala Seyfert Contact directly
20+ yrs engineering, localization, legal
Native in немецкий Native in немецкий
Interested in: meeting clients, meeting collaborators, ongoing education
Universität Leipzig, 26 years of experience
Checked in
ATIL KAYHAN Contact directly
Turkey & US Educated Engineer
Native in турецкий Native in турецкий
Interested in: socializing, fun, experiencing a virtual conference
Graduate degree in Engineering, University of Pittsburgh, OTHER-University of Pittsburgh, 20 years of experience
Checked in
Hani Hassaan Contact directly
Quality communicates you with Arab world
Native in арабский (Variants: Jordanian, Kuwaiti, Standard-Arabian (MSA), Saudi , Egyptian, Syrian, UAE) Native in арабский
Interested in: ongoing education, fun
B.A in IT and tele-communication / English section, Arab Professional Translators Society (Arab Translators Network), GD-Ain Shames University in Cairo - Egypt, ATA, ADÜ Nord e. V., CIOL, ATN / APTS, WATA, 25 years of experience
Checked in
eski Contact directly
"Serving the Global Online Community"
Native in английский Native in английский, испанский Native in испанский
Freelancer and outsourcer
Interested in: meeting clients, meeting collaborators, finding translators
Bio: Born in New York City, I'm a native English speaker-although Spanish is a close "second"- having spoken it at home all my life.
I grew up in south Florida, where I eventually became a Zoning Administrator in the City of Coral Gables during the mid-eighties. Having ini...
Message: May you always have work for your hands to do. May your pockets hold always a coin or two; May the sun shine bright on your windowpane. May the rainbow be certain to follow each rain. May the hand of a friend always be near you: ...
Checked in
Isabel Vidigal Contact directly
Full-time translator since 2003
Native in португальский (Variant: Brazilian) 
Interested in: ongoing education, fun, experiencing a virtual conference
SINTRA, APTRAD, 25 years of experience
Checked in
Pavel Tsvetkov Contact directly
Top Linguist with Bulgarian
Native in болгарский (Variant: Standard-Bulgaria) Native in болгарский, английский (Variants: US, UK) Native in английский
Interested in: meeting clients, meeting collaborators, discounted software
"Hristo Kabakchiev" First English Language High Sc, MA-Sofia University, 17 years of experience
Checked in
Soizic CiFuentes Contact directly
As good as your words!
Native in французский Native in французский
Interested in: meeting collaborators, finding translators, discounted software
Université de Saint-Boniface, GD-Collège universitaire de Saint-Boniface, ATA, Association of Translators and Interpreters in the San Diego Are, 25 years of experience
Checked in
Wiyanto Suroso Contact directly
Creating value in your business
Native in индонезийский (Variants: Javanese, Standard-Indonesia) Native in индонезийский
Interested in: ongoing education, socializing, fun
Message: Hi every body,

I am glad to meet you in this virtual conference.
Checked in
Simone Fahim Contact directly
Where Specialization Counts
Native in арабский (Variant: Standard-Arabian (MSA)) Native in арабский
Interested in: everything
Arab Professional Translators Society (Arab Translators Network), Department of English Faculty of Arts, Cairo University , GD-Faculty of Arts - English Section, Cairo University, Egyptian Syndicate of Commercial Professions, Egyptian Syndicate of Commercial Professions, ATN / APTS, 18 years of experience
Checked in
Andrada Constantinescu Contact directly
Quick & adequately
Native in румынский Native in румынский
Freelancer and outsourcer
Interested in: meeting clients, meeting collaborators, finding translators
Interested in participating in: Translator post-show happy hour (English), Subtitling
Bio: English to Romanian & French to Romanian translator with 10 years of translation experience in the technical, medical-pharmaceutical, marketing, IT and general fields
Message: Hi! I am an English to Romanian & French to Romanian translator with 10 years of translation experience in the technical, medical-pharmaceutical, marketing, IT and general fields. I'd be glad to offer you my services. Please visit my profil...
Checked in
Jacqueline Comte Contact directly
Your needs are my specialty.
Native in английский (Variants: US, Canadian, French, British, UK) Native in английский
Freelancer and outsourcer
Interested in: ongoing education, fun, experiencing a virtual conference
BA-Dalhousie University - Advanced Double Major - German, Psychology, 18 years of experience
Checked in
Anita du Plessis Contact directly
Accurate and punctual
Южноафриканская Республика
Native in африкаанс Native in африкаанс
Interested in: meeting clients, ongoing education, fun
Bio: I am a translator in the English>Afrikaans language pairing, specializing in the general medical field and religion. I enjoy my work very much as it is an ongoing learning process, and will never get uninteresting.
Message: Greetings to my fellow colleagues from a sunny South Africa. As we say in Afrikaans: "Gegroet!"
