Рабочие языковые пары:
немецкий => испанский
английский => испанский
русский => испанский

Guillermo de la Puerta
Reliable independent Translator

Местное время: 06:18 CET (GMT+1)

Родные языки: испанский Native in испанский
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Тип членства Независимый письменный и/или устный переводчик, Identity Verified Пользователь, чья личность удостоверена
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Принадлежность к компании
Blue Board affiliation:
Услуги Translation, Interpreting, Editing/proofreading
Области специализации:
Автомобили / АвтомеханикаКомпьютеры: Системы и сети
Бизнес / Коммерция (в целом)Интернет, электронная коммерция
Еда и напиткиМеждународные организации и сотрудничество

Активность в KudoZ (PRO) Очки PRO: 817, Ответов: 327, Вопросов: 3116
Payment methods accepted PayPal
Глоссарии Alemán, ���� �����, Francés, inglés, Inglés técnico, Inglés-Esp Finanzas, INGLÉ, ruso coloquial, ruso t�cnico, Ruso- educaci�n

Стаж Переводческий стаж, лет: 24. Дата регистрации на ProZ.com: Jan 2002.
ProZ.com Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Дипломы N/A
Членство в ассоциациях N/A
Программное обеспечение Adobe Acrobat Reader, Adobe Photoshop 5.5, Autocad 13, DreamWeaver 3.0, Microsof Word, Miscrosoft Front Page, Norton Antivirus, Word, Powerpoint, QuarkXPress
URL персональной страницы http://www.etradus.com
CV/Resume испанский (DOC), английский (DOC)
Events and training
Биографические данные
computers,technical,economic,commercial issues


(April to August 2012)
Mrgtechnical s.l., Madrid
Inhouse proof-reader of Russian-English , English-Russian and Russian engineering texts and Spanish translator

(August 2009 to December 2009)
Spanish National Police Board.
In house translator English-Spanish translator of European Search and Detention Warrants, crime reports and judiciary resolutions.

(February 2008 to February 2009)
Técnicas Reunidas s.a. Engineering Company.
In house Russian- English and Russian- Spanish translator. Translation of technical documents and agreements within a reconstruction project “Reconstruction of the Khabarovsk Refinery Plant and modernisation of the hydro cracking processes”

(March 2006 to July 2007)
Alternate computers s.l., Spain
In house translator German-Spanish for Computer Science and web-site management

(June to August 2006)
Comercial Brygman s.l. (Automotive firm):
Commercial and contact person for German Firms

Translator (Russian, English, French and German), interpreter (Russian-Spanish ) and Tempus-Tacis Communitary Programm Coordinator
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)

(2001- present)
Freelance independent translator


German- Spanish: Technical, Accounting, Computer Science, Law

-Toptranslation GmbH, Hamburg, Germany, installation of shops, 8000 words
-Anne Fries, Das Lektorat, Germany, Kardex storage System, 70.000 words
-LH Servicios Informáticos S.L. Software Translation (Euro-Rechnungsdruckerei)
-LH Servicios Informáticos S.L Madrid: Software translation from German into Spanish Music Center 3.0, Garten Designer.
- Transperfect Traductions, Brussels, report of a meeting:Euro-Betriebsrat Arbed- Aceralia
-Agency Tissa S.A , Madrid: Sues
-U.N.E.D Law Faculty: articles on transfer of debts written by German Lawyers of the 19th century.
-Faust Translations, Luxembourg: technical translations of the manuals of different industrial engines: Herkules Hubtisch, WT 155 Stocko-Contact Werkzeugkopf, Sägengratautomat HSB, Viertelautomat, LTK-Messer, Reinert Gruppe, Kühlungskreisläufe.
-Eurotra s.l Galicia: Electricity
-Abacá, Madrid: manuals on engines, commercial contracts, articles on health
-Acebit GmbH, Germany: Netviewer (Software). Accounting Project: 74.000 Words
-InterTexte GmbH, Germany:Angebot und Technische Angaben über eine Betonsteinanlage
-Chalmore Language Solutions, Madrid, a technical report on the electrical installations of the Vienna Railway Station
- Imasol, Barcelona, a business plan
-Mondragon Lingua, Mondragón, Spain, Production Process description and Procedures of Mercedes Benz Cars

