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итальянский => арабский английский => йоруба английский => персидский (фарси) английский => чешский английский => африкаанс английский => бенгальский английский => боснийский английский => греческий (новогреческий) английский => голландский английский => динка английский => гуджарати английский => хауса английский => хинди английский => португальский (европейский) английский => индонезийский английский => итальянский английский => кхмерский английский => курдский английский => малаялам английский => пенджабский (пенджаби) английский => пушту английский => польский английский => румынский английский => русский английский => словацкий английский => словенский английский => тамильский английский => таи английский => турецкий английский => украинский английский => дари английский => сомали английский => фулах английский => шведский английский => суахили английский => норвежский английский => мандинго английский => малайский английский => тигринья
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английский => арабский: UNICEF Detailed field: Реклама / Связи с общественностью
Текст оригинала - английский Children are the world’s best investment
What will you achieve in the next 12 months? UNICEF already has its agenda. Every day UNICEF saves the lives of countless children by supplying essential vaccines. Every day UNICEF creates a world of hope and opportunity in new schools. The rights of children are the building blocks for a brighter future. With your continued support UNICEF is working around the world to give all children the very best start in life.
UNICEF is committed to investing in children. Every day it is making a difference in their young lives, a difference that will shape their future. For more than 60 years UNICEF has nurtured and protected children and their families. With UNICEF comes trust and care, health, education, nutrition and shelter. From natural disaster to violence in the home – UNICEF is there for every child, every day.
Every face, every smile in this diary tells its own inspirational UNICEF story. The lives of all these children have been touched by UNICEF field projects; their schools and homes rebuilt after natural disasters, their health protected by immunization, their families nourished and sheltered. From Venezuela to Afghanistan, from Sierra Leone to Azerbaijan, UNICEF’s life-saving work reaches out to millions of children.
Thank you for your valued support - it will help children around the world to survive and to thrive.
Перевод - арабский الأطفال هم الاستثمار الأهم لهذا العالم
ما الذي تنوي القيام به في الاثنى عشر شهراً القادمة؟ هلا تعلمت من اليونيسيف التي تعرف برنامجها تماماً. فلا تغرب شمس يوم إلا وقد أنقذت حياة عدد لا حصر له من الأطفال، وذلك بتوفير اللقاحات الضرورية لهم، وهي بذلك تبعث الأمل في النفوس، ليس ذلك فحسب ولكنها تنير العقول بنور المعرفة أيضاً وذلك من خلال بناء المدارس. إن الحفاظ على حقوق الأطفال هي الضمانة الحقيقية لبناء مستقبل أفضل، من أجل ذلك فإن اليونيسيف تعمل في شتى أرجاء المعمورة كي تقدم للأطفال أفضل انطلاقة في موكب الحياة، وهي بذلك في أمس الحاجة إلى دعمك المستمر.
إن اليونيسيف ملتزمة بالاستثمار مضمون الفائدة وهو بناء الأطفال، فلا يكاد يمر يوم في حياة هؤلاء الأطفال إلا وهو أفضل من سابقه وهو الفرق الذي سوف يشكل مستقبلهم. فلمدة تزيد عن 60 سنة، واليونيسيف تقوم على رعاية وحماية الأطفال وأسرهم، فلا تذكر كلمة اليونيسيف إلا ويذكر معها كلمات الثقة والرعاية والصحة والتعليم والتغذية والسكن. إن اليونيسيف دائماً هناك تقدم العون باستمرار لكل طفل عند الكوارث الطبيعية وعند الصراعات المحلية.
فكل وجه وكل ابتسامة في هذه المفكرة يوحي بما ورائه من قصة كانت اليونيسيف فيها هي أحداث البداية. فقد لعبت المشاريع الميدانية التي قامت بها اليونيسيف دوراً هاماً في حياة هؤلاء الأطفال جميعاً؛ حيث قامت بإعادة بناء مدارسهم ومنازلهم بعد الكوارث الطبيعية وساهمت في الحفاظ على حياتهم من خلال تقديم اللقاحات المحصنة لهم وأطعمت أسرهم من الجوع ووفرت لهم المأوى. ولقد امتد عمل اليونيسيف في توفير سبل الحياة من فنزويلا إلى أفغانستان ومن سيراليون إلى أذربيجان وبذلك يكون عملها قد أفاد ملايين الأطفال.