Checked in
Tatiana Lammers Contact directly
Опыт и качество переводов
Native in русский Native in русский
Interested in: meeting clients, ongoing education, socializing
Interested in participating in: Translator post-show happy hour (English), Subtitling
RUSSIA: Novgorod State University, US State Department, OTHER, Translatorscafe, Translatorsbase, 33 years of experience
Checked in
Pablo Majlis Contact directly
Native in испанский Native in испанский, португальский (Variant: Brazilian) Native in португальский
Interested in: meeting clients, discounted software, ongoing education
21 years of experience
Checked in
Rebecca Leon Contact directly
Precise, Professional and Always on Time
Native in английский (Variants: US South, US, Canadian, UK, British) Native in английский
Interested in: meeting clients, meeting collaborators, finding translators
Bio: I am a native English, Heritage Spanish speaking professional translator with over 14 years of experience. I live in the Pacific Northwest of the United States.
Message: Greetings! I hope to meet some of you during this conference. This is my second year attending and I found some very useful information here last year. I hope you enjoy!
Checked in
Natalia Tarasova Contact directly
Суда, корабли, океан и шельф
Native in русский (Variant: Standard-Russia) Native in русский
Interested in: ongoing education, fun, experiencing a virtual conference
Bio: English-->Russian
Checked in
Lada Petkova Contact directly
Native in болгарский Native in болгарский
Interested in: ongoing education, fun, experiencing a virtual conference
St. Kliment Ohridski University, Sofia, MA-St. Kliment Ohridski University, Sofia, Bulgaria, 38 years of experience
Checked in
Guido Castañeda Contact directly
More than 30 ys in medical translation
Native in испанский Native in испанский
Interested in: meeting clients, meeting collaborators, socializing
Bio: I am a doctor medical translator since 1983. I live in Spain.
Checked in
Nordianah Ahmad Contact directly
Solution to your translation needs
Native in малайский Native in малайский
Interested in: meeting clients, meeting collaborators, discounted software
Bio: Native malay speaker in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Been translating for almost 3 yrs now. Seek to specialize in Business, Marketing, Advertising & IT.
Message: Hi...apa khabar..looking forward to meet & mingle (virtually)!
Checked in
Ayman Ahmad Contact directly
Arabic Localization Specialist
Native in арабский (Variant: Egyptian) Native in арабский
Interested in: meeting clients, meeting collaborators, discounted software
Ain Shams University (Faculty of Al-Alsun), BA-Aim Shams University, 24 years of experience
Checked in
Monika Hamernikova Contact directly
Elevating Tech Communication
Native in чешский Native in чешский
Freelancer and outsourcer
Interested in: meeting clients, meeting collaborators, socializing
Jednota tlumocniku a prekladatelu (Union of Interpreters and Translators), OTHER-State Language School, JTP, 34 years of experience
Checked in
Lenguamundo Contact directly
Your Indo-Iranian Language Partner
Native in испанский Native in испанский, урду Native in урду
Freelancer and outsourcer
Interested in: meeting clients, meeting collaborators, discounted software
Bio: Urdu / Spanish Translator
Message: Bienvenidos - خوش آمدید
Checked in
Susanne Creak Contact directly
Professional translation and subtitling
Native in немецкий Native in немецкий
Interested in: meeting clients, meeting collaborators, ongoing education
Bio: Accredited freelance translator DE<>EN (NAATI, Australia) with +10 years of work experience in business and other fields. Trained in subtitling. German native speaker.
Checked in
Tatiana Öri-Kovács Contact directly
+20 years of experience
Native in португальский (Variant: Brazilian) Native in португальский
Interested in: meeting clients, ongoing education, socializing
Interested in participating in: Subtitling
Centro Universitário Ibero-Americano, Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations), BA-Unibero, 28 years of experience
Checked in
Marcos Romano Contact directly
Experience and professional quality
Native in испанский Native in испанский
Freelancer and outsourcer
Interested in: meeting clients, discounted software, ongoing education
Message: Welcome, colleagues!
Checked in
Marie Claude Etoc Contact directly
Native in французский Native in французский, английский Native in английский
Interested in: everything
Bio: Ten + years of professional experience translating French<>English, Spanish<>French and Spanish<>English for a global clientele. Translation is what I love: the thrill of the learning experience that goes into every new project, the power of words to communicate on beha...
