Член ProZ.com с Nov '10

Рабочие языковые пары:
английский => русский
немецкий => русский

Lev Burtelov
True pros need no slogans

Kurchatov, Abai, Казахстан
Местное время: 18:38 +05 (GMT+5)

Родные языки: русский Native in русский
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Тип членства Независимый письменный и/или устный переводчик, Identity Verified Личность удостоверена
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Услуги Translation, Website localization, Software localization, Editing/proofreading, Transcreation
Области специализации:
Финансы (в целом)Реклама / Связи с общественностью
Общественные науки, социология, этика и т.д.Психология
Маркетинг / Изучение рынковИнформационные технологии
Компьютеры (в целом)

All accepted currencies U. S. dollars (usd)
Payment methods accepted Карта Visa, Банковский перевод, PayPal, Skrill, Почтовый денежный перевод, Western Union
Портфолио Представленные образцы переводов: 4
Образование в области перевода Graduate diploma - Tomsk grammar school #1
Стаж Переводческий стаж, лет: 20. Дата регистрации на ProZ.com: Nov 2008. Член ProZ.com c Nov 2010.
ProZ.com Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Дипломы английский => русский (Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations))
немецкий => русский (Zertifikat Deutsch, Goethe-Institut)
Членство в ассоциациях Vladimir Bakanov School of Literary Translation
Программное обеспечение Across, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, AutoCAD, Catalyst, Fluency, FrameMaker, Helium, Indesign, Localizer, LocStudio, Lokalise, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, AutoCAD, Lokalise, Smartcat, Powerpoint, SDLX, Smartcat, Smartling, Trados Studio, Translation Workspace, Wordfast, XTM

URL персональной страницы http://leon-shrugged.livejournal.com/
CV/Resume английский (PDF)
Кодекс профессиональной деятельности Lev Burtelov поддерживает ProZ.com's Профессиональный кодекс (v1.1).
Биографические данные
An experienced (19+ years, since 2005), highly skilled and award-winning English to Russian translator with strong engineering background (PhD) specializing in IT, advertising and marketing. Wide experience in software development and system administration. Expert knowledge of computer hardware and software. Wide experience in adaptation of advertising and marketing materials. Fluent in English and German. Registered as sole proprietor since 2007.

Services: translation, localization, cultural adaptation and transcreation

Language pair: English to Russian (mother tongue)

Areas of specialization: IT, software, hardware, electronics, advertising, marketing

Capacity: 2000¬–3000 words per day

Minimal rate: $0.20 per source word or $50 per standard page (1800 characters including spaces)

CAT tools: Trados 2007/2011, SDLX, memoQ, XTM, TWS/Logoport, MS Helium, Wordfast, Idiom, ready to master any other CAT tool

MAJOR END CUSTOMERS AND PROJECTS Apple (games and applications), Durex (advertising campaigns), Epson (hardware manuals), Esko (hardware and software manuals, marketing materials), Famous Grouse (advertising campaigns), Graff Diamonds (print ads), Halliburton (presentations), Hitachi (advertising campaigns), HP (marketing materials, print ads, radio ads, TV ads, banners, web pages, manuals, articles), Lexus (print ads, slogans, magazine articles), LinkedIn (linkedin.com site, help, legal documents, marketing materials), Microsoft (various software products (Exchange Server 2007, Office 2003/2007/2010, Visual Studio 2008, Windows 7, Dynamics CRM/ERP, etc.), e-learning courses, marketing materials, articles, MS Store site), Oracle (manuals, articles), Samsung (hardware manuals), VMware (e-learning courses, technical articles), Xerox (technical documentation)

PhD in Engineering, Heat-and-power Engineering Dept., Tomsk Polytechnic University, 2006

Master of Science in Computer Science, Computer Science Dept., Tomsk State University, 2002, graduated magna cum laude (GPA 5.0 out of 5.0)

German to Russian translator, Tomsk Grammar School #1, 1997, graduated magna cum laude

English: Certificate in Advanced English (CAE), Cambridge University, UK

German: Zertifikat Deutsch, Goethe-Institut, Germany

Apr 2012 – present: Freelance Translator, LinkedIn

Dec 2011 – present: Freelance Translator, Xerox

Jun 2005 – present: Freelance Translator, major translation agencies in chronological order: Palex Languages & Software, Janus WWI, Logrus LLC, SDL Russia, Cogitum LC, Universe Technical Translation, Lingo24, Zeitgeist, Yamagata Europe, Elanex, Moravia IT, Venga Localization, Mother Tongue Writers

May 2006 – Feb 2008: Assistant Professor, Heat-and-power Engineering Dept., Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, Russia, course of professional English for non-language students

Feb 2004 – Feb 2008: Programmer/System Administrator, Heat-and-power Engineering Dept., Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, Russia, system administration of computer labs and classrooms; development of electronic courses of lectures

Jan 2002 – Apr 2003: Software Developer, IndorSoft, Tomsk, Russia, development of road network information system; design and implementation of computational geometry algorithms

Expert knowledge of computer hardware, software, OS, networks, Internet, system administration, applications (MS Office, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe FrameMaker, Corel Draw!, MathCAD, Maple, Matlab, ABBYY Lingvo, ABBYY FineReader), programming languages (C/C++, Pascal, Delphi, Visual Basic, LISP, Prolog), DBMS (MS Access, MS SQL Server)

2012: winner of the international technical translation contest conducted by Trans Europe company

2010: winner of the All-Russian contest "Technical translator 2010" conducted by Connection Group company

2008: winner of the 9th open literary translation contest conducted by Vladimir Bakanov School of Literary Translation

2005: winner of the open technical translation contest conducted by Palex Languages & Software company

2003: winner of Yukos company scholarship

2001: winner of Tomsk Oblast prize for young scientists, winner of Vladimir Potanin scholarship, Soros student

2000: Soros student
Ключевые слова Перевод, локализация, английский, русский, реклама, маркетинг, информационные технологии, ИТ, компьютеры, аппаратное обеспечение. See more.Перевод, локализация, английский, русский, реклама, маркетинг, информационные технологии, ИТ, компьютеры, аппаратное обеспечение, оборудование, программное обеспечение, сети, Интернет, веб-сайты, translation, localization, transcreation, copywriting, creative adaptation, English, Russian, advertising, advertisement, ad, ads, marketing, information technology, IT, computers, hardware, software, networks, Internet, web sites. See less.

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