إننا نشكرك على دعمك الذي نقدره تماماً - فهو دونما شك سوف يساعد على الإبقاء على نبض الحياة لدى كثير من الأطفال في شتى أنحاء العالم وسوف يساعدهم على النمو والارتقاء.
английский => арабский: Home appliances
Текст оригинала - английский QUICK GUIDE
IMPORTANT - If placing TV into cabinet or alcove, ensure there is at least a 100mm (10cm) gap to the sides, rear and top of the TV. This is to allow for adequate ventilation during operation. Please read the main Users Guide for more safety information before installation.
1-) insert the batteries into your handset
Rear view
2-) either connect the aerial straight to your TV...
It is recommended that a scart lead should be fitted between your TV and VCR to enhance your picture and sound quality. Scart leads are essential if you have a stereo TV and VCR and wish to obtain stereo sound from your equipment.
These leads can be purchased from your Hitachi dealer or any good High Street electrical retailer.
Перевод - арабский الدليل السريع
هام – في حالة وضع التليفزيون في خزانة (دولاب) أو في تجويف في الحائط، تأكد من وجود مسافة لا تقل عن 100 مم (10 سم) على جانبي التليفزيون، وخلفه وأعلاه، وذلك لتوفير التهوية الكافية للجهاز أثناء التشغيل. يرجى قراءة دليل المستخدم الأساسي للتعرف على مزيد من معلومات الأمان قبل التركيب.
1-) أدخل البطاريات في الجهاز
منظر خلفي
2-) إما أن تقوم بتوصيل الهوائي مباشرة بالتليفزيون...
من المستحسن تثبيت وصلة فيديو بين التليفزيون وبين جهاز تسجيل الفيديو (VCR) لتحسين جودة الصورة والصوت. وتعد وصلات الفيديو ضرورية عندما يكون كل من التليفزيون وجهاز تسجيل الفيديو (VCR) مجسم الصوت وتريد أن تحصل على صوت مجسم من الجهاز الخاص بك.
وهذه الوصلات يمكن الحصول عليها من بائع منتجات هايتاتشي (Hitachi) أو من أي بائع تجزئة جيد يبيع أدوات كهربائية في المنطقة التجارية بالمدينة.
Образование в области перевода
Bachelor's degree - degree in English Literature and Translation from Faculty of Foreign Languages (Al-Alsun), Ain Shams University, Egypt, in 2001
Переводческий стаж, лет: 26. Дата регистрации на Jul 2007. Член c Dec 2007.
английский => арабский (Arab Professional Translators Society) арабский => английский (Arab Professional Translators Society)
Членство в ассоциациях
World Arab Translators' Association,
Программное обеспечение
Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, DejaVu, FrameMaker, Frontpage, Indesign, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, SDLX, Trados Studio, Wordfast
Translocalize is a leading service provider in the fields of Translation, Localization, Interpreting, Editing/Proofreading, Voiceover/Subtitling, Transcription and Desktop Publishing. With more than 18 years of work experience, we offer unique services to meet our customer satisfaction at competitive rates. We have been always utilizing state of the art translation tools. It is our mission to:
Make your message intact as if it was primarily written in the target language;
Offer you very competitive rates;
Keep any and all information strictly confidential;
Stick to your instructions and be on time;
Handle urgent projects in almost all language pairs and save your time and efforts.
Why Translocalize?
Your right choice if you target to get Translation, Localization, Interpreting, Editing/Proofreading, Voiceover/Subtitling, Transcription and/or Desktop Publishing services of the highest quality, is Translocalize. Our reputation has been built on our high quality, competitive rates and punctuality. These are the good reasons for the instant increase of the base of our highly esteemed clients.
Working with hundreds of highly professional and skilled translators, localizers, interpreters and DTP specialists worldwide, we are able to professionally handle your multi-lingual projects. Our professionals are selected according to strict criteria. They should be highly qualified native speakers with ad hoc knowledge of your industry sector. Our work strategy ensures that the final deliverables will be technically, linguistically and culturally error-free. Having once used our services, we are sure that you will return to us again.
Please read below to know more about the good reasons why you should use our services.
Areas of Expertise
1. IT & Localization
A. Software
Following is a selection of notable achievements:
Co-localizing a huge SAP project, 1,500,000 lines in the fields of human resources and logistics;
Localization of dozens of documents about:
Laserfiche suite of products and services that address the enterprise-wide challenges;
Solutions that increase business productivity such as Enterprise Content Management (ECM), Enterprise Project Management (EPM), Enterprise Search, Business Intelligence, Database management, Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Business Process Management (BPM);
The software and help of Mio Digi Walker's pocket PC and mobile phone, model A700;
The software and help of MS paint.