English-Spanish : legal, economic and commercial issues

-Spanish National University of Distance Teaching (UNED): translation of education related issues
-Madrid Chamber of Commerce (European Business Programm) Madrid.
-Cintas& Spring S.A Madrid: an article for the IMF by Carl Walsh on monetary policy.
-Faust Translations:Dynamet Sputtering System (350 pages), Topmet, Eurokids. SSV series pumps
Mondragon Lingua, Spain: Legal Agreement and Annexes between Irizar SA and DAF Trucks

Spanish-English: translation of a corporate web-site for the company "Renacimiento": www.renacimiento.com

Russian- Spanish: engineering and construction projects, oil and gas, technical texts, software, economic, commercial issues, and others

Obras Caminos y Asfaltos S.A, Galicia: Ucrainian State Rules for Construction Estimates, 25.000 words
-Mondragon Itzulpen Zerbitzua, Basque Country: gas heating devices, accounting, commercial letters, industrial devices
- Abacá, Madrid, translation of oil related articles and documents
- CPSL, Madrid, article on biochemistry
-Recursos Castellanos : on commercial issues)
-TALGO S.A: on commercial issues
-I4.SA I4: on commercial issues
-Chair of Chemistry of the University of Zaragoza (Chemistry)
-UNED,Spanish National University of Distance Teaching, Proofreading of a book on economy: "Introducción a la Economía" by Rafael Castejón,
-Janus (Russian agency of Software Localisation, Moscow): proof-reader of Kaspersky Lab Antivirus; proof-reader of Kaspersky Lab Help files)
-Tissa,s.a., Madrid:on Russian monarchy and dynasties
-TQS, Madrid: health certificates
Aabam traducciones, Madrid, Bid for a control system of public transportation

French-Spanish : technical, software, education

-Sandra Pillas, Gestionnaire de Traductions
-UNED, Tempus Tacis Project: Briefings and reports on Education and Computers
- FaustTranslations : technical documents: inverseurs, regulateurs automoteurs,filtre à air combiné, instructions d'entretien, compresseurs
- Abacá, bids for public works

Interpreter: Russian

-UNED, Facultad de Económicas
-Recursos Castellanos S.A
-Glinka Concert
-Tissa S.A, Madrid
-Jaime Caballero Abogados c/Comandante Zorita 6 , Madrid
-Cim Idiomas, Guipuzcoa

SDL Trados 2007 Suite Pro
Experience using WordFast


Experienced PC User
Knowledge of Office (Word 97 / 2000; Access; Excel, Power Point)
Experienced Internet Browser
Basic Knowledge of HTML
Website design with Dreamweaver
Course en Communication Networks, Instituto Calasanz (Madrid - España)
Ключевые слова Traducciones, Traducción, Alemán, inglés , ruso, francés, español, informática, información, comunicación. See more.Traducciones, Traducción,Alemán,inglés ,ruso,francés, español,informática,información,comunicación,agencia,agencias,software,aplicaciones,Informatik,Anwendungen,Rechner,Técnico,Máquinas, Devices,Technische Übersetzungen,Ingenieure Elektrizität,Elektrisch,Gerät,Geräte, Economía,Wirtschaft,Economics,Economy, Contabilidad, Acccounting, Rechnungswesen Editorial,Fahrzeug,Atomobile,Editoriales, Publishers,Verlag,Verlage,Comercio, Cámaras de Comercio,Handel,Prensa,Presse Periódicos,Nutrición,Nährung,Jurídico, Contratos,Verträge,Automoción,Atomotive Kaufwagen,Wagen,Mobile,Машина,Машины, Машиностроение,Торговля,Экономика,Рынок, Информатика,Компьютеры,Право,Бухгалтерия юридические переводы,Издательство,Издание,Локализация, Приспособления,Софтвер,Техника, Технические переводы,Электричество,Приборы Программное Обеспечение,Пресса,Газеты Конвейер,Конвейерные системы,Tecnical Tecnical Translations,Legal translations Commerce,Computers,Presse,Engineering,Edit Editing,Web-Sites,Conveyor systems Industrial Engines . See less.

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Feb 8, 2017