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английский => болгарский: Ultra-low temperature coefficient of capacitance (TCC) of the SrSnO3-based electrical components
Текст оригинала - английский The perovskite-structured SrSnO3 possessing steady capacitance over the temperature range between 27 °C and 300 °C in a frequency domain spanning nearly four decades has been evaluated. The samples investigated in this study were synthesized by using solid-state reaction (SSR) and self-heat-sustained (SHS) techniques. These samples were sintered at a temperature (T ) ranging between 1200 °C and 1600 °C with a soak-time (t) ranging between 2 h and 60 h. The ac immittance (impedance or admittance) measurements were conducted on these sintered bodies in the frequency range 5 Hz to 13 MHz. These ac electrical data were found to exhibit relaxation in more than one complex plane formalisms in a simultaneous manner. The magnitude of the terminal capacitance was found to be in a narrow window of 3 pF to 6 pF possessing very weak temperature dependence. Further analysis also revealed that this material system possessed low dielectric constant and ultra-low temperature coefficient of capacitance (TCC) or dielectric constant (TCK). The electrical behavior of these sintered bodies has been systematically correlated with the evolved microstructures. Plausible equivalent circuit elements were extracted using the lumped parameter/complex plane analysis (LP/CPA) and evaluated at various situations.
Перевод - болгарский Разгледана е оценка на кристална структура SrSnO3, тип перовксит, която е с постоянен капацитет в температурния обхват между 27ºС и 300ºС в честотна област, обхващаща близо четири декади. Изследваните при това проучване образци са синтезирани с помощта на техниките на твърдотелната реакция (SSR) и устойчивост на само-нагряване (SHS). Тези образци са синтеровани при температура (Т), варираща между 1200ºС и 1600ºС в продължение на 2 до 6 часа. С така синтерованите тела са извършени измервания на променливотоковия иммитанс (импеданс или пълна проводимост) в честотния диапазон от 5 Hz до 13 MHz. Оказва се, че тези променливотокови данни проявяват релаксация в повече от един формализъм за комплексна равнина по един съгласуван начин. Установява се, че стойността на крайния капацитет е в тясната граница от 3 pF до 6 pF и проявява много слаба температурна зависимост. По-нататъшният анализ също така разкрива, че този материал притежава ниска диелектрична проницаемост и изключително нисък температурен коефициент на капацитета (ТСС), респективно на диелектричната проницаемост (ТСК). Направено е систематично сравнение между електрическите свойства на тези синтеровани тела и образуваните микроструктури. С помощта на векторен анализ - съсредоточени параметри/комплекса равнина (LP/CPA) - са изведени приемливи еквивалентни схеми на елементи и са оценени при различни ситуации.
As an engineer (English Language High School, followed by Technical University - Master’s degree in Processing Automation) I have worked 7 years for a Research Institute as an Information Provider which included translations (English, Russian <-> Bulgarian). Next, I worked for a company producing electronic systems and translating/interpreting (standards, specifications, regulations, manuals, agreements, contracts, marketing, tender documents, business correspondence) was what I was doing everyday. Used to ‘Deadline: yesterday’. Total translation experience: 20+ years. Meanwhile, as a freelancer: translations for Bulgarian and foreign agencies in various fields.
Some of the documents I have translated:
Direct clients:
AutoCAD 10, User's Manual
Operation/Service Manuals of River Radar MK6217/9 (BG>EN)
Operation/Service Manual of HP-100M (Doppler radar) (BG/EN)
SMGCS (Vol. 1 + 2) – EUROCAE WG 41 REPORT ED-200 A
Draft_02 for A-SMGCS (AWOP/ICAO)
Many Data Sheets (MSDSs) for Neopact, Loctite, Kester, Terostat products
GETALIS (Consoles) - Specifications
Operating/Service Manual of a Komatzu bulldozer
Operating/Service Manuals of Caterpillar bulldozer and loader
Ultrasonic medical equipment; Non-active implants; External fixation devices; Cochlear implantation; Cochlear Baha Systems (Patient User Manual, on-going project), Patent on cancer treatment and antineoplastic therapy ((EP 02 787 763.8); Patent on a method and a device for connecting a plastic conduit and a plastic socket (EP 03 708 736.8);; OPEL DDB – 400k+ sw. Epson printer (manual); HP consumables; Coal Feeder/Coal Feeding System/Chain/Belt Conveyors (manuals), TV manuals, Tenant equipment manuals, Hitachi Excavator (2 OMs), BOBCAT equipment manuals, many manuals for equipment used in a power plant (generator/turbine, electronics), IDIS, Vestas Wind Systems (15k sw), part of Opel Insignia Service Manual (about 75k sw), part of Opel Ampera Service Manual (about 50k sw), mobile devices, plasma cutting systems, light-pulse hair removal devices,
… and many, many more…
Translator/Interpreter during the implementation of the Pilot VTMIS in Varna in 2000 (participation of HITT, The Netherlands).
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