B. Hardware
Notable achievements include localization of:
The user’s guide of LG monitor, models W1942T, W2042T and W2242T;
50,000 words about WLAN/WiMax Card, Palm Rest Assembly, ExpressCard Cable, Solid State Drive, Service Panel, Smart Card Reader, Radio Switch Board, System Board Assembly, TAA Board, LED Boards, Heatsink Assembly, Latitude ONTM Card, etc for Dell Inc.
Policies and procedures of Abu Dhabi Media Company’s IT Network and System Management, IT Department, IT Hardware Management, IT Software Management, Information Security, Administration department, communications department, marketing department and Business Continuity;
More than 40 Software and user’s Manuals of different models of Nokia phones;
Tens of questionnaires about networking, identity and access management, data protection and recovery, device and server management and virtualization for Moody's Analytics.
We have translated hundreds of patents, contracts, court reports and notes, memorandums of association and different types of agreements such as license agreements, non exclusive agreements, shareholders agreements and settlement agreements.
Our expertise in this field includes the translation of:
OoVoo ToolbarTM software plug-in license agreement for Visicom Media;
Hundreds of marriage contracts and birth & death certificates.
3. Medical
We have extensive experience in general medicine, medical equipment, clinical studies, patient information leaflets, pharmaceuticals, internal medicine and surgery
Some notable achievements:
Co-translating and editing a forensic course, more than 250,000 words,
Translation of tens of medical publications about:
Scleroderma, diabetes, high-density mapping catheter, avian flu, pandemic flu, medical care, antiviral drugs, infection control measures and vaccines and subject dosing instructions for New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services;
Some documents about cooking methods such as boiling, steam cooking, braising, roasting, grilling, glazing, etc.
6. Technical
My experience in the technical field includes:
The translation of:
More than 60,000 words in the fields of Material Flow, Logistics, Storage requirements, Procurement Procedures, Disposal of Scrap Material and Sewage treatment;
20,000 words for the University of Central Lancashire in many academic disciplines including Design & Technology, Science, Business areas and Advanced Digital Manufacturing Technologies;
Many educational courses for The Centennial University of Dubai in the fields of Accounting, E-business, Marketing and Management;
10,000 words about the ideal conditions for fostering Transformative Learning;
Tens of e-learning courses for International Computer Driving License (ICDL);
The maintenance guide of the car engine, 10,000 words;
Many documents about the life-saving vehicle technology and electronic stability control systems for Bosch Group.
Our Team & Quality Assurance
Working with hundreds of highly professional and skilled translators, interpreters localizers and DTP specialists worldwide, we are able to professionally handle your multi-lingual projects. Our translators are native speakers of the target language with suitable academic qualifications and no less than 5 years of work experience in their subject matter area(s). We seek references from their clients and check samples of their work.
Following is our criteria for quality assurance:
We accept jobs that only fit with our areas of expertise;
We assign jobs to highly professional native speakers of the target language who best suit the client's demands;
We keep in touch with the client for clarifications, if needed, and with the linguists to monitor the progress of work;
We always use CAT tools to avoid omissions or eye mistakes;
The translated file should be proofread, edited and finally checked for terminological accuracy and stylistic consistency before delivery.
Education and Qualifications
B.A Degree in English Literature and Translation, Faculty of Languages (Al-Alsun), Ain Shams University, Egypt, in 2001.
“Mr. Mahmoud Salim is a very professional and talented linguist. He is responsive, detailed and eager to assist as best as he can to offer a quality end product.” (Mirella, America)
“Mahmoud is a very reliable and professional translator with excellent writing skills. I hope to have the opportunity to collaborate with him on future projects.” (Edna, Ireland)
“Mahmoud is a good resource in our team, reliable, accurate and above all, he meets deadlines. We are pleased to have him in our team” (Federica, Canada)
“We have been receiving good quality works from Mahmoud Assayed. His performance has been found up to the mark as per our requirement.” (Chandran, India)
“Mahmoud is a very good translator, reliable and punctual. We are using his services regularly” (Ashraf, Egypt)
The references’ contact details are available on request.
