Член ProZ.com с Jun '08

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Availability today:

January 2025

Sergei Leshchinsky
ProZ.com Professional Trainer
Taking the headache away

Odessa, Odes'ka Oblast, Украина
Местное время: 13:02 EET (GMT+2)

Родные языки: русский Native in русский
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Feedback from
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33 positive reviews
(2 unidentified)

1 rating (5.00 avg. rating)

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What Sergei Leshchinsky is working on
Dec 2, 2019 (posted via ProZ.com):  Handbook: Managing Airport Firefighting Services — 150 pages, En-Ru ...more, + 9 other entries »
Тип членства Независимый переводчик и работодатель, Identity Verified Личность удостоверена
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a ProZ.com Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a ProZ.com Business member or Plus subscriber.
Принадлежность к компании
Blue Board affiliation:
Услуги Translation, Interpreting, Editing/proofreading, Website localization, Software localization, Subtitling, MT post-editing, Transcription, Training, Project management, Vendor management
Области специализации:
Экология и окружающая средаТранспорт / Транспортные средства / Грузоперевозки
Техника (в целом)Государство / Политика
Компьютеры: Системы и сетиКомпьютеры: Программное обеспечение
Компьютеры (в целом)Бизнес / Коммерция (в целом)
Маркетинг / Изучение рынковМедицина: Приборы и инструменты


All accepted currencies U. S. dollars (usd)
Активность в KudoZ (PRO) Очки PRO: 199, Ответов: 175, Вопросов: 27
Проекты 3 введенных проектов;

Payment methods accepted Карта Visa, Банковский перевод, PayPal, Skrill, Карта MasterCard, Payoneer EU Payment Service, Payoneer US Payment Service, 2CheckOut
Currencies accepted Euro (eur), U. S. dollars (usd)
Портфолио Представленные образцы переводов: 5
Глоссарии Banking, general, IT, Legal, SAP, technical
Standards / Certification(s) Notary Approved
Образование в области перевода Master's degree - ONU
Стаж Переводческий стаж, лет: 29. Дата регистрации на ProZ.com: Sep 1999. Член ProZ.com c Jun 2008.
ProZ.com Certified PRO certificate(s)
Дипломы английский => русский (Odessa State University, verified)
Членство в ассоциациях N/A
Программное обеспечение Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, AutoCAD, Helium, Idiom, MateCat, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, MetaTexis, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office Pro, Microsoft Word, OmegaT, Other CAT tool, Powerpoint, SDLX, STAR Transit, Trados Studio, Translation Workspace, Wordfast
Сообщения в форумах 2737 forum posts
Events and training
Кодекс профессиональной деятельности Sergei Leshchinsky поддерживает ProZ.com's Профессиональный кодекс (v1.1).
Биографические данные

Sergei Leshchinsky TM-Town ProfileNative Russian|Ukrainian speaker. Full-time freelance translator and private entrepreneur since 2004 (part-time since 1995). Translation Team Leader.

Core service offerings
• Translation
• Corporate terminology building
• QA
• Content review
• Cultural adaptation
• Specialized add-value operations

Professional services in the following key areas:

Business — general.
User manuals — consumer equipment (electronics, white goods), industrial equipment (power units, transmissions, machine tools).
Medical devices — general therapy, medical equipment.
Management — product quality/complexity/lifecycle management (PLM), project management, human resources management.
Information technologies — CRM, CAD, CAM, CAE, cloud storage, deduplication, network acceleration, virtualization, security software, virus protection, SAP, etc.
Legal — notary acts, memoranda, articles of association, contracts.
Environmental management and technologies — fisheries, estuaries, landscaping, wastewaters, household and other nuclear waste management.
Web content and software localizationUI, testing.
Voice and Subtitles — voice control training, voiceover, over-the-phone/skype interpreting, etc.
Military equipment.

I worked as an in-house/remote translator for various EU and USAID technical assistance projects implemented all over the CIS in environmental management, fisheries, local development, landfill management, potable water supply, wastewater management, cargo handling, traffic development.

Major end clients: World Grain Magazine, Barco, Caterpillar, General Electric, GoPro, HP, LukOil, Mettler Toledo, Microsoft, Nokia, Odessa port, Parametric Technology Corporation (PTC), Riester, SAP, Siemens, Siemens PLM Software, Sony, UkrTelecom, Yandex, Volvo, Track@Way etc.

In-house glossaries developed for Barco, Siemens PLM Software, PTC, JCI Creative Concrete Design, Inc.

My personal average pace in translation is 2,000–2,500 words a day, in proofreading/review — 8,000–10,000 words a day.
As a team, we can handle much bigger orders.

Accepted text formats: doc, docx, eps, gif, htm, idml, idt, ini, inx, jpg, mif, odt, pdf, png, po, ppt, pptx, psd, rc, rtf, sgml, tiff, tmx, ttx, txt, xliff, xls, xlsx, xlz, xml, etc.

CAT tools: MemoQ, SDL Studio (Trados), various online platforms.

For a quote, please send me the text in its entirety and any special requirements.

