Член ProZ.com с Dec '06

Рабочие языковые пары:
французский => английский
испанский => английский
русский => английский
немецкий => английский
английский (одноязычный)

Sara Noss
Word Power

Местное время: 10:51 GMT (GMT+0)

Родные языки: английский (Variants: UK, US) Native in английский
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7 positive reviews
Сообщение пользователя
<font color=#99099> Making eloquence and accuracy paramount</font color>
Тип членства Независимый письменный и/или устный переводчик, Identity Verified Личность удостоверена
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. View now.
Принадлежность к компании This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at ProZ.com.
Услуги Translation, Editing/proofreading, Website localization
Области специализации:
Общеразговорные темы / Переписка / ПоздравленияИдиомы / Изречения / Поговорки
Журналистикаzzz Другая тематика zzz
Литература и поэзияЖаргон


Активность в KudoZ (PRO) Очки PRO: 378, Ответов: 330, Вопросов: 56
Проекты 1 введенных проектов;    1 положительных отзывов от заказчиков;

Записи этого пользователя на Blue Board  5 отзывов

Портфолио Представленные образцы переводов: 1
Образование в области перевода Bachelor's degree - University of Exeter
Стаж Дата регистрации на ProZ.com: Jun 2002. Член ProZ.com c Dec 2006.
Дипломы французский => английский (University of Exeter, United Kingdom, verified)
русский => английский (University of Exeter, United Kingdom, verified)
Членство в ассоциациях N/A
Программное обеспечение Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word
CV/Resume CV will be submitted upon request
Кодекс профессиональной деятельности Sara Noss поддерживает ProZ.com's Профессиональный кодекс.
Биографические данные
Curriculum Vitae

Sara Noss

Address: 15 Blackbushe Close, Lordshill, Southampton, SO16 8HH
United Kingdom.
Telephone: +44(0)23 8073 7084
Skype: saranoss
ProZ Profile: http://www.proz.com/profile/36800


I am a native speaker of English with a BA (Hons) in French and Russian; I also translate from Spanish and German to English, and have been translating, proofreading, editing and transcribing on part-time basis for the last 8 years. I have forged successful, long-term collaborations with agencies and private clients (which can be verified via the WWA section in my profile). My full-time job is working with a local Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service.

One of my proudest achievements since registering on ProZ is joining the Solidarités team, a group that provides linguistic aid to this French NGO. So far, I have completed 4 projects (French-English) for them. I have also obtained a pass in Literature in Unit 2 of the IOL DipTrans in French-English.


All work will be completed to a high standard of accuracy, and presentation and confidentiality will be thoroughly respected. Deadlines are kept and no job will be undertaken if there is any doubt that these requirements cannot be met.


 Translation from French, Russian, Spanish and German into English (mother tongue)
 Editing/proofreading following UK and US style guidelines
 Transcription
 Voiceover work


 Marketing, with particular skills in producing copy for:
• Press releases.
• Voiceover texts for the beauty industry
• Customer surveys
 Current affairs
 Poetry and literature
 Culture and the Arts
 Popular culture
 History
 Academic papers
 Tourism and the leisure industries
 General business or journalistic texts
 Beauty/cosmetics


 Ongoing editing of English texts for Finnish clients for major city planning competitions, academic texts, and tourism, plus ad hoc material.
 RU/DE/FR-EN Market Research translations in the IT field.
 US Eng-UK Eng – Localisation project for a major internet service provider – ongoing for 6 years.
 RU-EN translations for high-end cosmetics and fashion brands
 FR-EN Marketing and HR texts for various agencies. Ongoing
 DE-EN/RU-EN – translations for art catalogues and artists
 Ru/De/Fr-En – Ongoing work on cultural/business/political/social themes for a Maltese agency.
 Ru-En – Recently commissioned to translate the third book in a trilogy of children’s adventure stories, after close editing work with the author on previous volumes (January-April 2009). Volume: 160,000 words. Ongoing.
 Fr/Ru/De-En – Ongoing translation of articles from high-profile European fashion magazines and journals for the Italian fashion house Bottega Veneta.
 Ru-En – Translations for an internationally renowned hair care company.
 En-En – Academic/commercial editing and proofreading for a US and Finnish agency – ongoing collaboration for 5 Years.
 Ru-En – Ongoing translation/proofreading/editing and evaluation for a Russian agency.
 Proofreading a 20,000 word project on Anglo-US relations for publication.
 Voiceover and editing services for a project enabling mobile phone users to download language specific phrasebooks onto their own mobile (cell) phones.
 3 Fr-En translation projects for a French NGO.


Please request table of rates


Broadband connection, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Adobe Acrobat, Wordfast Classic & Pro, PowerPoint.


BA (Hons) French & Russian – University of Exeter, IOL DipTrans French-English (Unit 2, Literature)

REFERENCES Further references happily supplied upon request.

Translation: Mr E Embry MPhil (University of Southampton), [email protected]
Rathana Peou, Solidarités, [email protected]
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Всего набрано баллов: 621
Баллы за ответы на вопросы PRO: 378

Основные языковые пары (PRO)
испанский => английский112
русский => английский102
французский => английский40
немецкий => английский23
Баллы в еще 1 паре >
Основные общие области (PRO)
Общественные науки13
Баллы еще в 4 областях >
Основные узкоспециальные области (PRO)
Литература и поэзия36
Общеразговорные темы / Переписка / Поздравления17
Спорт / Физкультура / Отдых14
zzz Другая тематика zzz12
Кухня / Кулинария12
Баллы еще в 20 областях >

См. все набранные баллы >
Ключевые слова French to English, Russian to English, Spanish to English, German to English, Art, Literature, Poetry, Media, Social Sciences, Cuisine. See more.French to English, Russian to English, Spanish to English, German to English, Art, Literature, Poetry, Media, Social Sciences, Cuisine, Social & Current Affairs, History, Politics, Humour, Beauty and Cosmetics, General Health, General Topics, Science, Miscellaneous, Tourism, Translation, Proofreading, Editing, Localisation, NGOs, SOLIDARITES, Human Rights, Surveys, Voice Work, Accuracy, Elegance of Style, Reliability, Deadlines Kept. See less.

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Sep 28, 2023