My rates are negotiable according to the language pair, technicality of the material to be translated, proofread or edited, word count and the turnaround time. For a free quote, please contact me. I accept payment via PayPal, wire transfer or Skrill.
Contact Details
To get a free quote, more information about our expertise or request some of our references’ contacts, kindly pick one of the following means of communication at your convenience. We're always keen to hear from you!
Ключевые слова IT, Technology Information, Legal, Law, Constituional law, Translation, Localization, Localize, Software, Hardware. See more.IT, Technology Information, Legal, Law, Constituional law, Translation, Localization, Localize, Software, Hardware, Websites localization, Websites, Market, Marketing, Arabic translation, Automotive translation, Aviation translation, Educational courses translation, Biomedical, health, Botany, Chemistry, Child care, Civil engineering, Computer science, Information science, Computer engineering, Data processing, Desktob publishing, DTP, Electronics translation, User guides translation, user manuals translation, Ethnic and culture studies, Forensic science translation, General translation, History, Humanities, Internet, Journalism, Press translation, news agencies, Islamic studies, Nursing, Political science, Economic, Economy, Politics, Religion, Tourism, Travel, Proofreading, Editing, Trados, Adobe acrobat reader/writer, SDLX, Office 2003, Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Birth, Marriage, Divorce certificates, Expert reports, Summons & complaints, Judicial proceedings, Foreign statutes, Litigations, Diplomas, degrees, Academic transcripts, Legal agreements and contracts, Patents, Global company web sites, Books, Manuscripts, Essays, Novels, Academic or meeting documents, Thesis, Children's books, Cultural reports and studies, University documents, Magazines, Comics, Newsletters, Conferences, Speeches, Advertisements, Bid/Proposal documents, Market Research, RFQ (Requests for quotations), Commercials, Press releases, Business Processes, Codes of Conduct, White Papers, Case Studies, Tradeshows, Medical software, Product licensing, Expert reports, Diagnosis manuals, Medical prescriptions, User guides for medical staff and patients, Medical equipment, instruction manuals, Insurance claim, any medical document, internal and confidential documents, Multimedia medical applications, Global medical company web sites, New technologies, Biotechnology, Environmental engineering, Genetic Engineering, Chemical engineering, Professional investors' documents, Telecommunications, Service manuals, Technical research reports, Catalogues, Specialist press articles, Technical product specifications, Systems and Plant processes, User guides & manuals, Technical and industrial manuals, Publications, Prospectuses, MS, HP, IBM, Toshiba, Sony, Ericson, Qutel, Nokia, Sanyo, Philips, Samsung, Arabic Translation, Arabic Localization, Arabic DTP, Arabic Typesetting, Troubleshooting Guide, Egypt, Libya, Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Lebanon, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Dubai, Bahrain, Iraq, Yemen, Oman, Kuwait, Pdf, html, xml, Arabic into English, English into Arabic, literary Arabic translation, Clothing, Textiles, Conversations, Greetings, Digital camera help, Digital camera user guides, mechanicals, تكنولوجيا المعلومات، الترجمة القانونية، ترجمة القانون الدستوري، تعريب / ترجمة برامج الكمبيوتر، تعريب / ترجمة برامج الهواتف المحمولة، تعريب / ترجمة دليل مستخدم الجوال / الهاتف / المحمول، تعريب / ترجمة مواقع الويب، التسويق، الدورات التعليمية، الصحة، رعاية الطفل، الكيمياء، علم النبات، الهندسة المدنية، علوم الكمبيوتر، معالجة البيانات، برامج النشر المكتبي، ترجمة دليل المستخدم للإلكترونيات، الدراسات الثقافية، الطب الشرعي، التاريخ، العلوم الإنسانية، الإنترنت، الصحافة، ترجمة الإصدارات الصحفية، وكالات الأنباء، الدين، السياحة، السفر، التحرير، المراجعة، التقييم، ترادوس، أوفيس 2003، برنامج معالجة النصوص، برنامج الورد، برنامج إكسل، برنامج باور بوينت، شهادة الميلاد، شهادة الوفاة، قسيمة الزواج، عقد زواج، الدرجات العلمية، العقود، الاتفاقيات، عقود العمل، كتب الأطفال، المجلات العلمية، المجلات الإخبارية، الرسائل الإخبارية، البرامج الطبية، دليل المعدات الطبية، الإلكترونيات، الترجمة من اللغة الإنجليزية إلى العربية، الترجمة من اللغة العربية إلى الإنجليزية.. See less.
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