Message: Hello
Checked in
nekonote Contact directly
Professional and Modest
Native in японский (Variants: Standard-Japan, Kansai) Native in японский
Interested in: meeting clients, meeting collaborators, ongoing education
14 years of experience
Checked in
Conchita Conigliaro Contact directly
Qualified and experienced translator
Native in итальянский Native in итальянский
Interested in: discounted software, ongoing education, socializing
S.S.I.T. - Florence, Associazione Nazionale Italiana Traduttori e Interpreti, Scuola Superiore per Mediatori Linguistici "Carlo Bo", Libera Università di Lingue e Comunicazion (previously Istituto Universitario di Lingue Moderne), MA-IULM - Milan - Italy, ANITI, MET, 35 years of experience
Checked in
Vera Wilson Contact directly
flexible and fast
Native in немецкий Native in немецкий
Interested in: meeting clients, meeting collaborators, ongoing education
MA-University of Munich, 30 years of experience
Checked in
jhdarsee Contact directly
Authorized Translator
Native in шведский (Variants: Finlandssvenska, Rikssvenska) Native in шведский
Interested in: meeting clients, ongoing education, socializing
Bio: I live am working as a freelance translator since 2003, translating mainly English to Swedish.
Checked in
TUYET NGUYEN Contact directly
Accurate, natural
Native in вьетнамский (Variant: Standard-Vietnam) Native in вьетнамский
Interested in: meeting clients, meeting collaborators, ongoing education
Bio: Freelance Translator for more than 10 years
Message: Greetings from Vietnamese translator in the UK
Checked in
Güzide Arslaner Contact directly
Linguistic and sophisticated background
Native in турецкий (Variant: Standard-İstanbul ) Native in турецкий
Interested in: meeting clients, fun, experiencing a virtual conference
Hacettepe University, MA-Hacettepe University, European Society for Translation Studies, Int. Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies, American Association for Applied Linguistics, American Copy Editors Society, IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, 20 years of experience
Checked in
Elena Jones Contact directly
Certified PRO translator
Native in итальянский (Variants: Venetian, Standard-Italy) Native in итальянский
Interested in: meeting clients, meeting collaborators, socializing
Certificate of completion - "How to be a Spanish i, OTHER-Vicenza International School, UTIA, 34 years of experience
Checked in
Catherine Laporte Contact directly
Calidad y puntualidad
Native in французский (Variant: Standard-France) Native in французский
Interested in: socializing, fun, experiencing a virtual conference
UCO Angers France. Homologado por el MEC España, BA-Université Catholique de l'Ouest Angers France, 26 years of experience
Checked in
Ferry Toar Contact directly
Medical Instruments, Electronics, IT
Native in индонезийский Native in индонезийский
Interested in: meeting clients, socializing, fun
Himpunan Penerjemah Indonesia (Association of Indonesian Translators), HPI, 16 years of experience
Checked in
Petra Alankoja Contact directly
Native in финский Native in финский
Interested in: ongoing education, socializing, fun
Educational Testing Service - TOEFL, BA-University of Arts and Design in Helsinki, 20 years of experience
Checked in
Lubain Masum Contact directly
Experience says it all! 6 yrs with UN
Native in бенгальский Native in бенгальский
Interested in: everything
United Nations Information Centre, Dhaka, Banglade, MA-Dhaka University, 28 years of experience
Checked in
S.Paramesh Kumar Contact directly
IT, SAP, auto, aero, telecom
Native in английский (Variants: US, UK) Native in английский, хинди (Variant: Indian) Native in хинди
Interested in: meeting clients, meeting collaborators, ongoing education
Bio: French to English translation & simultaneous interpretation between 1997 and 2010 for clients that include HP, IBM, Dassault, Airbus, HAL, ISRO, Renault, Godrej, LEM, ACI, Muller, SDMO, Schneider and Emerson.

Industrial experience between 1979 till 1997 was in a Bang...
Message: Hello everybody!
Checked in
Ildiko Santana Contact directly
Accurate / Fast / Cheap -- Pick Two
Native in венгерский Native in венгерский, английский Native in английский
Interested in: meeting clients, meeting collaborators, ongoing education
Bio: I have been an English / Hungarian translator & editor for 17 years; 6 years in-house in my hometown Budapest, Hungary + 9 years freelance in San Francisco+Sacramento, USA where I reside. My specialty fields are law/contracts, business & power industry. Translation is m...
Message: Greetings! I am very pleased to attend this conference and looking forward to learning from and networking with fellow translators.
Checked in
Nita Shah Contact directly
Experienced and dedicated professional
Native in гуджарати Native in гуджарати, хинди Native in хинди
Interested in: meeting clients, meeting collaborators, ongoing education
Interested in participating in: Legal translation, The translation industry in India
25 years of experience
Checked in
Vitaliy Plinto Contact directly
We bring your message to life!
Native in русский Native in русский
Freelancer and outsourcer
Interested in: everything
Bio: Hello,

My name is Vitaliy. I am a freelance Russian to English, English to Russian, Italian to English, English to Italian, Italian to Russian and Russian to Italian translator based in Cleveland, Ohio. My specializations include legal, business, commercial and healt...
Message: Hello, My name is Vitaliy. I am a freelance Russian to English, English to Russian, Italian to English, English to Italian, Italian to Russian and Russian to Italian translator based in Cleveland, Ohio, and I would like to offer my servi...