(When requesting a quote or placing an order, please send a clear copy of the text to be translated. If similar work has been translated in the past, I strongly suggest that you attach samples of both the original and the translated texts in order to maintain consistency. Also, if available, by including a glossary of terms with their previously translated equivalents, you will help me to ensure your translations remain consistent.) Pricing Policy I offer professional translation and transcription services at a fee agreed by you prior to any work commencement. It is assumed that you as the buyer of the above said services have reviewed the quotation and clearly understood the deliverables before effecting actual purchase of said services. If you are unsure of the deliverables, please do not hesitate to seek clarifications from me before commissioning any of the services. Quotations for on-site interpretation is based on the type of interpretation (simultaneous, sequential), number of hours, distance traveled and need for auxiliary equipment. Cancellation or Withdrawal by Client If Client cancels or withdraws any portion of the translation project prior to Translator's completion of the service(s), then, in consideration of Translator's scheduling and/or performing said service(s) Client shall pay Translator the portion of the above fee represented by the percentage of total service(s) performed. Refund Policy If Client cancels or withdraws any portion of the translation – for any reason - prior to Translator having begun performance of service(s), Client will be entitled to a complete and immediate refund of the applicable fees. Refund shall be issued in the manner of payment agreed with the Client within 30 days from the time the order was confirmed. Client’s Review of Translation Upon receipt of the translation from Translator, Client shall promptly review it, and within 5 (five) business days after receipt shall notify Translator of any requested corrections or changes. Translator shall correct, at no cost to Client, any errors made by Translator. Changes by Others Translator shall have no responsibility whatever as to any changes in the translation made by persons other than Translator. Confidentiality All knowledge and information provided by Client for translation shall be considered confidential including information regarding the business and products of Client and all such information shall remain the intellectual property of client and will be held strictly confidential by Translator, and except as expressly authorized by Client in writing, shall not be divulged or published by Translator and shall not be authorized by Translator to be divulged or published by others. Confidential information for purposes of this paragraph shall not include the following: • Information, which is or becomes available to the general public, provided the disclosure of such information did not result from a breach by Translator of this paragraph. • Terminological glossary entries compiled by Translator in the course of Translator's performance of the translation service(s) under this Agreement; provided, however, that Client and Translator may agree in writing that, upon payment by Client to Translator of an agreed-upon fee, such terminological glossary entries shall be the property of Client and shall be covered by the confidentiality provisions of this paragraph.)

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Основные языковые пары (PRO)
английский => русский185
английский => украинский10
русский => английский4
Основные общие области (PRO)
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Автомобили / Автомеханика16
Юриспруденция (в целом)16
Электроника / Электротехника16
Нефтепромысловые науки и технологии8
Фотография/Обработка изображений (и изобразительные средства)8
Бизнес / Коммерция (в целом)8
Баллы еще в 26 областях >

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Ключевые слова API, ad, advertising, agriculture, appliances, architecture, arts, assistance, AutoCAD, AutoCAD drawings. See more.API, ad, advertising, agriculture, appliances, architecture, arts, assistance, AutoCAD, AutoCAD drawings, automation, automotive, automotive industry, Barco, best rates, business, CAD, CAM, car, carbon dioxide, cargo, cargo handling, cars, cars and trucks, CAT, CAT tools, Caterpillar, certificates, chemistry, civil, communication, company, company policies, compressor, computer, computers, construction, contract, cooking, cooler, cooling system, creative, CRM, CV, development, diplomas, document, documentation, draft documentation, drawings, ECO, ecology, economics, editing, electronics, energy, engine, engineering, engineering industry, engineering mechanics, English, english russian translation, English to Russian translation, English to Russian translator, environment, equipment, EuropAid, experience, experienced, file, finance, financial, fine quality, fish, fisheries, fishery, fitting, forestry, freelancer, gears, general, geology, good quality, GPRS, GPS, guide, handbook, heat exchanger, heat-and-power engineering, heating, high quality, high quality translation, household appliances and equiupment, HR, HTML, human resources, industrial, industry, information technology, installation guide, installation manual, IT, IT technology, landfills, language, legal, licenses, literary, localization, machine, machine tools, machinery, machines, maintenance guide, maintenance instructions, maintenance manual, management, manual, manuals, manufacturing, manufacturing industry, marketing, marketing, measuring instruments, mechanical, mechanics, menu, metalcutting tools, metal-working, music, native, Nokia, occupational safety, Odessa, oil refining, operation, operation instructions, operation manual, operator guide, operator instructions, operator manual, paints, philosophy, photography, plant, PLM, polishing, port, post-editing, power, power engineering, power plant, PR, presentation, presentations, press release, pressure, price, process instrumentation, processing, product, professional translation, professionalism, profile, project, projects, proofreading, proofreading, psychology, PTC, public relations, pump, pump station, pumps, quality, quality assurance, quality control, quick service, rates, recovery, refinery, repair manual, Russia, Russian, Russian translator, safety, safety data sheet, safety data sheets, safety instructions, safety precautions, safety prescriptions, SAP, science, service, service instructions, service manual, site, sociology, software, specifications, standards, storage, study tours, subtitling, system, TACIS, technical documentation, technical expertise, technical fields, technical manual, technical translation, technical translator, technology, telecommunications, temperature, text, timber, tools, tourism, Trados, traffic, translate, translation, translator, transport, transportation, travel, truck, trucks, UK, Ukraine, UN, USA, USAID, user guide, user instructions, user manual, user's manual, valve, varnish, waste-water, water, water treatment, web site, wood, wood processing, word, англо-русский перевод, архитектура, геология, деревообработка, дизайн, инженерное дело, информационные технологии, искусство, ИТ, компьютер, компьютерная терминология, лесоводство, литературный перевод, маркетинг, наука, Одесса, переводчик, переводы, проект, проектная документация, психология, редактирование, русско-английский перевод, социология, спецификации, стандарты, строительство, субтитры, ТАСИС, Тасис, техническая помощь, технический перевод, Украина, фрилансер, экология, экономика. See less.

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